Innovations of the Industrial Revolution
Directions: Fill in the missing blanks with the appropriate information. Categories: agriculture, transportation, communications, household
The Clermont
Eli Whitney
Mechanical Reaper
Interchangeable Parts
James Watt
Steel Plow
John Fitch
Tom Thumb
Spinning Jenny
Samuel Slater
Erie Canal
Elias Howe
Innovations of the Industrial Revolution
Directions: Fill in the missing blanks with the appropriate information. Categories: agriculture, transportation, communications, household
INVENTION / INVENTOR / YEAR INTRODUCED / CATEGORY / WHAT WAS IT?Bessemer Steel Process / Henry Bessemer / 1855 / all / Mass produce Steel
The Clermont / Robert Fulton / 1807 / transportation / Steamboat could go against the current
Cotton Gin / Eli Whitney / 1794 / agriculture / Removed seeds from cottonon
Mechanical Reaper / Cyrus McCormick / 1831 / agriculture / Harvest grain faster than 5 men
Interchangeable Parts / Eli Whitney / 1801 / all / Standardized parts, didn’t need to make a new product when a part broke
Steam Engine / James Watt / 1763 / transportation / Faster transportation
Steel Plow / John Deere / 1837 / agriculture / Cut through tougher ground
Steamboat / John Fitch / 179 / transportation / Faster transportation
Telegraph / Samuel Morse / 1837 / communication / Took only seconds to communicate far away
Tom Thumb / Peter Cooper / 1830 / transportation / Moved passengers and freight quickly
Spinning Jenny / James Hargreaves / 1764 / household / Multiple spinning machine
Water powered mill / Samuel Slater / 1790 / all / Brought the water wheel to the United States
Erie Canal / John Stevens / 1812 / transportation / Could transport people and goods over water
Sewing Machine / Elias Howe / 1846 / household / Could do 250 stiches a minute