Year 3 Curriculum Plan 2011-12
Integrated Units / Term 1 (7 weeks)Bright Sparks / Term 2 (7 weeks)
Ancient Egyptians
Egyptian day / Term 3 (7 weeks)
A Taste of India
Indian dance workshop / Term 4 (6weeks)
The Games Children Play
DVD ‘Riverdance’
Visiting speakers / Term 5 (5 weeks)
Creepy Crawlies
DVD ‘A Bug’s Life’
Local allotment visit / Term 6 (7 weeks)
Town Planners
Local area visits
Visiting speakers (older residents of local area)
Literacy / Unit 1: Stories with familiar settings.
Unit 5: Dialogue and Plays.
Unit 1: Reports.
Unit 2: Instructions. / Unit 2: Myths and Legends.
Unit 3: Adventure and Mystery.
Unit 2: Shape Poetry and Calligrams.
Unit 3: Information Text. / Unit 2: Fables (Myths and Legends).
Unit 5: Dialogue and Plays.
Unit 2: Instructions. / Unit 1: Poems to Perform.
Unit 3: Adventure and Mystery.
Unit 4: Authors and Letters. / Unit 5: Dialogue and Plays.
Unit 3: Information Text.
Unit 3: Language Play. / Unit 4: Letters.
Unit 1: Reports.
Unit 3: Information Text.
Unit 3: Language Play.
Science / Electrical conductors.
Circuits (lighting a bulb, circuit diagrams).
Magnetic materials.
Static electricity. / Germinating and growing.
Moving heavy objects. / Pushes and pulls.
Measuring forces.
Air resistance. / Science investigations: Disappearing dots.
Senseless skin.
Twisting tongues. / Plants/animals comparison.
Plant growth.
Seed dispersal.
Life cycles.
Food chains. / Investigating materials – rocks and soils.
Soil investigation.
Testing rocks.
ICT / Internet Safety (Hector’s World). / Word Processing (Egyptian leaflet). / Unit 3B Manipulating Sound (Music link). / Unit 3C Introduction to Databases. / Unit 3D Exploring Simulations. / E-mailing.
History / Egyptian day.
Research – food, clothing, beliefs. / Games from the past (visiting speaker, research). / How the local area has changed.
Talk by older resident.
Local old maps.
Geography / Thunderstorms – climates in other countries. / Locating Egypt on world map.
Landscapes, climate, features (River Nile / Locating India on a world map.
Village life, population, main features. / Games around the world. / Creating a map of an imaginary settlement (using book ‘Window’ by Jeannie Barker).
Changing landscape.
Map work – keys, grid references.
Art / Sketching.
Observational drawings.
Use of pastels. / Mehndi hand patterns.
Printing to create different textures. / Quick figure sketching.
Quick life drawing.
Create class version of ‘Children’s Games’ painting. / Landscapes/Collage (creating a fantasy window). Observational skills.
DT / Houses, furniture. / Egyptian food and jewellery.
Design and make a sarcophagus and mummy. / Puppets (tube, rod, string) – create characters from story of Rama and Sita. / Group sculptures.
RE / Why is Jesus an inspirational leader for some people? / What matters most to Christians and Humanists? / Hinduism (part 1).
Light and Dark. / Unit 1 The Church Year. / Hinduism (part 2). / Parables.
Music (Music Express scheme). / Animal Magic. / Play It Again. / The Class Orchestra. / Salt, Pepper, Vinegar, Mustard. / Painting With Sound. / Dragon Scales.
PE/Gym / Unit L Stretching/Curling 2. / Unit M Symmetry/Asymmetry. / Unit N Pathways 2.
PE/Dance / Val Sabin Unit 1.
Who Am I? / Individual and group work linked to ‘Children’s Games’ painting. / Val Sabin Unit 4 Mechanical Progress Dance 6
Human Engine Dance 7
PE/Games / Unit 1 Ball Skills, Passing and Receiving. / Unit 3 Net/Wall Games. / Unit 4 Striking/Fielding Games. / Unit 2 Creative / Making Games. / Athletics. / Athletics.
French / Lessons 1-5.
Colours, letters. / Lessons 6-10.
Names, numbers. / Lessons 11-15.
New Year traditions, songs. / Lessons 16-20.
Phrases. / Lessons 21-25.
Names of clothes, counting. / Lessons 26-30.
PSHE / Rules and Responsibilities (ICT link). / Tolerances of differences. / Different points of view. / Playground Games. / Effects of Tobacco and Alcohol as drugs (link to Life Education Bus). / Importance of friendships.