What is it?
PIP TALKS is a form of “Ted Talks” where students may sign up to present on any topic they would like to explore. If you have never seen a “Ted Talk,” go to and watch some!
What does it involve?
You may work alone or in a small group (limit of 4 to a group). You will research whatever topic you are interested in and put together a short presentation in the style of a Ted Talk, a documentary film, or other presentation format. Be creative! We have workshops to help you with the technology end of things.
What if I need help selecting a topic or doing research?
There is a list of faculty from TCU and Paschal who are willing to help mentor students in fields that they are interested in. Check out the website list of current mentors. You are not limited to using a mentor on the list. You may decide to work without a mentor if you so choose. Topics from previous years have ranged from gun control to fine arts to video games. Anything that interests you (and is school appropriate, naturally) is a potential topic. If you do not see a mentor listed in a field you are interested in and you would like to have a mentor, contact Dr. Blaisdell, Mr. Connally or Mrs. Granger and we will see what we can find for you.
How much time will this take?
We are starting early so that you have plenty of time to work on this. The first round of presentations will occur on February 14th. We will have workshops beginning in late January. You can attend as many workshops as you would like, or none at all if you already are comfortable using the technology.
Why should I do this?
Besides being a lot of fun (seriously, ask students who were involved last year), we have asked teachers to offer lots of extra credit for being involved. Secondly, there are prizes involved. The finalists will receive a prize to help them in future research and presentation endeavors. In previous years, prizes have included $50 gift cards to Barnes and Noble, Kindle HD Fires and books. Additionally, TCU usually provides a small gift to everyone who participates in the first round.
How do I find out more about this?
Check out our website or email Dr. Blaisdell/Mr. Connally
How do I register?
Everything you need is on