Commodity Credit Corporation
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Georgia State Office
Resource Conservation & Development – Georgia State Component
(Available Only in Georgia)
Fiscal Year 2010 Announcement of Program Funding
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 10.901
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Resource Conservation and Development program, better known as RC&D, is a unique program that helps people initiate, sponsor, plan and implement projects that will make their communities better places in which to live. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) administers the program for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. NRCS provides a coordinator, and gives other support to each RC&D area. The local councils make each RC&D area unique by defining goals and objectives to meet local needs.
APPLICATION DUE DATE AND ADDRESSES: Applications must be received in the Georgia NRCS State Office by 4:30 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (EST) on September 7, 2010. The address for the U.S. Postal Service, hand-delivered applications, or applications submitted using express mail or overnight courier service is: Jimmy Bramblett, Assistant State Conservationist - Programs, NRCS, 355 East Hancock Avenue, Mail Stop 200, Athens, GA 30601.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jimmy Bramblett, Assistant State Conservationist - Programs, NRCS, 355 East Hancock Avenue, Mail Stop 200, Athens, GA 30601. Phone (706) 546-2272; facsimile: (706)546-2120; email: ; or consult the Georgia NRCS Web site at
A. Legislative Authority
AUTHORITY: Resource Conservation and Development Program, 7 U.S.C. 1010 and 1011; 16 U.S.C. 509a-590f, 590q, and 3451-3461 (CFDA 10.901)
B. Overview
The NRCS State Office in Georgia is accepting Applications for Federal Assistance to support and stimulate new and on-going conservation activities and wise development of natural resources in support of the Resource Conservation and Development program in Georgia.
Applicants are invited to apply for grants agreements. Grant Agreements will be developed for those applications where NRCS involvement is not required. Grant agreements will be developed for those projects where the applicant indicates that significant involvement is requested from the NRCS for the success of the project. Grant agreements will include an attachment that indicates the total value of NRCS’s commitment (monetary and non-monetary). Applicants should indicate in their request whether NRCS significant involvement is needed.
C. Funding Categories
All awards are subject to the availability of funds being appropriated by Congress. It is anticipated that approximately $216,700 will be available for these projects.
Effective on the publication date of this notice, the NRCS announces the availability of up to $216,700 for RC&D in Georgia. Funds will be awarded through a statewide competitive grants process. Individual projects funded through RC&D in fiscal year 2011 may not receive more than $19,700 from NRCS. NRCS will fund single and multi-year projects, not to exceed three years. Awards will be made using grant agreements with the Georgia NRCS State Office.
The anticipated start date for awarded projects is September 30, 2010.
State and local governments and nonprofit organizations with authority to plan or carry out activities relating to resource use and development in multi-jurisdictional areas may apply for these funds.
Nonprofits having a 501(c) (3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
Small businesses
A. Matching Funds
Selected applicants may receive grants of up to 100 percent of the total project cost, not to exceed $19,700.
Pre-selection Criteria: Pre-selection criteria require that proposed projects be contained in one of Georgia’s authorized RC&D Council areas, and be included in the Council’s Annual Plan of Work.
A. How to Obtain Application Materials
All Office of Management and Budget standard forms necessary for RC&D submission are posted on the following website: An application checklist is available on the website: .
B. Application Content and Format
Applications must contain the information set forth below in order to receive consideration for a grant. Applicants should not assume prior knowledge on the part of NRCS or others as to the relative merits of the project described in the application. Applicants are encouraged to submit electronic applications or must submit two copies of the application in the following format:
PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING FOR ASSISTANCE: Applicants shall assume that awards will be made by or about September 30, 2010, and should prepare their application accordingly. Applications for assistance must include a program narrative statement of not more than 5 pages that addresses the following as a minimum:
Application Procedures
Applications for project proposals should include the following:
· Completed Standard Form (SF) 424, Application for Federal Assistance, (including SF 424A and SF 424B). Also include Dun & Bradstreet and CCR information as described above.
· Narrative description the proposed project that includes:
o Project Title of Action Item[s] in Council’s Area Plan.
o Project Dates [should match Area Plan].
o Specific Reference of Project in Council’s Area Plan [Goal number, Objective number, and Strategy number. Please include page number also].
o Specific Legislated Program Objective[s] being addressed.
o Specific NRCS Program Goal[s] being addressed.
o An Objective Statement associated with the Project.
o Specific Deliverable[s] being generated from Project
o Methodology for accomplishing Project Objective Statement.
o Description of NRCS involvement if requested
o Milestone Dates for Project Completion.
o Project Budget
o Percentage of Cost-Share from Non-NRCS Sources.
o Plan for Documenting Expenditures
· A copy of the RC&D Council’s current Area Plan,
To submit your application electronically, use the template “USDA-NRCS Application Package” for Georgia State Office. It is available on-line at instructions are attached.
Applications are to be typewritten on 8½” x 11” white paper, double spaced, and on one side only. The text of the application should be in a font no smaller than 12-point, with one-inch margins. If submitting applications for more than one project, submit a separate, complete application package for each project.
Applications must include all required forms and narrative sections described below; incomplete applications will not be considered.
1. Application Cover Sheet: Applicants must use Standard Form 424 Applications for Federal Assistance as the cover sheet for each project application. Standard Form 424 can be downloaded from
2. One-Page Abstract: A one page, single-sided, non-confidential technical summary that describes the work to be undertaken and the expected outcome and benefits. The technical summary should take into account the priorities and evaluation factors described in this solicitation.
3. Project Description: Each project must be completely and accurately described in no more than 5 pages, which must include the following:
a. Project narrative which clearly and concisely describes the proposed project and discusses the expected benefits. The project narrative should provide a clear description of the work to be undertaken and how it will be accomplished. The project narrative should detail the amount of money applied for and matching dollars provided.
b. Project background: Describe the history of, and need for, the proposed innovation. Provide evidence that the proposed innovation has been studied sufficiently to indicate a good probability for success of the project;
c. Project objectives: Be specific, using qualitative and quantitative measures to describe the project’s purpose and goals. Describe how, based upon the description of innovative conservation projects and activities provided in section I.C., the project is innovative;
d. Project methods: Describe clearly the methodology of the project and the tools or processes that will be used to implement the project;
e. Location and size of project or project area: Describe the location of the project and the relative size and scope (e.g., acres, farm types and demographics, etc.) of the project area. Provide a map;
f. Project action plan and timeline: Provide a table listing project actions, project deliverables associated with the budget, timeframes, and associated milestones through project completion;
g. Project management: Give a detailed description of how the project will be organized and managed. Include a list of key project personnel, their relevant educations or experiences, and their anticipated contributions to the project. Explain the level of participation required in the project by government and non-government entities. Identify who will participate in monitoring and evaluating the project;
h. Benefits or results expected and transferability: Identify the results and benefits to be derived from the proposed project activities. Identify project beneficiaries—for example, agricultural producers by type or region or sector; rural communities; municipalities. Explain how these entities will benefit. In addition, describe specifically how results will be documented and communicated to others via outreach activities;
i. Project evaluation: Describe the methodology or procedures to be followed to evaluate the project, determine technical feasibility, and quantify the results of the project for the final report. Grant recipients will be required to provide a written biannual report of progress, quarterly financial reports, and a final project report to NRCS. All reports will discuss project deliverables and
The Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, Section 708, limits indirect costs under grants agreements between USDA and non-profit institutions, including institutions of higher education, to fifteen percent of the total direct costs of the agreement. Section 708 authorizes an exception to the fifteen percent limit for institutions that compute indirect cost rates on similar basis for all agencies for which the Act makes appropriations. If requested, indirect costs must be justified and may not exceed the ten percent limitation or the current rate negotiated with the cognizant Federal-negotiating agency.
The applicant shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, Executive Orders and other generally applicable requirements, including those set out in 7 CFR 3015, 3016, 3017, 3018, 3019, and 3052, which will be incorporated in the agreement by reference, and such other statutory provisions as are specifically set forth in the agreement.
The applicant shall submit a certification as set forth in Appendix C to 7 CFR 3017; Certification Regarding Drug-Free Workplace Requirements.
The OMB Circulars will be incorporated by reference and made a part of each agreement awarded under this process. Applicants are encouraged to review the appropriate circulars prior to requesting federal funds. OMB circulars may be viewed on-line at Failure of an applicant to comply with any provision may be the basis for withholding payments for proper charges made by the cooperator and for termination of support.
1) Agreements with colleges and universities shall be in accordance with the following OMB circulars:
· 2 CFR 220, “Cost Principles for Educational Institutions”
· 2 CFR 215, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Other Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and Other Non-Profit Organizations
· Circular A-133, Audits of Institutions of Higher Learning and Other Non-Profit Institutions
2) Agreements with State and local governments shall be in accordance with the provisions of the following OMB circulars:
· 2 CFR 225, “Cost Principles for State and Local Governments”
· Circular A-102, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local Governments
· Circular A-133, Audits of Institutions of Higher Learning and Other Non-Profit Institutions
3) Agreements made with non-profit organizations shall be in accordance with the following OMB circulars:
· 2 CFR 230, “Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations”
· 2 CFR 215, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements With Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations
· Circular A-133, Audits of Institutions of Higher Learning and Other Non-Profit Institutions
4) Agreements with organizations other than those indicated above shall be in accordance with the basic principles of 2 CFR 215, and cost principles shall be in accordance with Part 31 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations.
4. Budget Information: Must use Standard Form (SF) 424A Budget Information Non-Construction Programs to document budget needs. SF 424A is available at
The Cost Proposal must:
a. Itemize the costs necessary for successful completion of the proposed project. Indicate the total amount (both cash and in-kind) of non-Federal matching support that will be provided to the proposed project.
b. Provide a project budget and the applicant’s request for a specific amount of Federal funds under this solicitation. The projects budget should show a summary of proposed cost for each task identified in the Technical Approach/Work Plan, as well as the matching or corresponding resources devoted to this project by the applicant, including each of the participating entities in a consortium engaged to carry out the project as proposed.
5. Certifications: All applications must include a signed Standard Form (SF) 424B –
Assurances, Non-construction Programs. SF 424B may be found at: Applicants, by signing and submitting
an application, assure and certify that they are in compliance with the following from 7 Code of
Federal Register (CFR):
a. Part 3017, Government-wide Debarment and Suspension (Non-procurement)
b. Part 3018, New Restrictions on Lobbying; and
c. Part 3021, Government-wide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Financial Assistance)
6. DUNS Number: A Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number is a unique nine-digit sequence recognized as the universal standard for identifying and keeping track of over 70 million businesses worldwide. A federal Register notice of final policy issuance (68 FR 38402) require s a DUNS number in every application (i.e., hard copy and electronic) for a grant or cooperative agreement (except applications from individuals) submitted on or after October 1, 2003. Therefore, potential applicants should verify that they have a DUNS number or take the steps needed to obtain one. For information about how to obtain a DUNS number go to or call 1-866-705-5711. Please note that the registration may take up to 14 business days to complete.