Oregon Fire District Directors Association


Riverhouse – Bend, Oregon

November 10, 2010

President Connie Barton called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m. A quorum was present.

Members Present:
Connie Barton, President
Allen Forster, Immediate Past President,
Director Position #1
Mark Kreutzer, 1st Vice President
David Jones, 2nd Vice President
Darrell King, Director Position #3
Roy Palmer, Director Position #5
Bob Reeves, Director Position #6
Don Trotter, Director Position #2 / Members Absent/Excused:
Kevin Van Dyke, Director Position #4
Genoa Ingram, OFDDA
Jacqueline Bailey, OFDDA
Mike Hansen, OFCA
Mariana Ruiz-Temple, OSGM
Kevin Pardy, Wilson-Heirgood
Randy Simpson, OSFM
Dave Gulledge, OSFM

Approval of Minutes:

The Board reviewed the minutes of the September 25, 2010 meeting.

Moved by Director Forster and seconded by Director King to approve the minutes of the September 25, 2010 meeting as amended. Motion passed.

Financial Report

Genoa Ingram reviewed the financial report including a break-out of all funds currently held in the LOSAP Trust Account. Funds in the checking account reflect 19 percent above last year at this time and total income is up seven percent.

Motion: Moved by Director Reeves and seconded by Director Forster to accept the financial report as presented. Motion passed.

Guest Reports

Oregon State Fire Marshal Chief Randy Simpson reported on the OFMA’s electronic reporting system. The free online system reporting may be used to track training, vehicle maintenance, budget, payroll, special events, and standards of coverage. He also reported on the Fire Wise program, and reminded the Board that the Gated Wye is available online or via email. Looking forward to the legislative session, Chief Simpson reported that, due to budget concerns, the legislature may go after the petroleum load fee funds to help address the budgetary downturn. Mariana Ruiz reported on the Hazard Mobilization Plan, adding that the review committee will be activated in December.

Governor’s Fire Policy Council Chief Randy Simpson and Director Reeves reported that efforts to monitor air quality on structure fires and related findings were indicating higher levels of toxins than had been anticipated. Precautionary actions include wearing masks for a longer period of time and keeping personnel further from fires.

Chief Simpson noted that due to the Council charter, the Council is not allowed to take positions on proposed legislation; however, discussion among the members had been very supportive of the OFCA sprinkler legislation.

OFCA Chief Mike Hansen provided an update on OFCA pending legislation relating to the fire sprinkler upcharge.

President’s Report President Barton announced that a Fire Summit was planned for January 4 and 5 in Salishan. One representative from each fire service organization had been asked to make a report. The Summit is being facilitated by Crosby Grindle to encourage fire service organizations to work together. President Barton thanked the Board members for their support and hard work during the past two years of her presidency. She also provided Board applications and asked Board members to distribute them to potential Board members.

Staff Report

Conference overview and Logistics Staff summarized Conference schedules and logistics noting several changes. Tim Birr will introduce all speakers but staff may need assistance with handouts. Schedules for Board Room meetings will be posted outside the Board Room. Ken Jones will miss this year’s Conference due to a family emergency. This will be the first missed Conference for Ken in over 30 years.

Strategic Plan Update There have been no significant changes since the Retreat, other than the cancer presumption study is still an issue. Staff spoke with Rob Carnahan ten days ago regarding a grant to fund further study.

2011 Legislative Session A new legislative issue has arisen in just the past few days regarding the ability to register fire apparatus. The situation came to light after Corvallis Fire attempted to register a vehicle that was purchased out of state. SDAO has asked staff to research and address. Because it is too late to have new legislation drafted, staff will work with the DMV on an amendment to address the issue.

Guide for Public Officials Staff distributed the newly released Guide for Public Officials published by the Oregon Government Ethics Commission and summarized some of the key points.

Letter of Support for Fire Service Museum Staff distributed a letter that was drafted at the request of the Board expressing support for the Museum.

Committee Reports

§  BPSST – No report submitted. Staff distributed a report from the Director of DPSST. [EXHIBIT A]

§  Insurance Program/Risk Management – Kevin Pardy provided an update on the safety workshops and asked for suggested topics and locations.

He also noted that OFDDA’s policy was up for renewal and, worst case scenario, there may be a three percent increase. It was noted that there is a charge for insuring the trailer that is owned by TVF&R that houses the casino equipment.

§  Governor’s Fire Service Policy Council President Barton noted that the report had been covered in Chief Simpson’s report.

§  Joint Conference Director Kreutzer provided an update on the number of attendees which he reported as very positive, given the economy. Director Kreutzer reviewed the highlights of the Conference program. Chief Simpson and several Board members expressed concern that the Conference was being held on the Veterans’ Day holiday.

§  NAEFO Director Kreutzer reported that the general membership meeting will be held January 15, 2011 at Clark County Public Safety Complex (next to the Clark County Fairgrounds). Cost is $25 for members, $35 for non-members. Director Kreutzer will attend a meeting of the NAEFO Conference Committee on November 19 in Las Vegas.

§  OFSOA President Barton asked Director Kreutzer to report on the OFSOA Conference. Director Kreutzer reported that there was excellent attendance, Presented awards, excellent speakers including Mike Sherman, a fire chief from California.

§  Oregon Life Safety Committee Director King reported that the Committee seemed to be developing into the clearinghouse for all fire prevention activities. The next meeting will be held the following Thursday.

§  Nominations Committee Director Kreutzer announced that, due to his commitment to NAEFO, he will decline the nomination for President of OFDDA.

§  Building Committee Director Forster reported that there had been a meeting on October 26 with Larry Goff and Fran Harris. In 2009, staff had presented a list of recommended upgrades, most of which have been completed. Remaining items include installation of the junction box by the front door, new paint and inspection of gutters. Staff had obtained one bid of $12,000 and had been told that only a lead based paint would suffice. Board members suggested that the building be double primed. Staff was instructed to get additional bids.

Motion: Moved by Director King and seconded by Director Jones to authorize staff to spend up to $200 on installation of the junction box. Staff has authority to spend up to $200 without further approval by the Board. Motion passed.

Director Kreutzer asked what preventative maintenance was conducted on a regular basis. Staff responded that routine landscaping and maintenance of heating and cooling equipment was performed on a regular basis, with roof inspections and other maintenance performed as needed.

Old Business

§  Staff Services Contract: President Barton announced that she had met with legal counsel regarding the staffing contract and there would be a meeting of the Executive Committee tomorrow.

§  Bylaw Amendments: Director Trotter reviewed proposed Bylaw changes that had been previously forwarded to the Board members.

Motion: Moved by Director King and seconded by Director Reeves that during the discussion of adoption of the Bylaw revisions during Joint Conference, that one of the Directors make a recommendation and motion from the Floor to revert to the original language in Article V, Section 4, to require only one year service of on the Board prior to nomination (eligibility) for President, First Vice President, and Second Vice President. Motion passed.


Motion: Moved by Director Reeves, seconded by Director Forster to adjourn at 3:56 p.m. Motion passed.

Genoa Ingram, OFDDA Executive Director

Oregon Fire District Directors AssociationBoard Meeting

November 10, 2010

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DPSST Update for Oregon Fire District Directors Association

Eriks Gablicks

*BPSST Fire Policy Committee to Meet in Salem*

The Fire Policy Committee of the Board on Public Safety Standards and Training will hold a regular meeting at 9:00 a.m. on November 19, 2010 at the Oregon Public Safety Academy located at 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE, Salem, Oregon. For more information please contact Julie Olsen-Fink at (503) 378-2297 or Tina Diehl at (503) 378-2254.

1. *Approve minutes from August 27, 2010 meeting

2. FPC Meeting Schedule for 2011 Discussion

3. *Standard for Technical Rescuer Professional Qualification

NFPA 1006, 2008 Edition - Proposed Revisions to OAR 259-009-0005

Review and Approve

4. *Standard for Technical Rescuer Professional Qualification

NFPA 1006, 2008 Edition - Proposed Revisions to OAR 259-009-0062

Review and Approve

5. *Revocation/Denial Case Review for Paul F. Yegge DPSST #17985

Review and Approve

6. *Revocation/Denial Case Review for Carl D. Brown DPSST #7528

Review and Approve

7. Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial – OFCA Foundation Meeting Discussion

8. Staff Update

9. The next FPC meeting is scheduled for February 23, 2011

*DPSST Hosts 2011 Winter Fire School*

DPSST is pleased to announce its annual Winter Fire School at the Oregon Public Safety Academy on February 26 and 27, 2011. More than 300 career and volunteer fire service professionals attend this annual training event with classes offered by DPSST , the National Fire Academy, and the Oregon Fire Chiefs Association.

Instructor I Distance Learning Program (16 hour class) (NFPA Instructor) (FO I) (FULL)

Vehicle Extrication (16 hour class) (FF II) (FULL)

Strategy & Tactics for Initial Company Operations (16 hour class) (FGL – FO I) (FULL)

Leadership I (16 hour class) (Maintenance)

Leadership II (16 hour class) (Maintenance)

Incident Safety Officer (16 hour class) (FGL – FO I or FO II)

Health & Safety Officer (16 hour class) (FO I or FO II)

Preparation for Initial Company Operations (16 hour class) (FGL)

Training Operations in Small Departments (16 hour class) (Maintenance)

Chief’s Toolbox 4, 5 & 6 (16 hour class) (Maintenance)

The registration form is available on our website at http://www.oregon.gov/DPSST/FT. Look for “Fire Training News” and select the “Winter Fire School 2010” link. This action will open the flyer (allowing you to select a class and register for Winter Fire School).

Fax applications to: Thelma Denney, Fire Training, (503)-378-3345, any questions? Email or call Thelma at 503-378-2408, or E-mail: .

*DPSST Offers NFA Advanced Safety Operations and Management (N822)*

DPSST is pleased to host the National Fire Academy class Advanced Safety Operations and Management (N822) at the Oregon Public Safety Academy in Salem from February 7-12, 2011. This training is available free of charge and meals and lodging will be provided as well.

This 6-day course focuses on applying the risk management model to health and safety aspects of emergency services operations, including program management, day-to-day operations, and incident safety. Content areas include firefighter and emergency services fatality and injury problem; the risk management process; safety responsibilities of department members; regulations, standards, and policies affecting emergency services safety; and appropriate documentation and recordkeeping pertaining to firefighter and emergency services health and safety.

Selection Criteria: Company-level officers, chief officers, and civilian managers who have department-level health and safety responsibilities (such as program planning and implementation), who may serve as an Incident Safety Officer, or who simply have an interest in firefighter and emergency services safety and health issues.

Registration application can be accessed at: http://www.oregon.gov/DPSST/FT/docs/Fire_Training_Application.pdf

Once you have completed the application fax it to: Thelma Denney @ Fax: 503-378-3345. If you have any questions you can call Thelma at 503-378-2408 or email

*DPSST Offers NIMS-ICS Command & General Staff Functions in Local Incident Management Teams*

DPSST is pleased to offer this training through a generous grant from Oregon Emergency Management. This 5-day course is a required pre-requisite to the FEMA Type III All Hazard position specific certification courses. Focus is on the use of the ICS in managing large-scale/complex incidents. At the end of this course, through instructor-driven lecture, class participation, active contributions to the interactive activities, and simulations, students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the Incident Command System (ICS) and the Command and General Staff functions as they affect planning and implementation of the ICS for an incident at the local level. This course provides an overview of all C & GS positions. This course is one of only two offerings in Oregon this year.

Date: December 13-17, 2010

Location: Oregon Public Safety Academy - 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE - Salem

Time: 0800-1700 daily - lunch included - Campus dorm lodging available free of charge

Dress Attire: Casual Business "No Jeans"

Cost: Free of charge

Required Pre-Requisites: This National certification course requires students have to completed the following courses prior to attending: ICS 100, 200, 700, 800 NO Exceptions are permitted to these pre-requisites.

PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED Register online at: http://fireinstructor1.com/opsa/

Information/Registration: Thelma Denney at DPSST 503-378-2408 or email

Cost is Free: Failure to attend will result in a $50.00 registration fee billed to the student's agency.

*National Firefighter Deployment System (NFDS)*

I recently represented the North American Fire Training Directors (NAFTD) and attended a three-day meeting in Washington, D.C. last month hosted by the United States Fire Administration to discuss the development of a national system that could be used to deploy trained and certified fire-rescue personnel ahead of, during, and after a large-scale incident such as Hurricane Katrina (or even larger). This would not take the place of EMAC or any state compacts but would be a tool similar to the national USAR teams that can become federal resources when needed.

At the meeting the IAFC shared information on both their Go Team and National Fire Service Intrastate Mutual Aid System (IMAS)projects, the National Emergency Managers Association shared information on EMAC, and various federal agencies from the USFA, FEMA, DHS to the US Forest Service shared overviews of their programs. State and local participants shared that many states (such as Oregon) have already developed in-state mobilization plans which may be of use instead of starting from scratch.