Mark your calendars!
And plan to join us in Julyfor the 2015STYSA SummerSoccer Expo and Governing Board Meetingin Houston! This event will kickoff with a Vendor Reception Friday night. Saturday will feature the Soccer Expo Vendor Show,a Coaching Clinic, Coaching Demonstrations, Referee Workshops, as well as arevamped slate ofinformative workshops targeted at parents, team andclub officials, administrators, coaches, referees and soccer enthusiasts from all over South Texas and the surrounding area. Representatives from all 29 South Texas Youth Soccer Association Member associations and many local clubs will be in attendancefor meetings and workshops.
Date:July 17-19,2015
Location:Marriott Hotel
2900 Briarpark Drive
Houston, TX 77042
Advance paid registration is required to guarantee space. Each booth will utilize 10’ x 10’ pipe and draped booths. Each booth will be provided with a pipe and drape divider, one identification sign, one 6’ skirted table and chair. Additional tables and electricity are available for a small fee. SPACE IS AVAILABLE ON A FIRST PAID, FIRST SERVED BASIS. Every effort is made to assign booth space that will not be in conflict with like businesses and to accommodate your exhibit design. All spaces for this show will receive the maximum exposure to the guests. All exhibit areas must be manned by at least one person for the duration of the show and should not be dismantled until the vendor show closes.
- Special hotel room rate
- Friday Afternoon Set-up
- STYSA Shootout E-News Letter Exposure
- Name Tags (up to 4 per booth)
- Friday Night Hospitality Event
- Lunch Tickets to the STYSA Awards Luncheon on Saturday
- Free hyperlink on the 2015Summer GBM web page
- Recognition in the 2015Summer Delegate Binder
The following schedule is tentative and will be confirmed closer to the event
Friday, July 17, 2015
4:00 pm – Vendor Registration and Set-up
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm “Meet & Greet” for vendors and attendees
Saturday, July 18, 2015
8:00 am – Continental Breakfast Service & Vendor Show Opens
4:00pm – Vendor Show Closes & Breakdown
If you require hotel accommodations for Friday and/or Saturday night, contact the:
Marriott Hotel
Reference our group: STX Soccer GBM 2015
The undersigned Company does hereby make application to participate as an Exhibitor at STYSA’s 2015Summer Soccer Expo and Governing Board Meetingin Houston, TX. This will be a binding contract when accepted by STYSA. It is understood that specific booths will be available based upon a FIRST PAID, FIRST SERVEDBASIS.
Your registration fee will include: a piped and draped booth, one draped table, business booth sign and recognition in theSTYSA Shootout e-newsletter, the 2015SummerGBM Delegate Binderand STYSA’s 2015SummerGBM web page.
Please complete this form(and the following page) and faxthe entire form to South Texas Youth Soccer Association at (512) 272-5167. Mail the original form to South Texas Youth Soccer Association,15209 Highway 290 East, Manor TX 78653 with your check made payable to South Texas Youth Soccer Association. Please include a current business card.
BOOTH RATES: (PLEASE CHECK ALL DESIRED ITEMS.)Early-bird Discount (before June 30, 2015) / Regular Rate (after June 30, 2015)
_____Single booth, $350.00 / _____Single booth, $400.00
_____Double booth, $600.00 / _____Double booth, $650.00
_____Triple booth, $800.00
_____Electrical hook-up, $50.00 / _____Triple booth, $850.00
Promotional Opportunities:
_____Promotional Items for VIP bags (150 count), with booth space – FREE (for vendors); without booth space - $200.00(League Presidents, Representatives, Administrators); up to $50 for premium items.
_____I wish to participate in the door prize drawing. Item(s):
($20 off booth rate for vendors who provide a door prize)
All shipping information to be provided by South Texas Youth Soccer Association one(1)month in advance. DO NOT ship vendor booths or materials to South Texas Youth Soccer. You may ship VIP bags to STYSA and booths and materials to the hotel.
CITY: ______STATE: ______ZIP:______
PHONE: ( )______FAX: ( )______
Include web-site address on booth sign: Yes _____No _____
Web-site address for free web page link:
NAME BADGES: PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY (up to 4 names per booth space):
I have enclosed my check to cover the above requirements in the amount of:
A signature is required on the attached below and on the Exhibitor Agreement to hold your booth space.
______agrees to the following:
(Exhibitor Business Name)
- Booth Space: Exhibitor subscribes for booth space at theSouth Texas Youth Soccer Association’s 2015SummerGoverning Board Meeting (GBM), to be held in Houston, TX.
- Booth hours: Friday 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm for the Vendor reception. Saturday 8:00 am to 4:00 pmfor the Vendor Show.
- Payment: Payment for the Exhibitor’s booth space shall accompany this signed Exhibitor’s Agreement and must be received by South Texas Youth Soccer Association to hold your booth space reservation. Make checks payable to South Texas Youth Soccer Association
- Hours of Operation: Exhibitor shall have its exhibit(s) completely assembled and ready to be viewed by guests no later than 6:00 pm on Friday and should not close until 9:00 pm Friday evening. Exhibitor shall staff its booth during all hours. Exhibitor shall not begin disassembling its exhibit(s) prior to4:00 pm on Saturday of the event.
- Services Provided: South Texas Youth Soccer Association will secure the vendor area from 10:00 pm on Fridaythrough 8:00 am on Saturday of the event. South Texas Youth Soccer Association shall not be responsible for any losses Exhibitor may suffer.
- Services Not Provided: South Texas Youth Soccer Association does not provide equipment, decorations, labor, carpenters, storage for exhibit materials, special lighting, electrical power, gas, water supply or other related services. All arrangements for these items must be made by Exhibitor and Exhibitor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless South Texas Youth Soccer Association for any and all claims, losses, damages, injuries or other charges which may occur from such arrangements made by Exhibitor.
- Interference Prohibited: Excessive noise, bothersome lighting or other use by Exhibitor which interferes with the exhibition space used by other exhibitors is prohibited as is the creation or maintenance by Exhibitorof any dangerous or hazardous condition or situation.
- Insurance Not Provided: Exhibitor acknowledges STYSA does not have insurance covering Exhibitor’s property. It is Exhibitor’s sole responsibility to obtain interruption property damage, personal injury, vandalism, theft and any other insurance it may need to cover any losses it may suffer at theSTYSA2015SummerGBM.
- Indemnification: Exhibitor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless STYSA and their designated agents, employees and/or contractors, from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, injuries, penalties, governmental charges or fines in any amount arising out of or caused by Exhibitor’s use of the premises, the conduct of Exhibitor’s business or from any activity, works or thing permitted or suffered by Exhibitor in or around the premises, including but not limited to, the installation, operation, maintenance or removal of exhibits.
- Assignment Prohibited: Exhibitor shall not assign any portion of its booth space to any individual, partnership, corporation, company, firm or entity, without the prior written consent of STYSA.
- Cancellation Policy: If Exhibitor is not able to attend the2015STYSA SummerGBM, Exhibitor may be entitled to a refund on the following schedule.
- 30 days: If written cancellation is received byJune 18, 2015and if booth space is resold, Exhibitor is entitled to a 50% refund.
- Less than 15 days: If Exhibitor cancels after July 2, 2015. Exhibitor will not receive a refund.
By: / Date:
Print Name / Title (please print)