

Board Members in Attendance are highlighted:

  • Jan Bernier, Director (E)
  • Scott Hadrava, Assistant Director (O)
  • Michelle Kent, Secretary (E)
  • Karen Johnson, Uniform Coordinator (O)
  • Deb Robinson, Scheduling (E)
  • Micki Husnik,Treasurer (O)
  • Mandi Bombard, Volunteer (O)
  • Gina Dufeck, Volunteer/Fundraising (O)
  • Pam Gladitsch, Website Coordinator (E)
  • Shannon Schmeling, Merchandise Coordinator (O)
  • Rick Weispfennig, Community Sports Director (E)
  • Mike Selbitschka, Volleyball Advisor

Laurie – guest – interested in participating on the board

Director – Jan Bernier


5 team pools has caused issues
-only thing we could do not turn away so many teams. Already had to deny several
-Questions from NCR - it is a big deal to schedule 5 team pools. Teams were all contacted and offered full refund if they didn't want to participate. We could be fined if teams aren't aware.
-hopefully 60 teams show up
-Modifications to tournament - pool play will play 2 games to either 22 or 25 with no cap possibly lower for 12's
-10 matches just for pool play, a full match can go 1/2 hour.
-site directors need to keep it moving
- could be a four hour break for some teams to play
-6 minute warm up starts immediately
-no team refs before play
-positive thing is that athletes get lots of play
-prepared for complaints the day will go much later
-we will work as a team to get out as quickly as possible and move this along
-last 12's spot in tournament has been filled

Mike started flyer for tournament pool plays. Jan and Mike planned to finish it soon. It will be sent to teams a week before tournament.
Team camps at the middle school will be down the hall connecting east and south gyms. We will move tables from south cafeteria. Plan to rent both cafeterias. The concessions will be out of the south cafeteria.
Need more signs since east gym was not used last year. Jan will make and laminate. She will collect command strips and tape to hang all the posters. No duct tape allowed. Need 2 more foam boards.
Question- do we have enough ref stands? Mike was going to askAbby Moon check it out.
Michelle sent an email to teams that roster is needed by March 11th for names on the back of t-shirts.
One team did not receive their denial letter for tournament. Very upset director. Email address was incorrect. Human error happens. We just need to ask for a reply, so we don't put anyone in a tough spot.
Set up will start at 6:00 pm Friday night at the middle school. All board members and families. Will ask other coaches to volunteer if they are able. Saving volunteer hours for tournament.
-volunteer hours looking good! 26 scattered openings out of 110 as of Feb28.
Coolers for ice-Lori will pick up 3 coolers of ice at the fire hall Friday night from Kevin Grote. We may need to purchase some or fill up at DQ
-new soda plan. We will purchase from Viking. Can return unopened cases. Water is free if we purchase pop and Powerade. No parent donations this year. Cleaner and easier
Cash boxes, money bags etc. will all come from Kindra
Meal tickets for 120 Coaches, extra volunteers, board members. Free admission tickets 2 per athlete. Micki is making these
Lori is setting up table for referendum. Vote yes-kids will make posters. Video playing
Lori is looking into banners to hang. Thank our sponsors. Vikings Volleyball, xplode, DQ large. Smaller sponsors: Amy Witte, caseys, county market, lions club, vfw, viking coke?
DQ Plaque for James at DQ. Very generous sponsor. Possible gift card. He charges cost for product and donates lots.

Treasurer – Micki Husnik

Volunteer Coordinator – Mandi Bombard/Gina Dufeck

Fundraising Coordinator – Gina Dufeck/Mandi Bombard

Assistant Director – Scott Hadrava

Positive feedback on late start

Coaching Sports Director - vacant

Community Sports Director – Rick Weispfennig

Scheduling- Deb Robinson

Secretary – Michelle Kent

Uniform Coordinator – Shannon Schmeling

Merchandise Coordinator – Karen Johnson

Volleyball Advisor – Mike Selbitschka

Website Coordinator – Pam Gladitsch

No news


Positive feedback from Amy Witte photography. Cheap prices, extra pictures to teams as a gift, coaches picture.
-Gina will talk to Amy about possibly taking pictures at tournament. Group pictures. Paying $100 for both days.

Possible different payment options for next year. 3 options: pay in full, monthly payments, beginning and end payment. Everyone must pay down payment of uniform.

-all checks need to be cashed within 1-2 days of receiving.
-we will cash first payment and reimburse in November if they choose not to play or don't make a team
-really hard for families who live paycheck to paycheck to have outstanding checks
-no holding anyone else’s money
DQ cards and t-shirts for all custodians. Lori has names from all schools.
Scholarship discussion, save for a later date- possible scholarship for graduating volleyball players. It would be really hard to decide who and why.
Jan brought up Tammi’s suggestion of what to buy for coming year - velcro antennas for all nets.
We are also in need of clips for the poles. They keep disappearing, especially at Sunrise!
Mike would like ideas emailed to him of ideas for Varsity in the fall. Would like lots of JO involvement. It should be an exciting atmosphere. AD giving free admission has been a huge success.
Emails to the entire club need to be Blind Carbon Copied.

Meeting adjourned.