The School Board of Independent School District No. 829 held a regular meeting on Thursday, July 23, 2009 at 7:03 p.m. in the Central Intermediate School Auditorium. Board members present: Cathy Hoy, SkiAnn Christiansen, Randy Zimmerman, Todd Zimmerman and Mike Gehloff. School board members absent: Jorge Diaz and Keith Hiller. Also in attendance: John Rokke, Superintendent of Schools and Elizabeth Beery, Director of Business Services.
1. John Rokke presented certificates to school board members Cathy Hoy and Todd Zimmerman for completion of Phase I, II and III Training.
2. Gehloff moved, Hoy seconded a motion to establish the school board’s per diem/salary allowance for 2009-10 and for said allowance to remain the same as it was in 2008-2009 which is as follows: $35.00 for the Chairman, $30.00 for all other school board members and $60.00 for meetings longer than 4 hours except for evening school board meetings and negotiations sessions, and school board members were given a family activity pass. Unanimous.
3. Hoy moved, Gehloff seconded a motion to designate the First National Bank, Round Bank, United Prairie Bank, Wells Fargo Bank, MSD Liquid Assets Fund and MidAmerica Bank Mankato as official depositories for the fiscal year 2009-2010. Unanimous.
4. R. Zimmerman moved, T. Zimmerman seconded a motion to designate Mr. William Hoversten as School Attorney for 2009-2010. Unanimous.
5. Gehloff moved, Hoy seconded a motion to designate Dr. William Kloempken as School Doctor for 2009-2010. Unanimous.
6. T. Zimmerman moved, R. Zimmerman seconded a motion to designate the Waseca County News as the official newspaper for the school year 2009-2010. Unanimous.
7. Hoy moved, T. Zimmerman seconded a motion to approve the Resolution for Investments and Payment of Claims. Unanimous.
8. Hoy moved, R. Zimmerman seconded a motion to approve the consideration of support services which includes enabling acts for the guidance of the superintendent. Unanimous.
9. R. Zimmerman moved, T. Zimmerman seconded a motion to approve the Resolution for Machine Signed Signatures. Unanimous.
10. Hoy moved, T. Zimmerman seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of June 18, 2009. Unanimous.
11. T. Zimmerman moved, Gehloff seconded a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Unanimous.
12. Christiansen moved, T. Zimmerman seconded a motion to approve the claims for the month of June as follows: Accounts Payable-$1,759,184.03; Payroll: $718,930.72. Unanimous.
13. The following committee reports were given: SCSC Conference in Brainerd-SkiAnn Christiansen; Joint Government-Randy Zimmerman.
14. Community Education Director Audra Nissen Boyer presented updates to the school board on the community education newsletter and discussions with Janesville-Waldorf-Pemberton regarding the sharing of a Community Education Director between the two school districts. Discussion was also held on the Community Education Book that comes out three times per year. R. Zimmerman moved, Gehloff seconded a motion to accept the recommendation from Audra Nissen Boyer for the District to purchase two pages of space in the Community Education Book which will replace the on-line newsletter and hard copy newsletter. Unanimous.
15. Elizabeth Beery presented the financial report to the school board.
16. John Rokke presented the superintendent’s report to the school board
17. Hoy moved, T. Zimmerman seconded a motion to accept and approve the bread bid from Interstate Brands Company for 2009-2010. Unanimous.
18. Gehloff moved, T. Zimmerman seconded a motion to accept and approve the milk bid from Sampson Dairy Foods for 2009-2010. Unanimous.
19. R. Zimmerman moved, Gehloff seconded a motion to approve the finalized Gymnastics Pairing Agreement with NRHEG. Unanimous.
20. Derron Jimmerson presented information to the school board on activity fees for marching band and colorguard. Gehloff moved, Hoy seconded a motion to approve an $80.00 colorguard fee. Unanimous.
21. Gehloff moved, T. Zimmerman seconded a motion to approve a $125.00 marching program/participation fee. Unanimous.
22. Discussion was held on nomination process to the MSBA Delegate Assembly.
23. Gehloff moved, T. Zimmerman seconded a motion to approve the Resolution Providing for the Sale of General Obligation Aid Anticipation Certificates of Indebtedness, Series 2009A; and Covenanting and Obligating the District to be Bound By and to Use the Provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 126C.55 to Guarantee the Payment of the Principal and Interest on these Certificates. Unanimous.
24. Gehloff moved, T. Zimmerman seconded a motion to approve the Resolution Establishing Combined Polling Places for Multiple Precincts and Designating Hours during which the Polling Places will remain open for voting for School District Elections not held on the day of a Statewide Election. Unanimous.
25. T. Zimmerman moved, Gehloff seconded a motion to reinstate Kristopher Evje as a Central Intermediate School 4th Grade Teacher. Unanimous.
26. Gehloff moved, T. Zimmerman seconded a motion to approve membership in the Minnesota School Boards Association and renewal of MSBA policy service for
2009-2010 at a cost of $4,854.00 and $475.00, respectively. Unanimous.
27. Gehloff moved, T. Zimmerman seconded a motion to approve the following appointments for M.S.H.S.L representatives for the 2009-2010 school year:
School Board Representative------SkiAnn Christiansen
School Representative------John Rokke
Boys Sports------Scott Shafer
Girls Sports------Jeanette Swanson
Speech Activities------Karen Pfarr
Music Activities------Deb Yess
28. R. Zimmerman moved, Gehloff seconded a motion to approve the following gifts/donations: Donation of $450.00 from HyVee for school calendar sponsor; Donation of $200.00 from the American Legion for school calendar sponsor; Donation of $450.00 from Itron for school calendar sponsor; Donation of $450.00 from Eagles for school calendar sponsor; Donation of $450.00 from Brown Printing for school calendar sponsor; Donation of $450.00 from Roundbank for school calendar sponsor. Total gifts/donations: $2,450.00. Unanimous.
29. R. Zimmerman moved, Gehloff seconded a motion to approve the following retirement resignations: John Rokke, Superintendent of Schools (Effective July 1, 2010); Allan Tonn, CIS Music Teacher. Unanimous.
30. T. Zimmerman moved, Gehloff seconded a motion to approve the following resignations: Jerilynn Hanneman, CIS Day Treatment Teacher; Margaret (Peggy) Koan, Speech Therapist; Amanda Peterson, B Squad Volleyball Coach. Unanimous.
31. T. Zimmerman moved, Gehloff seconded a motion to approve the child care leave request of Elizabeth Beery, Director of Business Services. Unanimous.
32. Gehloff moved, R. Zimmerman seconded a motion to approve the following certified staff contracts: Jessica Branham, Early Childhood Special Education Teacher; Monica Davison, ALC Summer School Instructor; Laura Kennedy, ALC Summer School Instructor; Heidi McCabe, Summer Speech/Language Clinician Birth-3; Darren Nelson, Waseca Area Learning Center Coordinator/High School Assistant Principal (2009-2010); Rachel Stensrud, Adult Basic Education Work Force Instruction (Microsoft Office) (June 29-July 15, 2009); Amanda Stenzel, CIS Media Teacher (1.0 FTE); Amy Straube, District Webmaster. Unanimous.
33. Gehloff moved, Hoy seconded a motion to approve the following noncertified staff contracts: Dustin Baumgard, Bus Aide; Pam Hammond, Bus Aide; Jenna Hines, 1:1 Special Education Paraprofessional for NRHEG student attending Summer Kids Academy program in Waseca (July 6, 2009-July 23, 2009- 100% of costs to be reimbursed by NRHEG); Ruth Hines, 1:1 Special Education Paraprofessional for NRHEG student attending Summer Kids Academy program in Waseca (July 10, and July 17, 2009- 100% of costs to be reimbursed by NRHEG); Lynette Marble, Bus Aide; Susan Poepping, Summer Library Aide; Amy Priem, Bus Aide; Marilyn Rucker, Bus Aide; Leslee Umphrey, Waseca County Interagency Early Intervention Committee (IEIC) Facilitator (July 1, 2009 through August 15, 2009); Jennifer Zabel, CIS EBD Paraprofessional. Unanimous.
34. T. Zimmerman moved, R. Zimmerman seconded a motion to approve the following extracurricular contracts: Elizabeth Bremer, 9th Grade Volleyball Coach; Leslie Bremer, Head Volleyball A Coach; Kristopher Evje, Football A Assistant Coach; Ted Hammond, 9th Grade Head Football Coach; Greg Miller, Head Coach of Girls Soccer; Terry Nafe, Boys Head Soccer Coach; the following Marching Jays Contracts: Josh Abraham, Brass Instructor; Melanie Brooke, Woodwind Instructor; Josh Cosens, Brass Instructor; Kim Kritzer, Percussion Assistant; Mark Myers, Frontline Instructor; Amber Roeker, Colorguard Instructor-Design/Administration; Jessica Van Tassel, Woodwind Instructor. Unanimous.
35. R. Zimmerman moved, Hoy seconded a motion to approve the following other contracts: Facility Lease Agreement with TEAM Academy; School Nutrition Programs Joint Agreement with TEAM Academy; Dave Zika, Painter. Unanimous.
36. Discussion was held on items for the August 6th school board work session.
37. Gehloff moved, Hoy seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:04 p.m. Unanimous.
Keith Hiller, School Board Clerk