Perspectives Performance Task

Perspective: a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; true understanding of the

relative importance of things

GOAL: You will be able to explain the three essential/self-test questions in detail based on your project selection.


1.  What contributes to the forming of a perspective? Think about what structures, patterns and contributions, contribute to perspectives.

2.  How do contributions, patterns, and structure affect a person’s perspectives? Think about how perspectives can be changed through the analysis and evaluation of evidence.

3.  How can the evolution of a person’s perspective affect future changes? Think about how outcomes can change as perspectives change.

Hand out date: April 2nd Final Due: May 29th

Choose ONE of the following options:


In history, women have fulfilled many roles in society. Explore the roles that women have played in history and analyze how these roles may or may not have changed over time (Ex. the workplace, voting, family life, etc.) Are roles different in various cultures? (Ex. Middle Eastern vs. Western Civilizations, Chinese culture vs. American culture, etc.) Feel free to create your own ideas about women throughout history.

You may represent your information in any way you would like such as a poster, a PowerPoint, a Notebook file, or your own choice.

A.  Provide detailed information about the topic.
B.  Discuss contrasting perspectives; explain how they are different and may or may not have changed over time.
C.  Discuss your opinion and explain your perspective on the roles and/or changes.
D.  What can you infer or conclude about the perspectives?

Read through the rubric to make sure your project is accurate and complete. Remember-This is a research project so you must include notes and sources. While you read from books or the Internet, write down notes that you will use to create your own work. This will prevent plagiarism and copying work directly from websites and books.

Have fun with it! Use your rubric to demonstrate everything you have learned over the course of this unit.

Be prepared to share your work with your peers. We will discuss how this will be done in class. It may be via a gallery walk or you may present your project to the class. This will be decided prior to the rough draft due date.

Be sure to include your notes with your project as well as your research.

2. PERSONAL BELIEFS *****(Prior Teacher Approval Needed)*****

You may consider topics such as:

• family dinner

• texting and driving

• daily homework

• school uniforms

• cellphones in school

Your presentation may be presented in any way that you would like. You may write a well-written essay, a PowerPoint, or Notebook file, etc. Be as creative as you can.

Include multiple perspectives (counterarguments) as well as your own.

A.  Research a topic that represents a topic within your belief system.
B.  In your research, examine a topic with a variety of perspectives.
C.  Collect evidence from multiple sources identifying the contributions, patterns, and structures.
D.  Summarize the various perspectives on your topic; analyze the knowledge you have gained from the other perspectives, and address how your perspective has changed or remained the same after much research.

Read through the rubric to make sure your project is accurate and complete. Remember-This is a research project so you must include notes and sources. While you read from books or the Internet, write down notes that you will use to create your own work. This will prevent plagiarism and copying work directly from websites and books.

Have fun with it! Use your rubric to demonstrate everything you have learned over the course of this unit.

Be prepared to share your work with your peers. We will discuss how this will be done in class. It may be via a gallery walk or you may present your project to the class. This will be decided prior to the rough draft due date.

Be sure to include your notes with your project as well as your research

3. PERSPECTIVES ON (fill in a class of your choice)

Interview two very different classmates (one who enjoys ____ and one who doesn’t) about their experiences in ______class.

Sample questions: (You will need to create many more questions of your own!)

• Why do you like/dislike _____ class?

• What makes it easy to learn in the class?

• What makes learning in the class not work?

• What would make the class better/not better for you?

• Why are you successful/not successful in the class?

• What contributes to your like/dislike of _____ and of the class?

A.  Compare the perspectives by summarizing and evaluating contributions, patterns, and structures each classmate revealed. What are strategies that the teacher uses that makes it easy to learn for one student, but may not be good for others?
B.  Based on your research, do kids who are visual learners tend to like math more, etc.?
C.  Create a proposal for the teacher that would help to change the perspective of the student who dislikes ______and explain the implications it would have on him/her.
D.  Also, explain why examining each student’s perspective was a valuable tool.
E.  What effects did the process have on you?

You may present your project in any way that you would like and makes sense for you.

This is a research project and should be worked on throughout the marking period. REMEMBER: REFER TO THE RUBRIC! You will need to research information about why a student may or may not like certain classes.

Be prepared to share your work with your peers. We will discuss how this will be done in class. It may be via a gallery walk or you may present your project to the class. This will be decided prior to the rough draft due date.


Research the space program from its conception. Examine the importance the space program has played in our nation. The response must include details that support your idea. You may represent your information in any way you would like.

A.  Create a project that explains how the nation’s perspective about the space program has changed over time.
B.  Discuss what contributed to the changes, the patterns of change, and how society’s structures may have played into these changes.
C.  Your final presentation will should also include a visual of some sort such as a poster, a PowerPoint, etc. showing the changes in the space program. Organization is important in the development of this project.
D.  Check your work for correct chronological order.

Read through the rubric to make sure your project is accurate and complete. Remember-This is a research project so you must include notes and sources. While you read from books or the Internet, write down notes that you will use to create your own work. This will prevent plagiarism and copying work directly from websites and books.

Have fun with it! Use your rubric to demonstrate everything you have learned over the course of this unit.

Be prepared to share your work with your peers. We will discuss how this will be done in class. It may be via a gallery walk or you may present your project to the class. This will be decided prior to the rough draft due date.

Be sure to include your notes with your project as well as your research


Compare two advertisements on smoking. One from pre-1970’s and one after the 1990’s. The response must include details that support your idea. You may represent your information in any way you would like.

A.  Research how the perspective on smoking evolved or changed since pre-1970.
B.  Display examples of both ads and discuss the ads.
C.  Represent various perspectives and examples of how people may interpret the ads.
●  You could cut out pictures of kids, health workers, and others and attach speech bubbles that represent the different perspectives.
●  Consider the varying perspectives for children, teens, doctors, cancer survivors, etc.
D.  You should show perspectives for both the pre-1970’s and post 1990’s ads.
E.  Be sure to include statistical information on smoking, types of smoking and health risks in your report.
F.  What can you infer or conclude about the perspectives on smoking?

Read through the rubric to make sure your project is accurate and complete. Remember-This is a research project so you must include notes and sources. While you read from books or the Internet, write down notes that you will use to create your own work. This will prevent plagiarism and copying work directly from websites and books.

Have fun with it! Use your rubric to demonstrate everything you have learned over the course of this unit.

Be prepared to share your work with your peers. We will discuss how this will be done in class. It may be via a gallery walk or you may present your project to the class. This will be decided prior to the rough draft due date.

Be sure to include your notes with your project as well as your research.


Research the ancient civilization that you feel made the greatest impact on culture. Using evidence, argue why this civilization is the greatest throughout all history.

The response must include details that support your idea and you may represent your information in any way you would like.

A.  Identify an ancient civilization whose contributions have had long-term impacts on government and culture over time.
B.  Explain why you believe it made the greatest impact. What are your supporting details?
C.  Discuss countering perspectives. What other cultures have made great impact on government and culture?
D.  What can you infer or conclude about the perspective on your ancient civilization?

Read through the rubric to make sure your project is accurate and complete. Remember-This is a research project so you must include notes and sources. While you read from books or the Internet, write down notes that you will use to create your own work. This will prevent plagiarism and copying work directly from websites and books. Try to write your work from notes. Remember to use good researching skills and avoid sites that are not reliable. You must back up your opinion with hard data.

Have fun with it! Use your rubric to demonstrate everything you have learned over the course of this unit.

Be prepared to share your work with your peers. We will discuss how this will be done in class. It may be via a gallery walk or you may present your project to the class. This will be decided prior to the rough draft due date.

Be sure to include your notes with your project as well as your research.


You may select any topic you choose to use for your project and display it in anyway that you choose. You must conference with the teacher in order to stay on the right track. You must still respond to the three essential/self-test questions and use the rubric.

1.  What contributes to the forming of a perspective? Think about what structures, patterns and contributions, contribute to perspectives.

2.  How do contributions, patterns, and structure affect a person’s perspectives? Think about how perspectives can be changed through the analysis and evaluation of evidence.

3.  How can the evolution of a person’s perspective affect future changes? Think about how outcomes can change as perspectives change.