Enrolment Form and Learner Agreement

Blueprint Education and Training Services Limited

186 Kempshott Lane Basingstoke, RG22 5LB

0845 8620 140


Fax: 01256 830111

Now that you have chosen your course(s) you need to fill in the enrolment form on the following pages. Complete ALL sections of the form – failure to do so will delay the processing of your enrolment.Sign the form – (electronic signature - type name - is fine if using email).If you have any questionsthat you would like to ask before you enrol for a course, please call 0845 862 0140

Section 1 - About You

First Name / Family name
Home address
Post code
Day timeContact tel. no. / Date of Birth
Email address / Job title
Employer Name and address:
Brief outline of qualifications to date / Please note academic references may be taken up
Job title & brief outline of main responsibilities / Please focus on key responsibilities
We are committed to equality of opportunity. To help us monitor the provision of access and support, please complete this and the following statements.
I consider that my ethnic origin is:
Bangladeshi / Black Caribbean / Chinese / Pakistani
White British / White other / Black African / Black other
Indian / Other Asian / Other / No Answer
I regard myself to be: / Male / Female
Do you have any disability or learning difficulty which we should be aware of? / Yes / No
If yes please provide details in the space below of how you think this might affect your learning.

I understand that all study, assessments and feedback will be in English.

Yes / No

I consider English to be my main language of communication.

If you have answered No, please give details of your English language proficiency

Yes / No

I confirm that I have received advice and guidance on the above course and its requirements either direct from Blueprint or by accessing information on the Blueprint website. I understand that acceptance onto this course of study is no guarantee of success. I understand providing false information can lead to being removed from a course.

 / I am now or have previously been a member of: / Membership number if known
Chartered Management Institute
Institute of Consulting

Section 2 – Your Programme of Study

I would like to enrol on the following course:
Course title
Planned start date
[when you would like to start your course]
Course fee / £ / Promotion code if any:

If you have not yet paid for your course online please complete the following section

Section 3 - Payment Options


Please send an invoice to my employer:

Please complete details of your employer. This section is compulsory if your employer is to be invoiced.

Company name
Company address
Telephone no.
Website / Nature of business
Contact name / Contact email address
VAT NUMBER / Purchase order number


If you would like to pay by credit or debit card please do not provide your credit card details here, or by email. These methods are never totally secure and we value the security of your card details and identity.

Instead please indicate below your preferred methods of payment card and we will email you a link that will take you to a secure payment areas that is managed and maintained by SagePay.

Your course enrolment will not be processed until payment is received.

I wish to pay be credit card or debit card. Please email me my link to a secure payment area.

I wish to pay using my Paypal account. Please email me my link to Paypal payments.

NB. Instalment options are available ONLY if you are paying your own fees and must be paid by credit/debit card or paypal. Further information is available on our website. Tick here if you would like to pay by instalments, your course will be cancelled if payments are not made.


Please find enclosed a cheque for the amountof: / £

Data Protection Act 1998

The information you provide will be kept by Blueprint Education and Training Services Limited. Blueprint Education and Training Services Limited is registered under the Data Protection Act1998.

I understand that the information I provide on this form will be held on computer and will be used for the purposes of evaluation, statistical and research. The information will not be passed to third parties for marketing or sales purposes. From time to time you may be approached by us to take part in surveys by mail or phone which enable us to monitor our performance, improve quality and plan future provision. The results and your comments may be used in marketing materials.

Signature / Date

electronic signature - type name - is fine if using email)

What happens next?

When your enrolment and payment of fees have been processed, you will either receive an email with instructions on how to log into the learning portal and access your learning materials.

If you have already paid online you will have already received the joining instructions and you should follow them.

Please now complete section 4, which is about making the unit choices for your course.

Section 4–Course options.

You now need to review the units available for your course and make the necessary choices.

Please confirm your chosen qualification e.g. Award, Certificate or Diploma AND choice the units you will study.

Consulting courses:

Level 7 Professional Consulting / Make your UNIT choice(s) by ticking the box(s)
 / Confirm which qualification you are enrolling upon /  / Units available
Award – choose unit 7030 only
Please contact us if you want a different choice /  / 7030 Managing consultancy interventions Credit 6
Level 7 Professional Consulting / Make your UNIT choice(s) by ticking the box(s)
 / Confirm which qualification you are enrolling upon /  / Units available
Certificate – 2 unit option
Choose unit 7030 + one other unit
Certificate – 3 unit option
Choose unit 7030 + two other units
For a Certificate you must gain a minimum13 credits in total /  / 7030 Managing consultancy interventions Credit 6
7026 Organisational structure and culture Credit 8
7031 Tools and techniques for effective consulting Credit 9
7027 Entry and diagnosis Credit 9
7028 Group dynamics and facilitating skills
Credit 7
7029 Communication strategies the consultants Credit 7
Level 7 Professional Consulting / Make your UNIT choice(s) by ticking the box(s)
 / Confirm which qualification you are enrolling upon /  / Units available
Diploma – 4 MANDATORY UNITS /  / 7030 Managing consultancy interventions Credit 6
 / 7027 Entry and diagnosis Credit 9
 / 7026 Organisational structure and culture Credit 8
 / 7031 Tools and techniques for effective consulting Credit 9
Plus A choice of THREE units from :
Unit choices must total 20 credits / 7028 Group dynamics and facilitating skills
Credit 7
7029 Communication strategies the consultants Credit 7
7024 Professional practice Credits 6
7025 Professional development in consulting Credits 7
NOTE: Unit 7002, 7006, 7009 are also available as part of the Level 7 Strategic Management Programme. If you have already achieved these you can carry the credits to this qualification. / 7002V1 Strategic performance management Credit 7
7006V1 Organisational direction. Credit 9
7009V1 Strategic project management. Credit 6
7010V1 Organisational Change. Credit 7
7020V1 Leadership Coaching and Mentoring Skills Credit: 7
Level 5 Professional Consulting / Make your UNIT choice(s) by ticking the box(s)
 / Confirm which qualification you are enrolling upon /  / Units available
Award – choose unit 5029 only
Please contact us if you want a different choice /  / 5029 Introduction to consulting essentials Credit 8
Level 5 Professional Consulting / Make your UNIT choice(s) by ticking the box(s)
 / Confirm which qualification you are enrolling upon /  / Units available
Certificate – 2 units
Choose unit 5029 + one other unit
For a Certificate you must gain a minimum13 credits in total /  / 5029 Introduction to consulting essentials Credit 8
5030 Planning and managing consultancy interventions Credit 6
5031 The role and responsibilities of a consultant Credit 8
5032 The client relationship Credit 8
5033 Communications consultants Credit 7
5034 Problem-solving tools and techniques for consultants Credit 9
Level 5 Professional Consulting / Make your UNIT choice(s) by ticking the box(s)
 / Confirm which qualification you are enrolling upon /  / Units available
Diploma – 3 MANDATORY UNITS /  / 5030 Planning and managing consultancy interventions Credit 6
 / 5032 The client relationship Credit 8
 / 5034 Problem-solving tools and techniques for consultants Credit 9
Plus We require you take this unit as one option /  / 5029 Introduction to consulting essentials Credit 8
Plus A choice of TWO further units from :
NOTE: Unit 5009is also available as part of the Level 5 Management and Leadership Programme. If you have already achieved this you can carry the credits to this qualification. Please contact us. / 5031 The role and responsibilities of a consultant Credit 8
5033 Communications consultants Credit 7
5009 Project development and control Credit 6
6003 managing the change process Credit 7

Management courses:

Level 7 Strategic Management and Leadership / Make your UNIT choice(s) by ticking the box(s) / Credit value
 / Confirm which qualification you are enrolling upon /  / Units available
Award – choose ONE unit only
For the Award you must gain 6 credits from a free choice of units. / 7001V1Personal development as a strategic manager. / 6
7002V1Strategic performance management. / 7
Certificate – Choose a MAXIMUM of TWO units
For the Certificate units must total 13 credits from a free choice of units. / 7003V1 Financial Management / 7
7004V1 Strategic information management. / 9
7005V1Conducting a strategic management project. / 10
Diploma – Choose units to total 39 credits.
For the Diplomaunits must total 39 credits from a free choice of units.MAXIMUM of SIX units / 7006V1Organisational direction. / 9
7008V1Strategic marketing. / 6
7009V1Strategic project management. / 6
7010V1 Organisational change. / 7
Extended Diploma – 6 MANDATORY UNITS
7001 – 7006Plus
A choice of THREE units from 7008 -7014
For the Extended Diplomaunits must total 66 credits. / 7011V1Strategic planning. / 9
7012V1Human resource planning. / 8
7013V1Being a strategic leader. / 7
7014V1Strategic leadership Practice. / 7
7021V1Developing risk management strategies. / 9
Level 5 Management and Leadership / Make your UNIT choice(s) by ticking the box(s) / Credit value
 / Confirm which qualification you are enrolling upon /  / Units available
Group A
Award – choose ONE unit only
For the Award you must gain 6 credits from a free choice of units. / 5001V1 Personal development as a manager and leader / 6
5002V1 Information based decision-making / 7
Certificate – Choose a MAXIMUM of TWO units
For the Certificate units must total 13 credits from a free choice of units. / 5004V1 Resource management / 7
5005V1 Meeting stakeholder and quality needs / 6
5006V1 Conducting a management project / 10
Diploma – Choose units to total 38 credits
For the Diplomaunits must total 38 credits from a free choice of units.MAXIMUM of SIX units / Group B
5003V1 Performance management / 9
5012V1 Being a leader. / 7
Extended Diploma – 5 MANDATORY UNITS: 5001, 5002, 5004, 5005, 5006 Plus
Either 5003 OR 5012Plus
A choice of THREE units from 5007 - 5021
For the Diploma you must gain 62 credits from a total of nine units
NB Unit 5020 is not recommended as a Diploma option as it is designed for Award and Certificate candidates
Unit 6003 is only for Extended Diploma / Group C
5007V1 Financial control. / 9
5008V1 Marketing planning / 9
5009V1 Project development and control. / 6
5010V1 Human resource development / 6
5011V1 Managing recruitment and selection / 7
5013V1Leadership Practice / 7
5020V1Introduction to management and leadership / 7
5021V1Operational risk management / 7
6003 Planning a change process
Available for Extended Diploma only / 7
Level 3 First line management / Make your UNIT choice(s) by ticking the box(s) / Credit value
 / Confirm which qualification you are enrolling upon /  / Units available
Group A
Award – choose ONE unit only
For the Award you must gain 6 credits from a free choice of units. / 3001V1 Personal development as a first line manager / 6
3002V1 Resource planning / 6
Certificate – Choose a MAXIMUM of THREE units
For the Certificate you must gain 13 credits from a free choice of units. / 3003V1Meeting stakeholder needs / 6
3004V1 Managing and communicating information. / 6
3005V1 Developing individuals and teams. / 6
Group B / 6
Diploma – 5 MANDATORY UNITS 3001 – 3005 from Group Plus
ONE units from Group B
For the Diploma you must gain 37 credits.
NB Unit 3017V1 is not recommended as a Diploma option as it is designed for Award and Certificate candidates / 3006V1Recruitment and selection / 6
3007V1 Maintaining quality standards / 6
3008V1 Improving team performance / 7
3009V1 Management communication / 6
3010V1 Being a leader / 6
3017V1 Introduction to first line management / 6
Level 2 Team Leading / Make your UNIT choice(s) by ticking the box(s)
 / Confirm which qualification you are enrolling upon /  / Units available
Award /  / 2001V1 Personal development as a team leader Credit 6

For Blueprint use

Enrolment entered on system / Invoice dispatched
Start date agreed / Tutor allocated
Resources organised / Registered with awarding body