Monday-Tuesday July 6-7 / WednesdayJuly 8 / Thursday July 9 / Friday July 10 / Saturday July 11 / Sunday July 12
Monday, July 6
Arrival in Israel
Welcome Dinner and Opening program with Reuben Romirowsky, Becky Caspi and Rae Ringel
Carlton Hotel, Tel Aviv
Tuesday, July 7
8:00 Workshop with Rae Ringel at the Rabin Center
10:45 – 12:00 JDC/JAFI Site visits
1 - 3:00 Start-Up in Israel
Lunch with entrepreneurs at the HerzLilienblum Museum of Banking
3:30 – 5:00 JDC/JAFI Site visits
Return to hotel
Dinner on your own
10:00 Late night tours of Tel Aviv
Carlton Hotel, Tel Aviv / Breakfast
8:30 Workshop with Rae Ringel at Independence Hall
Travel south to Ashdod / Ashkelon
Lunch with businesspeople who benefit from the JDC/JAFI Loan Fund
Proceed to kibbutzim in the south to meet those affected by the war in Gaza
5:00 Home hospitality with residents to hear stories of heroism and how residents are coping
6:45Participate in a top chef hands-on cook-off at the Angels Forest with Baba Yona chef Gadi
Late return to Tel Aviv
Carlton Hotel, Tel Aviv / Breakfast
7:15 Breakfast discussion with Prof. Reuven Hazan on the elections and Eran Singer on the Arab World
9:00 Depart hotel
Ride the train to Beer Sheba
JDC/JAFI Site visits
Lunch and JDC/JAFI visits in Beer Sheva
Proceed to Jerusalem
6:00 dinner at a winery
Check into rooms at the Inbal Hotel
Late night tour of Jerusalem’s bars and pubs
Inbal Hotel, Jerusalem / 7:45 Breakfast and workshop with Rae Ringel
Visit World Ort Kadima Mada, U University
12:00 Burma Road Jeep Adventure and picnic lunch
Return to hotel
Visit to the Kotel for prayer and personal reflection
Return to hotel to prepare for Shabbat
7:07 Candle lighting
Festive Shabbat dinner at the Inbal courtyard with Acapella singers
Inbal Hotel, Jerusalem / Breakfast
Shabbat at leisure
Optional walking tours:
  • Arab Market and Jewish Quarter of the Old City
  • Yemin Moshe: artist colony
  • Mishkenot Sha’ananim: historic Jewish neighborhood
Or just relax on your own
8:37 Havdalah
Dinner and evening on your own
Inbal Hotel, Jerusalem / Breakfast
8:00 Proceed to Mt. Herzl
8:30 Site visits and Mission Summation and Caucus with Rae Ringel
Afternoon at leisure
Late hotel check-out
7:00 Farewell dinner
Transfer to Ben Gurion Airport
Return to USA

For more information and to register go to:

Draft Itinerary – Feb 13, 2015