Suggested Strands

BCPS One / Elementary
  • Transforming Instruction with SAMR
  • BCPS One Tests & Quizzes for Formative Assessment
  • Communicating with Students and Parents in BCPS One
  • Creating Interactive Assignments in BCPS One
  • Elementary or Secondary- Facilitating Instruction in BCPS One through the Lesson Tiles
  • Overview of BCPS One for Administrators
  • Using BCPS One to Support Small Group Instruction
  • Dive Into the Deep End of SAMR: Planning Learning Activities Above the Line
  • Transforming Instruction with SAMR
  • ActivInspire
  • Audio Tools in Instruction
  • Beyond the Furniture: Creating a LCE-Student
  • Beyond the Furniture: Creating a LCE- Teacher
  • Building a Social Media Presence
  • ClassFlow
  • ClassFlow: Customization and Assessments
  • Creative Response Tools
  • Copyright and Fair Use for Digital Learning
  • Curating Digital Resources
  • Databases for Digital Learning in Grades K-5
  • Developing Flipped Learning Experiences
  • Device 101
  • Device Apps
  • Discovery Education Streaming and Board Builder
  • Dive Into the Deep End of SAMR: Planning Learning Activities Above the Line
  • Elementary- Facilitating Instruction in BCPS One through the Lesson Tiles
  • Facilitating Student Research
  • Feedback and Assessment Tools
  • Infographics in the Classroom
  • Introduction to Social Media
  • Introduction to Wixie (K-8)
  • Kidblog
  • Multidisciplinary Mapping Applications
  • OfficeMix
  • OneNote
  • Screenshots and Screencasts
  • Unlocking the Potential of OneDrive
  • VoiceThread
  • What’s New in Wixie (K-8)

Online Offerings
  • Transforming Instruction with SAMR
  • BCPS One Tests & Quizzes for Formative Assessment
  • Building a Social Media Presence
  • Creative Response Tools
  • Developing Flipped Learning Experiences
  • Feedback and Assessment Tools
  • Introduction to Social Media
  • Screenshots and Screencasts

BCPS Tools / Secondary
  • Transforming Instruction with SAMR
  • ActivInspire
  • ClassFlow
  • ClassFlow: Customization and Assessments
  • Device 101
  • Device Apps
  • Discovery Education Streaming and Board Builder
  • Introduction to Wixie (K-8)
  • OfficeMix
  • OneNote
  • VoiceThread
  • Unlocking the Potential of OneDrive
  • What’s New in Wixie (K-8)
  • Dive Into the Deep End of SAMR: Planning Learning Activities Above the Line
  • Transforming Instruction with SAMR
  • ActivInspire
  • Audio Tools in Instruction
  • Beyond the Furniture: Creating a LCE-Student
  • Beyond the Furniture: Creating a LCE- Teacher
  • Building a Social Media Presence
  • ClassFlow
  • ClassFlow: Customization and Assessments
  • Creative Response Tools
  • Copyright and Fair Use for Digital Learning
  • Curating Digital Resources
  • Databases for Digital Learning in Grades 6-12
  • Developing Flipped Learning Experiences
  • Device 101
  • Device Apps
  • Discovery Education Streaming and Board Builder
  • Dive Into the Deep End of SAMR: Planning Learning Activities Above the Line
  • Facilitating Student Research
  • Feedback and Assessment Tools
  • Infographics in the Classroom
  • Introduction to Social Media
  • Introduction to Wixie (K-8)
  • Kidblog
  • Multidisciplinary Mapping Applications
  • OfficeMix
  • OneNote
  • Secondary- Facilitating Instruction in BCPS One through the Lesson Tiles
  • Screenshots and Screencasts
  • Unlocking the Potential of OneDrive
  • VoiceThread
  • What’s New in Wixie (K-8)

  • Transforming Instruction with SAMR
  • Dive Into the Deep End of SAMR: Planning Learning Activities Above the Line
  • Overview of BCPS One for Administrators