League Cycling Instructor Certification Seminar

Traffic Skills 101 Modules

Lesson Planning Form

For any teaching to be effective the instructor must have a plan. You will not have the time to cover everything in the Traffic Skills course syllabus in the allotted time unless you can distill the information into discreet, easy to follow lesson plans. The most common downfall for beginning instructors is becoming sidetracked because of poor planning. See the attached sample lesson plan for guidance. This plan can be adapted for different subjects and different audiences.

Set up

·  Lesson Title and Objectives

Put the module title here. Your audience is normally a mixed group of adult cyclists. Describe in your own words what the student will be able to do after the instruction is given.

·  Materials needed for the module

What kind of tools, props, handouts, instructional materials or media you will need to have at the ready. How will you use them?

·  How long should this module take?

Put down the time in minutes within which an experienced LCI should be able to teach this module.


Develop the following steps for the module using the form below

·  Why this lesson is important

Describe the purpose of the lesson; why would a student want to know this or be able to do this. Use prior knowledge or experience to focus and motivate students to learn this.

·  Step by step instructions

Break down the task or knowledge to be learned into simple, easy to understand activities or concepts. Build one step on the next. Create easy to remember ways for the student to remember the skill or information.

·  Presenting the knowledge

What are the basic concepts behind the critical understanding? Build from basic to more complex.

·  Modeling the skill: Cues

If there are skills/tasks involved in this module demonstrate the skill slowly. Connect the demonstration to the steps. Show what the skill should look like when it is performed correctly at higher levels of expected proficiency.

·  Guided practice of the skill

What class work, hand-outs, homework, group work, or individual practice will you give? How will you assess that the students have achieved the necessary skill level to progress on their own?

·  Engage the students. Check for Understanding (This should be done throughout the lesson.)

How will you determine if the student understands the concepts or the skill/task involved? How will you check to see if they know what is important?


How will you have the students summarize the knowledge or skill/task and its purpose to stimulate the pride of skill acquisition before you leave them?

Traffic Skills 101 Modules

Lesson Planning Form (Sample)

Set Up
Title / Importance / Equipment/Handouts / Time
Fitting and adjusting a bicycle / Size and fit will determine how well the rider can control the bike and the rider’s comfort particularly on a long ride. / 1.  A bicycle with a quick release seat post binder
2.  Wind trainer.
3.  String with weight / 10 minutes
Plus adjustment of student’s bike in parking lot.
1.  None
Activity / Objective: / Cues
Frame size selection and saddle height adjustment
Use photographs or video in presentation of good and bad fit and adjustment. / Students will:
1.  Learn how to select the appropriate size bike frame for their body height
2.  Learn how to adjust the bike saddle to fit their height / 1.  Straddle bike
2.  Rider should have 1-2 inches of clearance between the frame and the body when standing flat footed
3.  Place the bike on trainer
4.  On the saddle instructor should pedal backwards and show no more than 35 degrees of knee bend.
5.  Release seat post quick release and adjust the saddle height
6.  Close quick release
Saddle tilt and front to back adjustment
Use photographs or video in presentation of good and bad adjustment. / Students will:
1.  Learn how to adjust the seat tilt
2.  Learn how to adjust the front to back position of the seat
3.  Learn when these “rules” don’t work. / 1.  Show the seat adjusted horizontally. Explain how to adjust the tilt. Explain what happens if it is tilted too much up or down.
2.  Sit on the seat with cranks horizontal. Lower weight on string from tibial tuberosity and show that it should go through the center of the pedal spindle. Explain what can make it not go through the center of the spindle, i.e., crank forward configuration
Guided Practice/Student Engagement
Activity / Objective: / Cues
Testing on students’ bikes during the on-bike part of the class / Students will:
1.  Determine size and adjustment of their own bikes / 1.  Students will stand over their own bike and judge the distance between their bodies and bikes.
2.  Students will sit on the saddle and adjust the saddle height as necessary
3.  Students will judge if saddle tilt is comfortable
4.  Students will help each other check if the front to back adjustment is correct.
Activity / Objective: / Cues
Review the main adjustments for efficient pedaling / Students will:
1.  be able to repeat the three main seat adjustments. / 1.  Students will review the three main seat adjustments explaining why the are important and how they are done.

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