Meeting Minutes

Philadelphia Chapter of ACBS

Chapter Meeting –July 12th, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 7PM at The Eddington House, 2813 Hulmeville Road, Bensalem, PA.

Attendees: Members Gloria & Joe Gartner, Jeanne & Steve Ingraham, Brian & Ellen Gagnon, Janet & Al Mastales, Bill & Mary Mullin, Carmen DeLeo, Ed Ferris, Bob Meimbresse, Doug Mehring and George Hulse were in attendance.

Officers and Committee Chairs for 2016

President: Steve Ingraham

Vice-President: Bob Meimbresse

Treasurer: Joe Gartner

Secretary: Gloria Gartner

Director: Bill Carley

Director: Jack Brooks

Advertising Committee Chair: Vacant

Newsletter Editor: Brian Gagnon

Database: Brian Gagnon

Membership/Youth Development/Public Relations/Safety Chair: Steve Ingraham

Membership Retention Chair: Jack Brooks

Facebook Manager: Gloria Gartner


President: Steve Ingraham

Minutes of the meeting dated May 10th were presented for discussion. No changes were suggested by the membership. Gloria Gartner made a motion to approve the minutes. Al Mastales seconded the motion. Members unanimously approved the minutes as presented.

Treasurer: Joe Gartner

Joe Gartner gave the Treasurer’s Report for the fiscal year to date. Total cash in bank is $8,275.20 and Inventory of hats and shirts of $191.04. Our total revenue for the fiscal year to date is $3,899.40 and total expenses were $4,401.98 leaving a net loss to date $502.58. He noted that although we have a loss to date, it is much less than the loss was at this time last year and we still have the upcoming Stone Harbor and Long Level Boat Shows to recover the loss.

Brian made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Doug Mehring seconded the motion. Members unanimously approved the motion.

Secretary: Gloria Gartner

Gloria noted that she had an email from Joyce Turner of the Barnegat Chapter informing us that the Toms River Show has been cancelled. She will send an email to chapter members informing them of the cancellation.

She also informed the members that the club still has a full set of Classic Boating Magazines and asked if anyone had any ideas what we could do with them. Bill Mullin suggested that someone contact Jeff Beard of the Chesapeake Chapter because he might be interested in them. Joe Gartner volunteered to try to contact him about the collection. If all else fails, we could try eBay again.

Gloria explained to members about the Amazon Smile program. The Smile program donates ½% of member’s purchases back to the Chapter. It is no cost to members and is a way of funding the newsletter or other chapter functions. She passed out information on the program to attending members and also emailed the information to all members. It was suggested that we write up an article about the Amazon Smile Program for the Nautical Mile.

The Long Level Show will be October 1st, 2016. She noted that Doug Mehring has generously offered to give a presentation for the show. Steve will be available to photograph boats in motion on the river cruise. Brian stated that Doug gave a presentation at the ACBS headquarters and it was voted the most interesting seminar. She presented a brochure of the show, which is on our FB page as well as on the Long Level FB page.

Ellen suggested that we have a seminar for the ladies on how to back up a boat. Gloria promised to work on that.

Gloria spoke about the fact that there is a donate button on the website that enables folks to donate to our Chapter using Pay-Pal. As an experiment, this year on the Long Level Registration Form we are going to try to allow folks to pay for their registration via Pay-Pal. On another note, National Penn Bank, which is where the Chapter does banking, has been sold to BB&T. As of October, 2016, we will be required to change checking account numbers.

Nautical Mile: Brian Gagnon

Brian thanked Carmen DeLeo for his ad in the Nautical Mile as well as Bob Meimbresse for getting the Utichs Marina and his efforts with Riverside Marina. He also thanked Steve and Jeanne for their Studio 38 ad in the Nautical Mile. He further stated that John Hornsey contacted McCollister about advertising in the Nautical Mile. His business is hauling classic cars but it coincides with boat hauling. On the supporter’s side, we are in good shape.

Gloria brought up the fact that Janet and Al Mastales have sold their house and will be moving to Florida. She asked Janet if she would be willing to keep sending the post cards out for the Nautical Mile. Janet agreed to continue sending out the postcards.

Next issue is August.

Activities Committee Report:

Steve gave a report on the registrations for the Mullica River Cruise. So far there are 16 people and 7 boats. Kick-off time is 11:00AM at the Clam House on the Mullica. George Hulse questioned if someone had checked the tide because at low tide there is no water. Steve and Ed stated that the times stated should avoid low tide.

Carmen gave a report on the Stone Harbor Show. He is getting a lot of interest in the show. He brought 100 brochures with him to pass out at various businesses. A discussion took place on the awards to be distributed at the show. Chad is donating 5 plaques and we have approximately 7 on hand but we will need to order more for the show. We have traditionally ordered plaques that facilitate a picture of the boat as well as a plate with a description of the award. Joe Gartner made a motion to buy 15 plaques to put into inventory. Bob Meimbress seconded the motion.

Steve questioned whether there are any kids for youth judging. Carmen will check into that. Bob Meimbresse will be handling the youth judging this year.

A discussion took place on which members will be judging the Stone Harbor Show. It was suggested that Chad Brenner and Nick Rosa do the judging. Carmen will follow through on judging.

Bob Meimbresse noted that there is a correction to the date listed for the Cape May Flea Market. The event will take place on September 24th, 2016.

New Business.

A discussion took place about nomination of officers and directors for the 2017 year. A nominating committee was established to present a slate of officers and directors for the next meeting. The committee consists of Jack Brooks, Brian Gagnon and Steve Ingraham.

With no further business to discuss, Joe Gartner made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00PM, which was seconded by Brian Gagnon. The motion passed unanimously.

The remaining chapter meeting dates will be on the second Tuesday of the month and will take place on:

September 13th, 2016

November 8th, 2016 (Annual Meeting)