To: Members of the Planning Committee
A meeting of the Parish Council Planning Committee will be held on Tuesday, 8th September, 2015, at the Village Hall, Whaddon Lane, commencing at 6.30 pm. At the start of the meeting there will be an open session for members of the public to speak on any agenda item.
Marylyn Timms,
Parish Clerk
1st September, 2015
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
3. Planning Applications
15/07347/FUL and 15/07715/LBC: Mr. and Mrs Hinks, Woodcote House, 112 Church Street
Change of use of coach house to separate dwelling with single storey extension. Proposed new single storey dwelling.
15/07567/FUL: Mrs H. Betreen, 26 Cresswell Drive
Construction of decking in rear garden
15/07867/FUL: Mrs A. McAree, 12 Leventon Place
Proposed single storey extension
Planning Decisions*
15/05961/FUL: Mr. B. Porton, 31 Marshmead
Two storey side extension and single storey front extension - Approval given
*Plus any decisions received prior to the meeting
Appeal Decision
14/10916/VAR: 22 Horse Road. Appeal made by Mr. Bevan against Wiltshire Council’s decision to impose a condition stating that ‘In order to protect the amenities of nearby residential properties, the building hereby approved shall only be used for purposes incidental to the domestic use of 22 Horse Road and for no other purpose including commercial or business. The property as a whole, 22 Horse Road and the building hereby approved, shall be occupied as one dwelling unit and not severed from each other’. Appeal allowed and planning permission granted for a garage with storage/hobbies room.
Members of the Planning Committee: Mr. V. Bielecki (Chairman), Ms. P. Fisher, Mr. I. Greatwood, Mr. K. Jackson, Mr. W. Jameson, Mrs S. Sawyer, Mr. S. Uncles, Mr. R. House (substitute) and Mr. E. Clark (ex officio).