Date issued: 05 April 2004
Date reviewed:
Date approved by EMC/ Senate:
It is the policy of the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) to give enrolled students access to internet connected computers at a minimal yearly payable ERC / i-Centre levy.
2.1 ERC / i-Centre
i-Centres are open plan “independent” computer laboratories established to give students access to computers that are connected to the Internet so that they may:
· send and receive e-mails,
· have electronic discussions with fellow students,
· have electronic discussions with their lecturer,
· have electronic interaction with experts online with regard to their studies and other informal matters,
· be enabled to type assignments, CVs etc.
· have access to electronic tests, to enable mastery learning and to make assessment a learning experience as apposed to a nightmare experience.
Another main function of the i-Centre is to let the students increase their computer skills by way of learning by playing and to make the facility accessible for as long as possible.
The ERCs on the other hand are situated in the Library. They are confined to the library hours and they have a special separate training section, whether it’s 3, 5, 10 or 20 computers, where students are trained and guided to become information literate. There they are guided under the auspices of a trained information specialist towards:
· getting the information (search the www, online catch up etc.)
· reading with a critical eye etc.
· learn how to use the Learning Management System (WebCT) and
· learn to use the e-Assessment tools and facilities.
3.1 The ERC / i-Centres are visionary managed and controlled by a management group called the ERC Management workgroup, consisting of:
· DVC Academic
· Representatives from each of the campuses of Library Services
· Director Telematic Education
· Representative from IT Services
· Representative from the Student Services Council
· ERC Manager
· Representative from the official outside company who assist in the day-to-day management and upkeep of the facilities as observer (co-opted – no vote)
3.2 A pre-determined levy (determined each year) shall be charged for all registered students to help setting up and maintaining the ERCs / i-Centres.
3.3 A restriction of three (3) hours will apply with respect to using the computers in the ERCs / i-Centres to discourage students to occupy a computer ad infinitum:
3.3.1 Access to any official, prescribed academic information would be regarded as priority i.e. WebCT, e-assessment software, VTC training programmes, library information systems, online catalogues, the official TUT website and other official academic resources.
3.3 The operational management of the ERCs / i-Centres would be done by an ERC Manager who will be visionary guided by the ERC management group with the operational line report to the Executive Director Library Services.
3.4 Students will be allowed to play games on computers during off-peak times i.e. after 06h00pm and before 07h00am in the morning by paying an additional fee to be determined each year. During official academic hours no gaming will be allowed on
computers whether in the ERC or i-Centres accept in the case where the game are prescribed by an academic programme or whether it’s in the view of the ERC Manager or anyone else deemed necessary to learn to use the computer by playing.
3.5 Students will be allowed to type assignments, CV’s and other official and non-official documentation and can acquire help from the technical people and other support people in the ERCs / i-Centres at no cost. All ERCs / i-Centres are available for electronic assessments.
3.6 Printing, copying, burning CD’s etc will be allowed at an additional cost for the student.
3.7 The technical and day-to-day management of the ERCs might be outsourced according to the rules and regulations set out by the ERC management group and Institution.
3.8 The budget of the ERC may not exceed the paid levies.
3.9 Acquisitions of hardware and other upgrades or expansions are done in conjunction with the ERC management group.
3.10 ICT Services will be responsible for supplying the Internet access via the official TUT Internet Service Provider.
The operational management of the ERCs / i-Centres are done by an ERC Manager who will in turn negotiate contracts with an outside service provider to give day-to-day management, technical support and collection of money and the uptime of the ERCs/i-Centres.
The ERC Manager will report to the Executive Director Library Services, but the visionary management and the dream of the ERCs / i-Centres will be co-ordinated and monitored by the ERC Management team.
The Tshwane University of Technology will ensure the provision of effective and efficient and equitable support and access for students through the ERC / i-Centres and the overall processes for ERCs i-Centres will be structured according to Quality Promotion.