Student Teacher Post-Conference Sample
In a post-conference, it is important to start by getting the teacher to talk about their feelings regarding the lesson. It is an opportunity to diffuse any tension implicit in the observer/observee dynamic.
Anytime you can get a teacher to reflect on the flexible/fluid nature of the occupation- there will be high/low points in every lesson, this is a profession where we have good/bad days and can only change by addressing areas of concern, you underscore that this is life-long learning process.
An actively reflective teacher is one that, while they might be developing, has the potential to improve.
Student Teacher:
School: Grade/Content Area:
Student Teacher Feelings Re: Lesson
• What is one question, one strength, and one weakness you took away from the lesson?
• How well do you feel your lesson connected to your lesson plan?
• Based on your above responses, what is one thing you would keep and one thing you would change if you had to teach this lesson over again?
After the student has had an opportunity to discuss their feelings about the lesson, and may have even touched on some of the points I’d like to make in the following sections, I move them to a concrete discussion of what I saw in the observation. Usually I have provided feedback on the lesson plan prior to the lesson, so I won’t focus on the planning stage as much as the instruction, unless they failed to incorporate my comments into the revision of their plan.
Co-operating Teachers Observations Re: Lesson
Three Areas of Strength (with examples)
-Lesson Plan
The lesson plan showed variation in modalities and strategies. It involved some teacher focused activities, but also provided room for student engagement and interaction with each other and the material.
-Rapport/Student Interaction
Teacher’s interaction with students was kind and warm. She knew everyone by name and used their names when she called on them. She acknowledged that she met their families and gave time for them to think about the relationship they are developing as teacher/ student.
-Anticipation of Transitions
Teacher was aware of transitions between activities and provided clear verbal directions as to what she would like the students to do. She waited and used the “thumbs up” if you’re ready to move on check to make sure everyone was ready to proceed.
Student Teacher Post-Conference Sample
Three Areas for Improvement (with examples and corresponding “fixes”)
Given that the lesson accounted for interactive/dynamic and student directed activities, the pacing and time allowed for student responses was slow. The time spent on defining concepts and guessing at definitions, while interactive, took time away from the activities you had planned.
-Possible Fixes?
What are two strategies you can use to gently get students to move on when they all want to answer questions/want to discuss an off-subject topic?
While present in the lesson plan, the bulk of your instruction was spent access your student’s auditory listening skills (also focused on the teacher at the front of the room.) While you used note taking, and watching a video/looking at a power point, much of the class was passive in terms of student interaction.
-Possible Fixes?
How can you ensure that you are working to access your students visual, auditory, kinesthetic skills in the bulk of your lesson?
-Lower Order Content Engagement
Student interaction with content was focused primarily on defining/recalling information about the day’s topic- ecosystems/biomes, food chains. How can you extend the content to include thinking creatively/divergently (not simply by asking questions)?
-Possible Fixes?
Are there any strategies you can employ to allow students to engage with this content in a higher order manner while they are still learning about this concept. What extension questions can you use?
Mutual Plan of Action
We have discussed some strengths and weaknesses of the lesson. How can you incorporate these points into a plan of action for your next class?
Student Teacher Post-Conference Template
Student Teacher:
School: Grade/Content Area:
Student Teacher Feelings Re: Lesson
• What is one question, one strength, and one weakness you took away from the lesson?
• How well do you feel your lesson connected to your lesson plan?
• Based on your above responses, what is one thing you would keep and one thing you would change if you had to teach this lesson over again?
Co-operating Teachers Observations Re: Lesson
Three Areas of Strength
-Strength 1
-Strength 2
-Strength 3
Three Areas for Improvement with Possible “Fixes”)
- Improvement 1
-Possible Fixes?
-Improvement 2
-Possible Fixes?
-Improvement 3
-Possible Fixes?
Mutual Plan of Action
We have discussed some strengths and weaknesses of the lesson. How can you incorporate these points into a plan of action for your next class?