Major Changes in the new Federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices – What does this mean for traffic engineers and others?

- Federal, state and local governments united with private industry toward a single overarching goal - To annually reduce roadway fatalities until we reach the goal of Zero Deaths on Minnesota’s roadways.

WEBINAR – October 7, 2010 – 1:30-2:30 – METRO A&C

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Janelle Anderson is the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s Tort Claims and Traffic Standards Engineer in the Office of Traffic, Safety, and Technology. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of North Dakota and is a registered professional engineer. For the past 27 years she has held various positions at Mn/DOT, including Design Engineer, Pre-Design/Hydraulics Engineer, Materials Engineer, and Traffic Engineer for District 4 in west-central Minnesota. She joined Mn/DOT’s Regional Transportation Management Center (RTMC) in Roseville in September 2006 and worked as the Incident Management Engineer and MnPASS Operations manager for over 3 years. She is a member of Minnesota’s Institute of Traffic Engineers.

Strap on your seatbelt and take a ride with us in the field to see these innovations in action. This presentation will keep you in the loop and is going to be exciting as we will be touring via camera assorted installations of new traffic devices in action….the blinking stop light, municipal street signs, assorted pavement markings, J-Turn, wide pavement markings, rumbles and more!

Our anticipated audience for this is cities, counties, those in design / maintenance, the consulting business and – of course, those that use our roadways to get from one place to another.

Participation is open to the public and throughout the address, you will have the ability to type questions in the “Chat Box” that may be answered by the presenter.