Course Syllabus: HCA 580: Internship in Health Care Administration

Fall 2016 (rev. Aug 3, 2016) (Selected Mondays)

Instructor: Terence Cunningham, MHA, FACHE, Executive Faculty / Class Number HCA580: Section 01
Course ID: 6159
Office Hours: 2:30 PM to 4PM during the weeks when classes are held. (See Section III below).
Phone: Need to call 562-430-6465 in advance for an office appointment. This is necessary to avoid conflicts with already established appointments).
Office location: SSPA Bldg. Room 027, basement, behind the elevator, near Outpost Snack Bar, lower campus
562-430-6465 / Class Time & Location: On selected Mondays, per schedule below in Section III. Classes are 7 PM- 9:45 PM, in ET room 103
Additional Contact Information:
HCA Program Administrative Coordinator: Deby McGill; ,
Telephone 562-986-5694; fax 562-985-5886

Course Prerequisites: HCA Major. For HCA 480: HCA 300, 341, and 465 and HSC 150; For HCA 580: HCA 502, 505, 510, 515, 524, 530, 535, 550;

Additional Students’ Requirements: Students must have an E-mail address and Internet access to BeachBoard. Student files submitted to the instructor’s drop box must be compatible with CSULB BeachBoard software programs, in order to be opened for reviewing and grading.

Required Textbook: 101 Careers in Healthcare Management by Leonard H. Friedman and Anthony R. Cover published by Springer Publishing Co., copyright 2013 ISBN #978-0-8261-9334-6. Course text is on reserve in the CSULB library under the instructor’s name and course)

I. Catalog Description

HCA 480 and HCA 580: A minimum of 120 hours of structured work experience in a health care organization, under the direct supervision of a preceptor-(organizational employee). Letter grade only (A-F). HCA 580 students require two additional assignments, including an organizational report and Job Search Plan. Letter grades only.

Placement Site: Students may arrange for their own healthcare related site internship experience or the instructor will try to help them find a site; a site list will be posted on Beach Board under the instructor’s course content, section titled “How to Find an HCA Internship Site.” All internship placement sites must be instructor approved and have a current affiliation agreement with CSULB before starting work.

II. Learning Objectives, Domain and Competency Table

Learning Objective / Domain / Competency / Activity (A1), Assignment (A2) or Assessment (A3) /
Provide on-the-job training and exposure to health care management activities / 5A / General business skills and management / Site specific on the job activities (A1),
Defined in Preceptor’s Learning Agreement (A2), Monthly progress report (A3).
Assist the organization to accomplish a defined task or project / 3C / Contributions to the Community (organization) and Profession / Site specific on the job activities (A1),
Defined in Learning Agreement (A2), Monthly progress report (A3).
Produce a report or other material demonstrating the student’s research, analytical and writing abilities. / 3A,1B,
(2D,4A-D,5B-H, possible, site dependent.) / Personal and Professional Accountability
Communication / E-portfolio (A1,2,3)
Promote the student’s personal and career development through interaction with the preceptor and members of the organization. / 3A
3B / Personal and Professional Accountability
Professional Development & Lifelong learning / ICE's, workshops, prof. development events (A1), required attendance, elevator speech. (A2), Reflections sheets (A3).
For HCA 580/499/599:
Health Systems and Organizations / 4A / Health Care Systems & Organizations / Organization Report ( A2)


Class #

Date 2016

/ Topic /
Class #1
Aug 22
Monday / -How to find an HCA internship site
-Cover letter preparation
and resume preparation
-Review Syllabus, BB files
-Attendance and meaningful participation
-Significant and in-depth class contributions.
-Student Contact form
-Successful internship experience
For HCA 580 only / -Prior to class meeting #1, review memos in BB course content “How to Find an HCA Internship Site”, and other memos on internship sites, the top of the course content section
-Review and become familiar with instructions posted on writing cover letters and resumes preparation, before class #1. See course content section on BB. It is strongly recommended each student bring the first draft of their own cover letter and resume to class #1 for an ungraded review and suggested edits by the instructor during class time.
- Lecture, Creating the HCA job entry level Cover Letter and Resume
-Homework Assignment (HA) #1a, Create personal entry level business cover letter and resume.
--- Bring your 1st draft copies (2) to class #2, Aug 29, for an In Class Exercise (ICE) # 2a. (this will impact participation points)
-Before class #3, Sep 18, students must visit the CSULB Writer’s Resource Lab (WRL), LAB 206. Call for an appointment, 562-985-4329 to have your draft cover letter and resume reviewed and revised. Submit the WRL verification form to the instructor’s drop box, labelled final cover letter and resume before class #3. This will be part of the HA #1a grade
---Bring 2nd draft updated CL and Resume ( this must include updates from the Writer’s Resource Lab conference) to class #3, Sep 19, for further review in ICE #3b
--- Submit HA #1a final CL and Resume to drop box (DB) for grading not later than (NLT) Sunday Sep 25
-Review course syllabus, class lectures, and assignments, rubrics, student samples, drop box, grading file, course forms, assignment deadlines, Preceptor’s contact and Learning agreement form, Instructor’s Letter to Preceptor and attachments to give to preceptor.
-Note: Students must review and become familiar with all the items posted in BB course content before each class session. This will have a bearing on points earned for class contributions.
-The signed, Sign In Log will be the basis for attendance, along with arriving on time and being involved in the full class meeting. Also, part of the points earned will be based on significant meaningful participation in class discussion and exercises.
-No points will be earned in the significant contributions category for just being in the classroom. Points can be earned for significant classroom contributions, presenting special reports related to class discussion, and use of related research citations.
-Student contact form is due NLT the first day of class #1, Aug 22, in the appropriately labelled mailbox, in instructor’s drop box. Early submissions are recommended. Be sure to fill in all the blocks.
-Student Training video on how to have successful internship.
-HA #1b Organizational Report (15 points) and HA #1c Job Search Plan ( 15 points) are due in DB NLT Sunday, Oct 30, prior to class #5. Also, bring a copy of both to class #5 to show in an ICE. Student samples and a template for both reports are posted in BB under class #1 and will also will be shown in class #1.
Aug 29 / -Syllabus review
-Rules of Conduct
-Course textbook
-Instructor’s Background
-Purpose of HCA Internship Courses
-Career Focus, Job Focus
-Review of 1st draft of cover letters and resumes
-Monthly Progress Reports
-Internship site status
-Elevator speech, career objective statement
For HCA 580, Optional Digital Resume Book
WIX Training next class / -Continue review of course syllabus
--Lecture on rules of professional conduct at Internship site and classroom
- “101 Careers in Healthcare Management”, available on-line through CSULB Library
-Review instructor’s HCA background
-Lecture on purpose, goals of HCA Internship courses
- Lecture on how to select a Personal Career Focus and job title.
-HA #2a, Career Focus Report (power point slides recommended) due in DB NLT the Sunday, Oct 9, before class #4 As part of this assignment, students must visit the Career Development Center, Brotman Hall Room 250, “Drop In Desk” between 11 AM -4:30PM , M-F, as part of this homework assignment to learn of career focus resources available at the CDC for students, and to show them your drafted career focus report. The course content section has a form titled,”Ackowledgement of Career Development Center Visit and review of your Career Focus Report. This form must accompany your Career Focus Reports submitted to the drop box.
-ICE #2a, Review of Cover letters, Resumes, group critiques (from HA #1) (Bring 2 copies of each to class). Students must update their resumes and cover letters based on feedback provided in class and from the Writer’s Resource Lab conference.
Review MPR format, rubric for grading, students samples with grades earned also posted to BB under class #2 lectures. MPR #1 due NLT Sep 25; MPR # 2 due NLT Oct 30; MPR #3 due NLT Nov 27. If 120 hours are completed prior to when MPR #2 is due, MPR #2 and 3 can be combined as a blended grade but with double the meaningful discussion. Alert the instructor you want MPR #2 and #3 combined. Plan ahead with your preceptor to obtain their signature and submit early if the preceptor will be on holiday when the MPR is due. If the preceptor has not signed the MPR, turn it in on time, and later follow up with a signed MPR. You must meet these due dates
-Internship site status
-Lecture, Developing the elevator/ COS speeches
-ICE #2a Practice elevator speeches
Discuss elective option to submit resumes to Digital Resume Book. Final digital resume is due in drop box NLT Oct 10
-Bring laptop computer to class #3 for WIX e-portfolio training
Sep 19 / -E-Portfolio training (bring lap top computer to class)
-Career objective statement videos
-Guest Speaker (possibly)
-CL, resumes
For HCA 580 only
-Internship Site
Status, Barriers / - Lecture and training on creating a personal e-portfolio. (WIX format)
-HA #3a, Create a personal e-portfolio report, submit to DB NLT Nov 27 Also, present in class # 6, Nov 28 or earlier.
-Lecture, training on creating career objective statement videos
-HA #3b, Create personal career objective statement video, submit to DB NLT Nov 27. Also present in class #6, Nov 28 or earlier.
-Possible guest speaker, Health Care Careers
- ICE #3b Review of 2nd draft updated Cover letter and Resume with small groups and instructor. (see HA #1a). Your visit to the CSULB Writer’s Resource Lab should have already been completed and your CL and resume updated..
-HA #1a, Final Cover letter and Resume due NLT Sep 25, in DB for grading.
Discuss elective option for HCA 580 students to submit resumes to Digital Resume Book. Obtain signed publication permits. Draft due in class #4 for 1-on-1 review. Final digital resume due in second HCA 481 drop box NLT Friday after class #4.
-Discuss barriers at site, difficult problems to resolve at site
-Body Language
-Professional Etiquette,
-Different work expectations, biases between age generations
-End of Semester TelCon, Stu-Precep-Instr.
-Guest speaker, Professional Dress,
--Elevator speeches, networking events
-Internship site activities, projects
-MPR #2 due NLT Oct 30 / -Dress as if coming to an important job interview. See dress rubric posted in class content Class #4
-Lecture on handshaking, posture, body language answering sensitive questions, dealing with shyness.
-Lecture on etiquette (general, web, phone)
-Lecture on differences between age generations, dealing with biases, expectations, the impact on getting and keeping the job.
-Lecture on how to anticipate and provide answers in light of generational differences
-HA #4a, Conduct Telcon w/Preceptor-Instructor-Student together, due by phone NLT Nov 30. TelCons can start whenever you have at least 100 hours accumulated. (Plan in advance, schedule early. Unavailability of preceptor at the last minute will not earn the student points)-
-Lecture on Professional Dress, See dress Rubric in content
-ICE # 4a Peer Critique on Professional Dress, All will participate in a fashion walk
-Lecture on Volunteerism as Work Experience
-ICE #4b Practice elevator speeches with a clear job objective
- ICE # 4, Each student discusses at least one significant
new skill learned at their internship site.
Oct 31 / -Guest speaker, Health Care Careers,
Professional meetings, educational events, conveying skills
-The Interview Process objective statement video
-Site status
-MPR #3 due NLT Nov 27
-E-Portfolio and COS due NLT Nov 27 in DB / -Identifying job related keywords and skills, how to prepare for interviewing, resume preparation
-ICE #5a Reflections on Health Careers guest speaker
--Lecture on conveying skills at professional association meetings, educational lecture events.
-Lecture on how to prepare for an job interview
-300 HC Interview questions
-ICE# 5 b, Practice interviewing the instructor ,role playing a HCA 480 student starting to look for a job.
-ICE #5c, Lessons learned at internship site
- HA #5, Feedback on Course topics recommendations, and Satisfaction with Site for HCA Internship, due in Drop box NLT Nov 27, Sunday prior to class #6. Also bring a copy to class for an ICE in class #6
-MPR #3
-Be sure to give instructor electronic permission to open these documents in the DB
Nov 28 / -e-Portfolio and career objective statement video presentations
Course Topics and site Satisfaction Feedback Survey
- Site status
Preceptor’s evaluation
Elevator speeches / -E-portfolio and career objective statement video are due in DB NLT Nov 27. Be sure to give instructor permission to open these documents. Also, presentations in class #6, Nov 28 (see HA #3a and HA# 3b). Presentations of E -Portfolio and COS video in small groups.
Have these loaded on your laptop computers and bring to class to show in small groups as ICE. #6
--ICE #6b Feedback on course topics and site satisfaction
ICE # 6b, Each Student discusses at least one barrier at site and the suggested resolution, Internship hours accumulated, need for an Incomplete grade
- End of Semester Evaluation by Preceptor Due NLT Sunday Dec 4
-Practice elevator speeches with instructor
Dec 5 / -Second semester HCA internship topics overview
-Guest speaker(s), Health Care Careers
- Surprises, lessons learned at Internship Site / -Overview HCA 481 topics, continuation at same site for internship
-Guest Speaker, former successful HCA graduate, on next steps in HCA 481 and how to start to seriously interviewing
-ICE #7c, Surprises, lessons learned at internship site.
LAST DAY any assignments will be accepted. (The only exception if you received an approval for an Incomplete Grade, then MPR #3 and the preceptor’s evaluation is turned in once 120 hours have been accumulated.)
-Let instructor know again if you took HCA 480 and 481 together this semester)
-Signed documentation by preceptor that 120 hours or more have been completed. This can be done on MPR #3 if annotated and signed
-Request for Incomplete Grade form, if applicable

-Scheduled Items, assignments, speaker availability, due dates are subject to change depending on class size, and other factors. Guest speakers are proposed, not confirmed. Edits to syllabi will be announced in class and posted on a revised syllabi posted on BB Content section.