Burnt Oranges Inc. Board Meeting Minutes:
Date & Time: 11-23-15, 6:00pm via Conference Call
In Attendance: Jennifer, Storm, Mo, Brian & Lostboy
1. Incidents, Banning and Ejections - the 4 incidents occurring at Afterburn below were discussed, and voted on as needed. Kive provided incident reports, waivers and witness statements. There will be a phone call and/or email to ejected/banned participants.
A. Incident 1 (male 1)– Getting physical with other participants (including a board member when he was asked to calm down), disrupting another theme camp's entertainment, shoving people, and spitting beer in a female's face. Decision: Ban for 2yrswith option to appeal in 1 year, and a letter will be sent to Male 1 by Brian
B. Incident 2 (Female 1) - trespassing into participant's camps, entering their RVs & tents without permission, and repeatedly touching people after they have asked her to stop. Decision: 1 event ban. To be given notice via email or phone by Lostboy
C. Incident 3 (Male 2 & Female 2)-Male 2 was packing his things to leave, and he threw a bag at Female 2. Rangers were there to witness this, and reports were completed. Male 2 decided to leave on his own. No further action will be taken.
D. Incident 4 (Male 3 and Male 4) - Male 3 was apparently upset that Male 4 was in a tent he loaned to a female to borrow and let him know he was not welcome in there. Male 4 became agitated at Male 3's reaction, and the 2 exchanged words while Male 3 was breaking down his tent. Both say they felt threatened, and Male 3 asked Male 4 to back up. When he did not, he says he gently place his hands on Male 4's hips and pushed him backward so that he would have some personal space. We will invite Male 3 and Male 4 to share their story with the board at a meeting in January so that we can then make a decision. Jennifer to reach out to see when they will be available.
2. Lack of people to cover all volunteer shifts– we need to have clearly defined roles for everyone and defined coverage pre event – this applies to BOD as well as EC and EL (if you are trained for multiple roles then which capacity are you functioning in at what time)? - we will reach out to the volunteer coordinators to see how short we actually were for shifts, and get input on how this may be corrected if it is truly an issue.
3. TrailerDestruction– Storm's trailer was used to transport items from the storage unit to the event and back. Whoever was in charge allowed it to be damaged, left full of garbage, and parts of it were not even returned and had to be purchased in order to take the leftover items to the Orlando storage unit. Should the trailer be used again in the future, t will be under Storm's supervision, or a specific individual will be held accountable for returning it in the same condition in which it was received.
4. Center Camp–Need a more centralized location for a Center Camp, not a Tavern.Can welook into purchasing a structure?- We have decided to table this until after PH 16, as we would like to possibly form a committee to organize the building of a community center camp. What should it have? What would people like for it to include, what would be the approximate cost? Who would be responsible for putting it up and breaking it down each event?
5. Invitation prices - Since the insurance and expenses (paid security) have become higher over the last few years, the board voted to raise invitation prices. This will facilitate covering some of the increased expenses, allow us to purchase property faster to alleviate some of the current restrictions, and possibly have more money for art grants. Invites will be $85 for Preheat.
6. Monthly board meetings - the board has decided to establish monthly meetings the 1st Tuesday of every month at 6pm, which is subject to change to another date in the month depending on board members schedules. Minutes to be posted to the website prior to the next board meeting the following month. The community will be invited to submit questions, concerns and topics to be discussed at the meetings. Jennifer will have the IT team email out to all Mandarin members and past ticket holders each month on how they may email these topics to the board for discussion. It may also be pushed to social media.