Georgia Department of Education
GaDOE’s ESEA Flexibility Waiver
FLP Components
School: / Washington Health Science and Nutrition /1. Using school level disaggregated data, identify and explain the areas of need that will be addressed by the FLP offered at each school:
· Core content area(s) – Math, Literacy in all content areas (Social Studies, Science, ELA)
· Subgroup(s) – Black & Economically disadvantaged (including SWD)
· Graduation rate(s) – N/A
Note: The LEA must identify the measurable performance goals and outcomes to be met. /
Response: The FLP will address student performance in the following EOCT categories:
· 9th Grade Literature (By the end of spring 2013, student performance will increase from 48% to 58% of students meeting or exceeding standards.)
o 9th Grade Literature students who met or exceeded standards: 2010 – 68%, 2011 – 68%, 2012 – 48%.
· CCGPS Algebra (By the end of spring 2013, student performance will reflect 41% of students meeting or exceeding standards.)
o Math I students who met or exceeded standards: 2010 – 38%, 2011 – 30%, 2012 – 31%.
· Math II (By the end of spring 2013, student performance will increase from 24% to 34% of students meeting or exceeding standards.)
o Math II students who met or exceeded standards: 2011 – 25%, 2012 – 24%.
· US History (By the end of spring 2013, student performance will increase from 25% to 35% of students meeting or exceeding standards.)
o US History students who met or exceeded standards: 2012 – 25%.
· Biology (By the end of spring 2013, student performance will increase from 48% to 58% of students meeting or exceeding standards.)
o Biology students who met or exceeded standards: 2010 – 61%, 2011 – 60%, 2012 – 48%.
The FLP will also address the following subgroups of students:
· African American, Economically Disadvantaged, Students with Disabilities
As a result of low lexile and Gates MacGinitie Reading scores, the FLP will address literacy as well.
2. Describe the multiple educationally related selection criteria by core content area served with the weighting that will be applied to the criteria per school to determine the rank order list of eligible students by greatest academic need. /
Response: HSN will use the following multiple educationally related selection criteria:
1. Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch and scored below 200 on any EOCT = 1 point
2. Students who EOCT Achievement Scores in ELA, Math, Science & Social Studies are below 200 = 6 points
3. Lexile score below 1100 and Gates MacGinitie Reading Scores of two grade levels below = 3 points
4. Students with disabilities = 1 point
5. EOCT Course Grades – Course Grades 69 and below = 2 points
6. EOCT Course Grades – Course Grades 70-80 = 1 point
7. Miss 10 or more days (attendance record) = 1 point
8. Student Support Team (SST) = 1 point
9. Suspension Record = 1 point
10. Homeless = 3 points
11. Incarcerated/Juvenile Detention = 3 points
12. Pregnancy and/or father/mother = 3 points
A point system will be utilized to allow services to be differentiated to meet individual needs. Students with a higher score will need the most services.
3. Describe the scientifically research based strategies that the LEA will implement to ensure that supplemental academic intervention time is designed to support students meeting academic performance goals. /
Response: HSN will provide training for teachers in Marzano’s 9 Research-based Instructional Strategies to ensure that teachers are maximizing the learning potential of students. Teachers will be trained and will be expected to utilize higher order questioning techniques. Training will also be provided for teachers in differentiated instruction to meet individual learning needs of students. Teacher training will focus on literacy across the curriculum, real world applications, as well as student centered instructional activities. /
4. Describe the program delivery model that the LEA/school will implement. The description must address the delivery schedule (when, where, how), hours of service, student/instructor ratios, progress monitoring, plans to address program modifications when applicable, transportation services, etc. Is the LEA/school and its’ FLP program in compliance with Title I laws and regulations? /
Response: The program delivery model will include extended learning time, which will be scheduled as follows:
· Before school instruction (Teachers will provide tutorial/remedial instruction in their specific content area from 7:45 – 8:15 AM in their perspective classrooms. Teachers will provide these services twice a week.). Student to teacher ratios will not exceed 15 students per session. Identified students will be placed on an Individual Learning Plan, which will be analyzed bi-weekly by the teacher and leadership team. Performance data will be collected and presented for program modification purposes.
· Instruction during lunch (Teachers will provide tutorial/remedial instruction in their specific content area from 1:15 – 1:45 PM in their perspective classrooms. Teachers will provide these services twice a week.). Student to teacher ratios will not exceed 15 students per session. Identified students will be placed on an Individual Learning Plan, which will be analyzed bi-weekly by the teacher and leadership team. Identified students will be placed on an Individual Learning Plan, which will be analyzed bi-weekly by the teacher and leadership team. Performance data will be collected and presented for program modification purposes.
· Instruction after school day (Teachers will provide tutorial/remedial instruction in their specific content area from 3:20 – 3:50 PM in their perspective classrooms. Teachers will provide these services twice a week.). Student to teacher ratios will not exceed 15 students per session. Transportation will be provided for students who attend the entire after school session. Identified students will be placed on an Individual Learning Plan, which will be analyzed bi-weekly by the teacher and leadership team. Performance data will be collected and presented for program modification purposes.
· Instruction after school week hours (Teachers will provide tutorial/remedial instruction in their specific content area from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM on Saturday in their perspective classrooms. Teachers will provide these services on a weekly basis). Student to teacher ratios will not exceed 15 students per session. Transportation will be provided for students who attend the entire after school session. Identified students will be placed on an Individual Learning Plan, which will be analyzed bi-weekly by the teacher and leadership team. Performance data will be collected and presented for program modification purposes. Parents will be required to attend bi-monthly sessions. /
5. Describe the professional development (PD) that the LEA will provide for the FLP instructional staff/contractor to ensure that:· Instruction is tailored to the needs of participating students
· Instructional strategies are effective in helping at-risk students achieve success /
Response: Teachers and parents will receive professional development in Common Core and Marzano’s 9 Research-based Effective Teaching Strategies, Differentiation strategies and techniques, literacy strategies in the content areas.
6. Describe the procedures the LEA will implement to ensure that the instructional goals of the FLP students are aligned with the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards.
Response: Instructional Focus Calendars will be developed and utilized to ensure alignment of Common Core Georgia Performance Standards. Student Success Plans and Individual Learning Plans will be developed and monitored bi-monthly. Data on individual students’ progress will be collected and presented to the leadership team on a monthly basis. Pre and post assessment data will be included in the presentations. The Instructional Coach, Department Chairpersons, and members of the School Leadership Team using a rubric will review Unit/Lesson plans. Timely feedback will be provided for quality assurance.
7. Describe the procedures that the LEA will implement to maximize the enrollment and attendance
of the students with the greatest need for the FLP? /
Response: Test talks will be conducted with each student and parent individually showing them their performance data to create a sense of urgency. Teachers will monitor students’ attendance and make weekly contacts via mailed letters, telephone, email, text, and/or social media. Outreach will be made to partner with local churches to communicate data about student attendance and program offerings. Incentives will be provided for consistent student participation and attendance.
8. Describe the procedures the LEA/school will use to monitor the implementation of the program and the tracking of all required data (assessment, program cost, etc.). The procedures must include the person(s) responsible for monitoring the implementation of the FLP plan in the LEA’s schools. /
Response: Teachers will adhere to a schedule in which they will record and present individual student performance and attendance data on monthly basis to the leadership team. The leadership team will make recommendations for program improvement and modifications. Instructional coach will be the contact person who will track program needs and costs.
9. Describe the internal controls that the LEA will implement to promote efficiency, assure the fidelity of the implementation of the LEA’s FLP program, and to safeguard assets and/or avoid fraud, waste, and abuse. /
Response: An administrative walk through schedule will be developed to monitor the program. Teachers will maintain a binder of daily sign in sheets, rosters, instructional focus, student work samples, assessments, and parent contact logs. These binders will be reviewed at the monthly data presentations with the leadership team.
10. LEAs are required to evaluate outcomes of their FLP interventions. Describe the LEA’s evaluation plan. The evaluation plan must address program goals, program effectiveness, measurement instruments, administration, and include an analysis for each school implementing FLP program implemented in the LEA:
A. List and describe the effectiveness target(s) or overall quantifiable goal(s) of the program. (What are the measureable outcomes that the intervention is designed to improve?) The goal of the program is to increase student skill sets that will result in an increase in student performance in identified content areas. Students should show an increase in performance during their regularly scheduled classes as well as their EOCT scores. Over a three (3) year period, the following targets will be met:
1) 9th Grade Literature – 78% of students will meet or exceed standards on the EOCT
2) CCGPS Algebra – 61% of students will meet or exceed standards on the EOCT
3) Math II – 54% of students will meet or exceed standards on the EOCT
4) US History – 55% of students will meet or exceed standards on the EOCT
5) Biology – 78% of students will meet or exceed standards on the EOCT
B. List and describe the assessment instrument(s) that will be used to measure each program target/goal. Each target goal will be assessed by the spring EOCT and teacher-made assessments from a valid and reliable source (i.e., USA Test Prep, etc.)
C. Include a plan/procedure(s) for administering assessment instruments and for collecting and maintaining data. (A timeline for assessments must be provided. How will the LEA/school maintain student assessment information to ensure confidentiality?) Each teacher will maintain a Curriculum Data Book, which will encompass all assessments given and remediation plans developed for each student. An assessment schedule will be developed and adhered to by all teachers. Assessments will occur every 4½ weeks. Formative assessments will be ongoing on a daily basis. Teachers will maintain student portfolios or class files to evidence student work or progress. Student identification numbers will be utilized to ensure confidentiality regarding published scores. Grade reports will be sent to parents or guardians for each student. Students will be required to return them with parent or guardian’s signature.
D. Include the LEA’s/school’s data analysis plan. (How will the LEA/school determine program effectiveness based on the program goals and measurement instruments listed above? Student performance data will be analyzed to determine mastery of skills, concepts, and content. Proficiency will be set at 80%. Teachers will adhere to a schedule in which they will record and present individual student performance and attendance data on monthly basis to the leadership team. The leadership team will make recommendations for program improvement and modifications.
E. Include a description of the procedures that the LEA/school will implement to collect, analyze, and report participant feedback. Teachers will adhere to a schedule in which they will record and present individual student performance and attendance data on monthly basis to the leadership team. The leadership team will make recommendations for program improvement and modifications. Instructional coach will be the contact person who will track program needs and costs. Student surveys will be administered every nine weeks to receive valuable perception data for program improvement or modifications.
F. Describe the LEA’s/school’s plan for informing parents/guardians of participating students’ progress toward the student’s academic goals. Test talks will be conducted with each student and parent individually showing them their performance data to create a sense of urgency. Teachers will monitor students’ attendance and make weekly contacts via mailed letters, telephone, email, text, and/or social media. Outreach will be made to partner with local churches to communicate data about student attendance and program offerings.
G. Describe the LEA’s/school’s plan for informing stakeholders regarding results of the program evaluation, effectiveness of the program, and ongoing program improvement(s). Program results will be communicated at quarterly parent meetings, on school website, and through quarterly newsletters.
Dr. John Barge, State School Superintendent
June 2012 ● Page 1