The inspired comments from Fans, Friends, Co-workers, as well as John’s closest friends, speak to the fact that Jim Curry is the top performer of John Denver’s Music.
"Curry makes you feel as if you are visiting him in his living room and his band shares the same warmth, which rolls out into the crowd…"
Michelle Mills Inland Valley Daily Bulletin
"It was a heavenly evening of beautiful music, a shining tribute to John Denver, one of which I believe Denver himself would salute."...
R.V. Hight The Sanford Herald, Greensboro, NC
"I cannot wait for our market to hear Jim’s voice; it truly is spot-on and a beautiful tribute to John’s music."
Lori Kirby, Marketing Director Capitol Civic Centre, Manitowoc, WI
"It was one of the best programs we have had here and I hope you will come back up next year. The sound and look were perfect and my friends talked all night about how much enjoyment and sentiment your show gave us."
Bob Hartunian Fawnskin, CA.
"It was an amazing evening. We have had many different performers at our conferences; The Beach Boys, Tony Bennett, Three Dog Night, America. Jim Curry ranks among these acts. I would book Jim and his band again in a heartbeat."
Daniel Young Corporate Function, Keystone, CO
""It was a heavenly evening of beautiful music, a shining tribute to John Denver, one of which I believe Denver himself would salute. Jim Curry looked much like John Denver, sounded much like John Denver, but was himself. Yet, the influence of John Denver’s music in his life was much in evidence and most appreciated by the audience."
R.V. Hight The Sanford Herald, Greensboro, NC
"I have to tell you I don't know when we've enjoyed a show as much as we enjoyed yours. It just swept us away and we did not want it to end! You are all so gifted. And the music of John Denver speaks for itself. It touches the heart."
Julie Coletta, Tiffin, OH
"Curry makes you feel as if you are visiting him in his living room and his band shares the same warmth, which rolls out into the crowd…"
Michelle Mills Inland Valley Daily Bulletin
"The physical resemblance is amazing: the voice is unbelievable. If John Denver were alive today, he'd want to hear his songs performed by Jim Curry."
Christina Chanes Nystrom City News
"I’ve been booking bands here for eleven years and yours was the first standing ovation! We want you back next year!"
Sherry Murphy City of Dana Point, CA
"To date, the best performance we have had. Your Tribute show is fantastic & your band is excellent."
Gail Silva City of Los Alamitos, CA
"I know beyond a doubt that I want to join your show whenever I can. You guys exhibited nothing but big league leadership & Professionalism."
Steve Weisberg John Denver band member and songwriter Dallas, TX
As John Denver's former drummer and percussionist, working with Jim Curry has kept alive for me how it was playing with John. Jim has stayed true to John’s music and vision. It is a pleasure working with Jim and Anne Curry.
Richie Gajate Garcia John Denver's Percussionist
"It was a real trip down memory lane. Here was Lee Holdridge, John Denver's conductor,
orchestrator and arranger of 30 years conducting the orchestra, I was playing guitar, Richie
Garcia (who also played for John Denver) was playing drums and percussion, and Jim Curry
was over there sounding like John Denver. A couple of times I closed my eyes and went back
15 years. It was strange and cool at the same time."
Pete Huttlinger Played guitar for John Denver, Nashville, TN