Towers in the BoulevardApproved

Tel AvivRegion

Holonlocalplanning district

Local Outline Plan No. H-501

"Towers in the Boulevard"

Includingprovisions for merging and re-division without the consent of the owners

Change to Local Outline Plans H-1, H-1/3, H-1/4, H-1/4D, H-1/8, H-1/10A, H-1/15, H-300/3/C, and for detailed plans H-300, H-300/1/A

1.Name of the Plan

This plan shall be called: Outline planNo. H-501: "Towers in the Boulevard".

Change to plans:

Outline plan H-1, published to give validity in the Official Gazette No. 596 dated 23.4.58

Outline plan H-1, amendment 3, published to give validity in the Official Gazette No. 2434 dated 7.5.78

Outline plan H-1, amendment 4, published to give validity in the Official Gazette No. 2829 dated 24.6.82

Outline plan H-1, amendment 4D, published to give validity in the Official Gazette No. 3358 dated 15.7.86

Outline plan H-1, amendment 8, published to give validity in the Official Gazette No. 3683 dated 30.7.89

Outline plan H-1, amendment 10A, published to give validity in the Official Gazette No. 4252 dated 13.10.94

Outline plan H-1, amendment 15, published to give validity in the Official Gazette No. 4644 dated 17.5.98

Outline plan H-300/3/Cpublished to give validity in the Official Gazette No. 5627 dated 7.2.07

Plan No. H-300published to give validity in the Official Gazette No. 4015 dated 11.6.92

Plan No. H-300/1/Apublished to give validity in the Official Gazette No. 4000 dated 7.5.92

(hereinafter: "the Main Plan")

2.The documents of the Plan

The Plan includes:

2.110 pages of provisions in writing, (hereinafter: "the Provisions of the Plan").

2.2A drawing on a scale of 1:1250, 1:2500 (hereinafter: "the Drawing").

2.3Appendix 1: One sheet of a guiding buildingAppendix, not includingbuilding lines and the height of the building, that are binding, on a scale of 1:750, (hereinafter: "Building Appendix sheet 1").

2.4Appendix 2: One sheet of a guiding buildingAppendix, includingfundamental street cross sections and frontageson a scale of 1:500, (hereinafter: "Building Appendix sheet 2").

2.5Appendix 3: One sheet of a guiding Traffic Appendix,not including the location of entries and exits for the car park that are binding, on a scale of 1:1000, (hereinafter: "the Traffic Appendix").

2.6Appendix 4: Allocation tables and balance tablesprepared by Danos-Cohen, real estateassessor. Each of the documents of the Planconstitutes an integral part ofthe Plan in its entirety.

3.Applicability of the Plan:

This plan applies to the areas bounded by a blue line on the drawingattachedthereto, and drawn on a scale of 1:1250 and 1:2500.

4.Location of the Plan:

Region: Tel Aviv.

District: Tel Aviv - Yaffo.

City: Holon.

Neighborhood: Kiryat Ayalon.

Boundaries of the Plan:

To the north: Hahistadrut St.

To the west: Fichman and BarkatStreets.

To the east: Degania, Hankin, and Pinhas Ayalon Streets.

To the south: Plan No. H-300/3/C.

Block: 7173 Sections: 288-290, 292, 293 Sub sections: 294, 295.

Block: 6867 Sections: 6-13, 16-25, 27, 31 Sub sections: 29, 30, 32.

Block: 6868 Sections: 4-10, 16, 34-38, 41-47, 51 Sub sections: 39, 48, 50, 52, 53.

Block: 6871 Sections: 43, 44, 100-103.

5.Area of the Plan

About243 dunams.

6.Initiator of the Plan:

The local planning and building committee, Holon; 58, Weizmann St., Holon; Tel: 5027481, Fax: 5017044.

7.Owners of the land:

The HolonMunicipality, the State of Israel, the High Commissioner, the JNF, and others.

8.The author of the Plan and the planner:

Ami Shinar, Amir Man, Architects and City planners Ltd.

67, Yigal Alon St., Tel Aviv

Tel: 03-56211117, Fax: 03-5620091

9.Aims of the Plan:

Creation of a new, quality, urban residentialneighborhood, in the center of which is a green boulevard and squares, bounded by mixed uses, public and cultural institutions, by means of:

9.1Designation of an area for merging and re-division without the consent of the owners, pursuant to part C, article G, of the Law.

9.2Change of the designation from "main business center" areas A, B, C; "commercial unit in the bounds of a civil center", "area for public buildingsin the bounds of a civil center", "a reserve for public buildings", "an open private area", and "an open public area", to "a special residential area", "an open public area", "an open private area", "an area for public buildings", "an area for offices and commercial purposes", and roads.

9.3Formulation of provisions, restrictions, construction and architectural designinstructions for buildingwithin the bounds of the Plan.

9.4Formulation of provisions for the construction of pergolas in garden apartments.

9.5Designation and design of open public areas (pedestrian boulevard and squares).

9.6Widening of roads and cancellation of roads.

9.7Construction of parking basements pursuant toamendment 15 of outline plan H-1 and reduction of the coverage.

9.8Formulation of solutions for access and traffic and construction of parking basements.

9.9Determination of the heightand themaximumnumber ofbuilding for every section/plot.

9.10Formulation of provisions for development by stages.

9.11Formulation of provisions and conditions for the issue of building permits.

9.12The total building rightsin the area for residential buildings, offices, commercialpurposes and hotels are 225,005 m2 for major areas, as set forth below:

a)For residential buildings:

Determination of a total of 1,654 housing units in an above groundmajor areaof up to180,997 m2; an above groundservice areaof up to90,970 m2, and an undergroundservice areaof up to 400%.

Of these there are 586 housing units, pursuant to an approved plan, in an above groundmajor areaof up to57,155 m2 and 32,230 m2 of above groundservice area, and an undergroundservice areaof up to 400%.

b)For offices and commercial purposes:

An above groundmajor areaof up to33,958 m2, an above groundservice areaof up to 13, 787 m2, and an undergroundservice areaof up to 400%.

Of this area, for commercialpurposes:

An above groundmajor areaof up to4,200 m2, an above groundservice areaof up to2,100 m2, and an undergroundservice areaof up to 400%.

c)For hotels:

An above groundmajor areaof up to10,050 m2, an above groundservice areaof up to2000 m2, and an undergroundservice areaof up to 400%.

9.13The Plan includes provisions of a detailed plan, by virtue of which building permits may be obtained.

10.The provisions of the Plan:

10.1The area colored yellow on the drawing and outlined in orange is a "special residential area" and the following provisions apply to it:

10.1.1Purposes: in this area residential building only is permitted.

10.1.2Height of the buildings:as set forth in the table in section11.

10.1.3Building rights: as set forth in the table in section 11, and subject to a minimum size of the housing units of 90 m2 for the major area.



a)Parkingshall beunderground in full, except for section 27.
b)Up to 4 basementstoriesshall bepermitted.
c)The provisions for basements shall bepursuant to plan H-1, amendment 15, including its changes, except for the subject of the coverage, that shall be 85%.
d)If the local committee is convinced thatit is impossible to solve the problem of parking basements by means of the requiredcoverage (85%), itshall bepossible to enlarge the coverage up to 100% with the approval of the City Engineer.

Additional conditions:

a)Basements are permittedprovided that areas are guaranteed for the passage of infrastructures pursuant to the instructions of the City Engineer.

b)The level of the surface of the ceiling of the basementshall not exceed 0.8m (not including the parapet) above the sidewalk or the open public area bordering on the plot (whichever is higher) and pursuant toBuilding Appendix sheet 1.

c)It is permitted to merge basements and/or entry/exit ramps for the plots provided that an easement is registered for passageaccordingly.

d)Parking basements shall bepermittedalso under the part of the plot marked on the drawing as an open private area and pursuant to the trafficAppendix.

e)In order to permit the planting of high trees on the ceiling of the basement, a depth of 1.5m shall beguaranteed for the planting area.No flower pots that protrude above ground levelshall bepermitted.

10.1.5Architectural design provisions:

a)Staggering of frontages – In at least the three upper stories there shall bestaggering of each storey by withdrawalof at least 3m from the main frontage line in a section of at least 35% of the length of this frontage. The areas of the roofs shall serve as uncovered roof balconies. Changes shall bepermittedwith the approval of the City Engineer.
b)Finish materials – The frontages of the buildings shall be clad on all sides with natural rectangular stones. Boundary and retaining wallsshall be clad in an identical stone. It shall be permitted to use durable plaster only in small sections of the buildings, that are recessed and concealed. Laundry concealment panels shall bemade of durable and rigid materials. Changes shall bepermittedwith the approval of the City Engineer.
c)Design of the entrance floor:

The height of the story shall benot less than 4m and shall not exceed the height of a double residential story. It shall bepermitted to design an intermediate story in this story as part of the permittedservice areas, the joint activities space (that shall beregisteredin theLand Registration Office) or apartmentstore rooms for the benefit of the tenants, provided that they are attached to the apartments and registeredin theLand Registration Office.

The net height of the store rooms (from the floor to theconcreteceiling) shall not exceed 2.20m.

It shall bepermitted to locate a garden apartmentin the bounds of the story with an attached courtyard, provided that the area of the courtyard for all the tenantsshall not beless than 20% of the area of the plot (without the open private area). In no circumstances shall the residential areas exceed 50% of the area of the ground floor.

d)Permitted uses on the ground floor:

Auxiliaryinstallations for use of the building only, such as a joint tenantsstore room, a joint activities room, gas rooms, garbage room, etc., shall beconstructedas part of the coverage of the building only, on a side or rear frontage only, in a way concealed from the main entrance to the building and from theentrance from the boulevard.

e)Installations on the roof:

These shall be totally concealed by parapets of a suitable height.


It shall bepermitted to add one pergola for every garden apartment and penthouse, includingapartments in staggered buildings having a direct exit to the roof attached to the apartment, subject tothe followingconditions:

a)The pergolashall be of light construction only (wood, metal, or similar).
b)The area of the pergola shall not exceed 23 m2, and shall not exceed 50% of the area of the garden (of garden apartments, if any), or the area of the roof, whichever is less.
c)No coveringof any kindwhatsoever on the pergola, or filling between its beams, shall bepermitted.The open gap between theclosed parts shall beat least 50% of its area, divided equally throughout all the roofed area. It shall not bepermitted to construct walls for the pergola.
d)The distancebetween thepergolaand the parapet of the roof shall not beless than 1.20m in all directions. In garden apartments, the distanceshall not beless than 1.50m from the boundary of the plot in every direction.

10.1.7Land coverage:

The maximum land coverage for above groundbuildings shall not exceed 40% of the area of the plot. The remainder of the area shall be used for gardening and pedestrian paths.

10.2The area colored orange on the drawing with gray diagonal strips and outlined in orange is a "residential area within the main business center" and the following provisions apply to it:

10.2.1Purposes: This area contains residential buildings only.

10.2.2Height of the buildings:As set forth in the table in section 11.

10.2.3Building rights: As set forth in the table in section 11.

10.2.4Basements: As set forth in section 10.1.4 above and as set forth in section 15.4 below.

10.2.5Parking: As set forth in section 12 below.

10.2.6Design provisions: As for a special residential area, as set forth in section 10.1.5 above.

10.2.7Pergolas: As for a special residential area, as set forth in section 10.1.6 above.

10.3The area colored gray on the drawing is "an area for offices and commercial purposes" and the following provisions apply to it:

10.3.1Purposes: The uses permitted in this area are:

a)On the ground floor and on the gallery floor, if constructed: retail commerce, professionalservices, bank branches, food services: coffee houses, restaurants, etc.

b)In basements: parking and storage for the uses as set forth above (the areas of the store rooms shall beregisteredin the name of the owners of thecommercial areas).

c)On the floors above: offices.

d)Conversionshall bepermitted of office areas on the stories above the ground floorand the gallery (if constructed) subject tothe followingconditions:

  1. A ratio shall be fixed for conversion from offices to residentialpurposes, to be approved by the local committee.
  2. The residential areas shall be on entire floors, in the upper part of the building.
  3. A separateentranceshall beguaranteed for separateelevators, for every purpose.
  4. Separateparkingshall beallocated for every purpose.
  5. Approval of the conversionshall besubject to the BuildingAppendixapproved by the local committee.

10.3.2Height of the buildings:As set forth in the table in section 11.

10.3.3Basements: As set forth in section 10.1.4 above.

10.3.4Parking: Parkingshall bewithin the boundaries of the plots and shall be entirely underground. Parking basements shall also be permitted beneath the open private area belonging to each plot, as marked in thedrawing. Parkingshall beseparated in differententrances and in different areas for visitors and for tenants and/or for the various uses in thebuildings and pursuant to section 12 below.

10.3.5Architectural design:

a)There shall beseparationbetween theentrance for pedestrians to the officebuilding, and their entrance to the commercial floor.

b)Finish materials: As for a "special residential area" and as set forth in section 10.1.5 (b) above. Furthermore,additional cladding shall bepermittedwith the approval of the City Engineer.

c)Areas for loading/ unloading/ garbage: These shall bewithin the bounds of the plot and shall be totally concealed from the street, and shall bepursuant to the instructions of the traffic departmentand the sanitary departmentin theMunicipality.

d)Installations on the roof: These shall be totally concealed by parapets of a suitable height.

10.3.6Maximum land coverage: For the ground floor – Up to 65% of the area of the plotpermitted for construction (not including the open private area). For stories above this – up to 35% of the area of the plot (not including the open private area).

10.4The area colored green on the drawing and outlined in dark green is an "open private area" and the following provisions apply to it:

10.4.1This area, that constitutes part of the residential and office plots, shall be used at ground level for gardening, shaded installations, seating and play areas, etc. only. No constructionshall bepermitted on the ground levelapart fromthe aforesaid. The construction of parking basements for tenantsshall bepermitted under this area provided that a planting area is retained above it, of depth of 1.5m, for planting mature trees.

10.4.2Within this area easementshall bepermitted for public passage, as set forthin thedrawing.

10.4.3This area shall be gardened as an integral part of the bordering public area, and no fences shall be erected in this area between theprivate areas and the public areas or the bordering paths. This area shall bemaintained by the HolonMunicipality as an integral part of the bordering public areas.

10.5The area colored yellow on the drawing is "an area for a hotel" and the following provisions apply to it:

10.5.1Purposes: This area shall be used for hotels, student hostels, etc.

10.5.2Rights: As set forth in the table in section11.

If the hotel areas are converted into housing units, 8,370 m2 of major area shall remain for residential buildings and theservice areas shall be up to 3,348 m2.

10.5.3Height of the buildings:As set forth in the table in section 11.

10.5.4Parking: Undergroundparkingshall beconstructedunder the entire area of the plot in this area for use by the public (in addition to the parking placesrequired for the uses of the hotels). Above the parking areas paved and gardening areas shall be made with the planting of mature trees and pursuant to section 10.1.4(e). Separateparkingshall beguaranteed for tenants of the building and for thegeneral public in thebuildingstories with the approval of the traffic department in the HolonMunicipality.

10.5.5An easementshall beregistered for the public for parking/ an undergroundpassage in this plot and in the plots bordering on it, nos. 110 and 210, to be determined at the time of issue of the building permit.

10.5.6A plan shall be prepared for plot 112 as set forth in section 10.7.4.

10.6The area colored light green on the drawing is an "open public area" and the following provisions apply to it:

10.6.1Purposes: This area shall be used for gardening, shaded installations and seating areas, fountains, passage for infrastructures and small engineeringinstallations only, etc. No constructionshall bepermitted at ground level in this area, that shall also be used for permeation of above ground run-off water for all the bordering plots.

10.6.2Development of this area shall be fully coordinated with the development of the open private area that borders on it in thevarious plots.

10.6.3Within the bounds of the public square (plot 208) along Golda Meir St., there shall beconstructed an above ground/ undergroundpassage for pedestrians above/below this street, as marked schematically on the drawing, and subject to section 15. The construction of public parkingshall bepermitted beneath this square with the approval of the City Engineer.

10.6.4No above ground or undergroundparkingshall bepermittedin theopen public areaapart fromthat set forth in sections 10.6.3 and 10.6.5 below.

10.6.5Parkingshall bepermitted beneath the area of Ya'akov Cohen St. in the part of the route that has been cancelled (section 31 in block 6867), along sections 23 and 25 (in block 6867), and plot No. 119, under the followingconditions: guarantee of the option of passing municipalinfrastructures and planting tall trees pursuant to section 10.1.4(e) above, and with the approval of the City Engineer.

10.7The area colored brown on the drawing and outlined in brown is "an area for public buildings" and the following provisions apply to it:

10.7.1Purposes:Pursuant to the permittedpurposes for public buildings in outline plan H-1.

10.7.2Rights: Pursuant to the "main plan".

10.7.3Height of the buildings:Pursuant to the "main plan".

10.7.4In plots nos. 210, 112, and 211 aconstruction plan shall be prepared with the approval of the local committee.

10.7.5Underneath plot 210 public parkingshall bepermitted that shall serve both the users of this plot and those of adjacent plot 212 (Mediatech), as marked on the drawing. Until the construction of buildings on the plots in this area, publicparkingshall bepermitted at ground level as temporary use.

10.7.6Finish materials: The envelopeof the building, the paving, and thedevelopment of the public buildingsshall be done with quality rigid stone. Changes shall bepermittedwith the approval of the City Engineer.

10.7.7Details of the developmentshall bepursuant to the instructions and with the approval of the City Engineer.

10.8The area colored brown on the drawing with diagonal green stripes is a "sports area in the area of public buildings" and the following provisions apply to it:

10.8.1Purposes: This area shall be used as an open areaadjacent to the public buildings for sports, recreational, and other activities.

10.8.2Within the bounds of this area no constructionshall bepermitted other than sports facilities plots, pergolas, and shaded installations, seating areas, small engineeringinstallations, etc.

10.9The area marked on the drawing with red diagonal squares is an "easement" and the following provisions apply to it: