The Color Purple

.Celie is regularly beaten. “Harpo asked his daddy why he beat me. Mr____ say, because she my wife.” pg.23
-the woman is ‘owned’ by the father until ‘owned’ by the husband.
.Celie is alienated for the first half of the book.
.The abuse and alienation are result of her being submissive, and it stops when she finally stands up for herself. (at least from her husband).
.Celie is the only one who seems to be passive, the other women are strong and independent.
-when Squeak comes along, she is a contrast to how much Celie has grown.
.Comes out because of the sexism in the book.
.Celie starts to make pants, which may represent the growth of her independence. In the time of the book women would not regularly wear pants and it would have been thought strange if you did, it was awkward, and so in this sense it is a gaining of equality.
.Also a result of the sexism.
.The abuse is not only physically being beaten but is also sexual because Celie is continuously raped throughout the entire novel.
.relating to above- Celie is never given a choice in the decisions of her life. She is treated as an object first form her father and then by her husband.
. “I know white people never listen to colored, period. If they do, they only listen long enough to be able to tell you what to do.” pg.196
.Celie writes to God when she is abused, but changes to writing to Nettie as she gains more confidence.
-commonly people (who don’t originally believe in Him) only turn to God when they’re in trouble, ill, depressed, etc.
.As she listens to Nettie and Shug, Celie starts to view God in not a traditional way but instead from her own perspective.
.sexism- ‘man’ is in control, ‘man’ is superior to women. (Adam and Eve)
-her abuse may have caused her to stray from the traditional beliefs, because she received no help from her church.