Safeguarding Questionnaire for Children September 2011

·  What is Safeguarding?

Keeping yourself and others safe

Recognising dangers e.g. e-safety, cyberbullying, social networks, in play areas, at home, at school, on the streets, road safety, firework safety etc.

·  Who is the Designated Senior Person (DSP) for Safeguarding at Healey School?

The Headteacher Mrs Kavanagh

·  Who is the Deputy Designated Senior Person (DDSP) for Safeguarding at Healey School?

The Community Support Officer Mrs Garforth

·  When/where do you learn about Safeguarding?

Circle time, PSHCE, Assemblies, Visitors to school, In class lessons e.g. Science/PE

·  How do you know that you feel Safe?

I feel happy, contented, positive, encouraged, proud, good and loved. I have someone to talk to if I feel worried or upset.

·  How do you know that you are unsafe?

Funny feelings in your tummy, butterflies, you can see it in their eyes, different, sad, worried, being watched, scared, scary sounds

·  What should you do if you feel unsafe?

TELL SOMEONE! An adult that you trust, a friend that you can rely on, write a note and post it in the worry box, contact Childline – when appropriate e.g. school holidays, when your too scared to tell anybody that you know

·  What should you do if you know of someone else who is unsafe?

TELL SOMEONE! An adult that you trust, a friend that you can rely on, write a note and post it in the worry box, contact Childline – when appropriate e.g. school holidays, when your too scared to tell anybody that you know

·  What do you do if you see an adult in school that you don’t know?

All adults in school should have an ID badge (these are display in the hall) If they do not have an ID badge, report it to an adult in school immediately

·  What can Healey School do now to improve Safeguarding even further?

·  What will happen if you tell somebody that either you/or someone you know are unsafe?

We are here to support everybody so that families can live together safely and happily ever after.