Student Name: Anna Amy Date: November 19,2013

SEU Course: EDUC 2331.02

Topic: Reuse, Reduce, Recycle

Grade Level: 1st Grade

Subject: Science


Behavioral objective(s): The learner will be able to actively and interpersonally demonstrate how to apply each of these words into classroom and home life.

Tek§112.13.1 (C)identify and demonstrate how to use, conserve, and dispose of natural resources and materials such as conserving water and reuse or recycling of paper, plastic, and metal.


For the students / For the teacher
1.  Worksheet
2.  Paper / 1.  Computer with Internet access
2.  Worksheets
3.  White Board
4.  Symbol
5.  Projection Device


Introduction/Anticipatory Set/Engagement and Exploration: (< 5 min)
Science class would be starting and the teacher would say: “Does anyone know what this symbol means?”(hold up symbol) Share answers….
“Today we are going to learn the Three R’s. These three R’s are: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. I will define each term on the board….”
Reuse: to use again or more than once. Reduce: Make smaller or less in amount or size. Recycle: to convert waste into reusable materials.
Guided Practice/Exploration:
“What I’m going to have you do today is watch a YouTube video on a song about the Three R’s I want you to pay close attention to the examples that the song gives on each R word because afterwards I will be splitting you into teams to create your own songs and ways to use these Three R’s in your life”
Show video here
Check for Understanding/Explanation:
After video is over ask: “What were some of the examples this song used for Reduce…. For Recycle…. For Reuse....?”
Independent Practice/Elaboration:
Here divide the class into three teams each receiving one of the worksheets. Have each group write examples of ways to use their R word in their everyday life. After that they will create their own song they can make up a tune or use one they already know like “Twinkle, Twinkle or Row, Row, Row Your Boat.”
Closure/Evaluation: “Alright class we are going to have the Reduce Group Go…. Now Reuse….Now Recycle”
After each group has gone close by saying that from now on in the classroom they will try to incorporate these.

Planned Modifications and Differentiation: By doing this project as a group the students who are behind and did not understand the lesson I provided will have a chance to learn from their peers.

If student’s are still struggling to understand this activity or truly feel like they don’t want to participate in singing in front of the class I would offer them an alternative to write a poem about their R word instead.

Assessment of Student Learning: I will use the students songs as well as their worksheets as an assessment. Their use within the classroom everyday will be an assessment of what they learned and how these will use it in everyday life.


Page 2 of 2 Semester: Fall 2013