ABN 21 005 914 474
VICTORIA, 3162 AUSTRALIA FAX: 03 9528 6150
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Schedule of Fees and Charges for Overseas Students in the Year2018 - 2019
YearLevel / Tuition
Fees A / Tuition
Fees B / Total AU$ / Term 1 Instalment / Term2
Instalment / Term 3 Instalment
Prep / 14,100 / 84 / 14,184 / 4,728 / 5,910 / 3,546
G1 / 14,100 / 360 / 14,460 / 4,820 / 6,025 / 3,615
G2 / 14,063 / 360 / 14,423 / 4,808 / 6,010 / 3,605
G3 / 14,026 / 420 / 14,446 / 4,815 / 6,019 / 3,612
G4 / 14,026 / 420 / 14,446 / 4,815 / 6,019 / 3,612
G5 / 14,026 / 420 / 14,446 / 4,815 / 6,019 / 3,612
G6 / 14,026 / 420 / 14,446 / 4,815 / 6,019 / 3,612
G7 / 14,062 / 480 / 14,542 / 4,847 / 6,059 / 3,636
G8 / 14,062 / 600 / 14,662 / 4,887 / 6,109 / 3,666
G9 / 14,062 / 360 / 14,422 / 4,807 / 6,009 / 3,606
Other Charges
(1)Enrolment fees for non-members $500 each
(2)School Bond – Refundable when leaving from the school $500 each
Payment Date
Annual fees are invoiced in three installments and Invoices will be issuedapproximately
three weeks before payment is due.
With fees payable in advance, payments are to be made on or before following dates.
Term 1 28 April 2018
Term 2 31 August 2018
Term 3 31 January 2019
Chequepayable to: The Japanese School of Melbourne
Bank Transfer to: Bank: The Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd
BSB: 293-001
Account No.: 672149010
Account Name: The Japanese School of Melbourne
◍Please send the tuition payment form to the school. 6 Ellington Street, Caulfield South VIC 3162
Overseas Students Tuition Fees for Term 1, 2018 (April to July 2018)
授 業 料 納 入 書(GST FREE)(平成30年度1学期)
平成 年 月 日 (授業料 A:一般諸経費関係 B:教材費関係)
Student’s Name andVISA Subclass / 児童生徒氏名 日本語 / Age / Grade / Tuition fees (A & B) AUD$
Prep / 4,728
G1 / 4,820
G2 / 4,808
G3 / 4,815
G4 / 4,815
G5 / 4,815
G6 / 4,815
G7 / 4,847
G8 / 4,887
G9 / 4,807
入学金 Enrolment Fees
商工会 非会員 子女 Non-Members $500 x 人 =保護者 氏名 Parent’s name 保護者 職業 Parent’s occupation
住所 Address
メール E-mail
納入方法: Cheque payable to: The Japanese School of Melbourne
Bank Transfer to: Bank: The Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd
BSB: 293-001
Account No.: 672149010
Account Name: The Japanese School of Melbourne
◍ 授業料納入書は、学校までご送付ください。 6 Ellington Street, Caulfield South VIC 3162 Australia