The signs represented in this page are very important as they serve to find in this manual the parts which you have to pay a special attention to.

The warnings of attention must be followed with sruple in order to avoid damages

The warnings of “important”, you have to observe them as they contain important information and practical advice which can help you very much.

The warnings of “In case of breakdown”tell us what to do in case there is an element which doesn’t function correctly.


In the central we find various switches and leds that inform :

-(A) switch with a drawing in the bulb. General connection of the Motorhome’s battery. The “led” (A) illuminates.

-(B) Switch with a drawing of a faucet. Connection of the pump of water. The “led” (B) iluminates.

-By pressing on (D) and remaining pressing, it informs us of the parts (E) and (F).

-(E) Informs us about the state of the auxiliary battery (of the Motorhome). In normal conditions, it should be between 2/3 and 1/3. In case it returns to “R” it means that the battery is nearly exhausted (in “reserve”). Read later on the recommendations about the battery.

-(F) Informs us about the state of the tank of water. The capacity is of 130 litres. The luminous “led” marks by thirds. When the “led” 3/3 switches off, that means that we are using the first third of the tank and so on. When only the “led” R remains switched on, that means that it remains to us a reserve of nearly 10 litres.

-(C) Luminous “led” which informs that we are connected to the electric net of 220 V.

-(D) “Led” which will iluminate automaticly as soon as the tank of grey waters would be full until 90 %. When the pilot switches on, you’ll have to empty the tank out as soon as possible.


At the moment we connect this switch, we give the electric current inside all the motorhome (the 12 V battery is connecting). At that moment we can use any light or lamp of the interior.

When we are not connected to the electric net, we have to be very carefull whith the ignition of the lights as these ones cause a high battery consumption. Try to switch off every light you don’t use.

2 kind of lamps are at our disposal inside. We have the lamps with one position, that means, off or on and the lamps with two positions, off, on or on with a low consumption. The lamps with a low consumption can be found in the bunks and the beds.

We remind that the McLOUIS motorhomes come equiped with 2 batteries ; one belongs to the motor, situated in the front bonnet, and the other belongs to the motorhome’s interior, usually situated under the seat next to the driver’s one (independent and DOES NOT communicate with the one of the motor, dedicated EXCLUSIVELY to supply energy to the motorhome’s interior).

The battery of the motorhome’s interior is different with the motor’s one. They are auxiliary batteries named “of maintenance”. For this reason, it should never be substituted by the motor’s battery of start reciprocally.

The auxiliary battery charges by two ways :

  1. While we are driving, the auxiliary battery charges (through the alternator of the motor).
  2. In case we connect to the electric net, automaticly, the energy source changes, from 12 V to 220 V and the auxiliary battery charges.

Remind switching on the motor 5 minutes in order to charge the battery in case you have kept the motorhome immobilized for more than 6 hours of using without driving with it.


At the moment we connect this switch, the water pump is connecting and we dispose of water in all the faucets and the bathroom. Under one of the seats of the dining-room (in the 4 people’s one, in case there are two) we find the pump of water above the tank of water. Remind keeping connected the general switch of current (A), in negative case any element of the motorhome would function. We advise you to disconnect the pump of water when you don’t use it avoiding then an unnessary consumption of battery.


In order to check the real state of the battery (E), before everything, we have to switch off any light that would be on. Then, we press and we remain pressing on (D). If you would do it with a light on, the information would not be correct as there would have been a consumption at that moment which would make vary the “tester” of the central. The calcul of the state of the battery is done by thirds. When the battery is charged at 100 %, it would be indicated to us with 3/3. When the indicator marks 2/3 that means that we start using the first third of the battery. The normal conditions in which we must find the state of the battery is 2/3 ; When the indicator marks 1/3, we’ll have to switch on the motor during 5 minutes in order to recover the charge of the auxiliary battery.

When you have foreseen to keep the motorhome parked for more than 1 day, you have to put on the car giving to it gas during 5 minutes twice a day if possible.

By this way we avoid staying without battery, as we went on consuming and by no way we charged it before. For more information, go to point 1.1.


By pressing and remaining pressing on (D) we are informed of the state of the tank of water (F). This tank is constituted of 130 litres nearly and indicate to us the state by thirds, as in the indicator of the battery. When that indicator marks a red R, that would mean that we dispose of 10 liters of water nearly. This tank is situated inside the motorhome, in the interior of one of the boots. We’ll be able to fill it back from the interior or from the exterior of the motorhome. It is in the interior of the motorhome in order to avoid a possible freezing in places which temperature would be under zero.


When we connect the exterior ground of electricity, the pilot (C) would iluminate indicating it to us by an informative way.

When we are connected, we stop making working automaticly the 12 V battery and we feed with the 220 V electric current ; in its turn we charge the auxiliary battery. In this case, the grounds of current (one located in the kitchen and the other in the wardrobe of the bathroom) would work Once we disconnect, we consume back the energy of the auxiliary battery.


When the pilot switches on, that would mean that we have to empty it out as it is full at 90 %.

This tank contains water of the sink, the toilets and the bathroom. It is located under the motorhome and we’ll have to empty it out in authorized places, for instance the grilles situated in the petrol stations, public sewers or authorized places in petrol stations’ areas.

In principal, the contents of this tank is the water used in the kitchen and the bathroom.

It doesn’t have any damaging substance for the environment. Nevertheless, always refer to the common sense at the moment of the hollow and try to do it in authorized places or public sewers.


The faucets are monocontrol and the fires of the kitchen function in the same way as in a conventional kitchen :

a)Press a little on the handle of control turning it until the position it switches on (big flame), switch a match on keeping pressing the handle during 5-10 seconds.

b)Release the handle slowly turn it until the position you want (big flame or little one).

Meanwhile the cooker is working, don’t obstruct the hole located in the centre of the burners, dedicated to a possible exit of gas or smoke. The heat that goes out from that hole can be used to heat or to cook some plates. All the fires have a valve of security ; if for any reason the flame switches off, after one minute nearly, the exit of gas would disconnect, making then impossible an emanation of gas from the interior. Independently, the motorhome is constitued of breath passings for the circulation of air.

Once we finish to use the cooker, let the burners get cold and also before puting the lid on the grille, avoiding by this way the possible bursts as a consequence of an overheating.


The fridge can work at 12 V, 220 V and with gas. The change of type of using by another is done by means of control which are featured in the figure 1.

4.- Work of the gas :

1)First of all, check if the switches for 220 V and 12 V ( Battery) are disconnected.

2)Make passing for the gas placing the button (D) at the position of flame (turning it towards the left).

3)Put the thermostat (E) to the maximum (number 5).

4)Connect the switch (F). It would flick and you’ll hear a noise of tic tac, indicating that sparks are producing in the burner.

5)Push and keep pushing the button (D), so that you make sure that it functions and that gas arrives in the burner.

6)When the gas opens, the production of sparks stops, indicating that the fridge functions.

7)Keep pressing on the button (D) during 10-15 seconds more ( always observing that the switch (F) is not producing sparks) and next release it.

The temperature of gas regulates thanks to the thermostat (E). If you want to obtain less temperature (colder), adjust the thermostat at a bigger number (1 minimum, 5 maximum).

To close the work of gas :

1)Turn the control (D) to the position closed marked with a point (turn the point to the left).

2)At that instant, the switch (F) will start to spark, indicating that gas doesn’t go to the fridge. Disconnect the switch (F) for it doesn’t produce sparks any more. The fridge is off.

4.2.- Work at 220 V :

1)Close the work of gas or of 12 V (Battery).

2)Turn the button (C) of the thermostat to its highest position (coldest)

3)Place the switch (B) at the position 1. If there is tension in the net, the switch would iluminate in green.

The temperature regulates with the thermostat (C), 1 minimum, 7 maximum (coldest)

To close the work of 220 V :

1)Place the switch (B) in “0”.

4.3.- Work of 12 V :

The work of 12 V should be used only when you are circulating (when the motor of the vehicle is working).

1)Close the work of gas or of 220 V.

2)Put the switch for 12 V (A) in “I”. The switch iluminates in orange.

At 12 V (Battery), it doesn’t exist thermostat. The previous indications involve that with battery, the fridge DOES NOT cool, it only keep the temperature of the interior, so you have to cool the fridge thanks to gas or to 220 V before going.

To close the work of 12 V (Battery) :

1)Place the switch (A) in “0”

Only use a source of energy at the same time.

4.4.- Opening and close of the fridge :

To open the fridge, press on the green tongue (B) and the close (A) would dishammer. To close it, press down the close (A) until you hear a “clic” of the tongue indicating that the door is closed.

Notice that the door of the fridge can be adjusted in two different positions. In one of them, the door remains firmly closed. In the other, the door remains a little opened and fixed, in order to air the fridge. This mode can only be used when you are not using the fridge. Then, always check if the door is well closed.

Make sure that the close is locked while the motorhome is moving.

Store of food :

Always preserve the food in containers closed.

Never put any hot food in the fridge ; let it get cold before.

Never preserve in the fridge articles which could dislodge inflammable gas.

The two stars’ (**) compartment for frozen food is dedicated to keep food ever frozen and to make ice. It is not suitable to freeze food.

It is practical to make ice cubes during the night. Then, the fridge is less used and the system of freezing has got more reserves. Fill the backing tin nearly to the brim with drinkable water and place it in the shelf of the compartment of freezing. To accelerate the freezing, you can pour a little of water on the shelf ( 2 tablespoonfuls are enough). Then, the contact between it and the backing tin increases.

Cleaning of the fridge :

Soak a dishclothe with hot water or, if possible, with a teaspoon of bland bicarbonate in each half of litre of hot water. Wring the dishcloth and clean with it the interior of the fridge and its accessories.

Never use washing powder, dust for washing or products for cleaning at wax to clean the interior of the fridge, as they would deteriorate the areas and let an intense smell.

The exterior of the fridge, you have to clean it from time to time, with a damp dishcloth and a little of washing powder. But don’t touch the joint of the door which must be cleaned with water and soap and next dry conscienciously.

...If the fridge doesn’t work

If the fridge doesn’t work in the mode gas, check :

  1. The bottle of gas isn’t empty
  2. The ways of passing under the fridge are opened (see part number 5 of this manual)
  3. The regulator of the bottle of gas is opened. Check in this case if the fires of the cooker work
  4. In case the regulator of the exit of gas would have been closed, it is possible the tubes have air and make difficult the combustion of the fridge.Switch the fires of the cooker on and let them some minutes on in order to make easy the combustion of the air. You’ll notice that the flame is yellow and with a little of prssion. The flame is correct when its internal figure is blue and its outline clear.

If the fridge doesn’t work in the mode electricity, check if :

  1. The motorhome is connected in the exterior at a ground of electricity with the wire supplied.
  2. The fuse didn’t melt.

If the fridge doesn’t work in the mode 12 V, check if :

  1. The fuse which supplies the 12 V tension is not melt.
  2. The switch of 12 V is certainly connected-

For any of the 3 modes, check if :

  1. You have carefully followed the instructions relative to the start of the fridge.
  2. The motorhome is parked in a high incline. In the affirmative case, park on a flat place.
  3. If it is possible, start the fridge with one of the sources of energy connected.
  4. The grilles of airing are not obstructed.

If the fridge doesn’t cool enough, it can be due to the following causes :

  1. The ventilation is inadequate because the exterior grilles of ventilation are bloked or obstructed.
  2. The evaporator is frozen.
  3. The adjusting of control of temperature is not correct.
  4. The pression of gas is not correct ; check if the regulator of pression of the bottle of gas is correct.
  5. The air temperature is too high.
  6. You have put too much food in the fridge.
  7. The door is not closed correctly.
  8. You are using more than one source of energy simultaneously.


In the cupboard located under the fridge, we find the ways of passing that we mustn’t touch,

OpenFridgeThe position of these ways are always opened. If you want to

close the gas, you ‘ll have to close it from the regulator situated in the bottle in the compartment of the ways.

Closed CookerThey are ways that would be exclusively closed in the authorized repair shops for possible reparations.

HeaterIn normal conditions, and diary using, these ways won’t be closed avoiding by this way the entry of air in the conducts that would make difficult next the work of some machines.


6.- HEATING 3.000 Kcal

For the start of the heating :

Turn the regulator control of the temperature (a) at the position of the thermostat number 10. While you are turning it, already at the position 1, the automatic electric piezo (noise of tic tac). Press and keep pressing on the control (a) towards down until the flame is set (the noise of the electric piezo will disappear and you will see a flame through the spyhole (d). Always keep the regulator control pressed during 10 seconds . Once the flame endures, regulate the thermostat (a) as you want (1 minimum´10 maximum). The 4-8 position corresponds nearly to 22ºC for the air temperature). In case the electrical piezo would have been working for more than 1 minute without the heating works, the detector of problems lamp will switch on in the automatic ignition (c). To repeat the ignition, turn the control first to the position “0” and next, proceed again as it is indicated in “start”. The sensor of the thermostat (f) is situated in the lower right part. (e) = informative label of manufacture.Wait for the heating heats during 5 minutes and next, connect the ventilator (b). We have 3 positions :

(g) = Manual adjusting. We can graduate by manual way the level of power of the hot air deliverer ventilator. The position 1 is the minimum position and the position 5 is the maximum one.

(h) = Disconnection of the ventilator

(j) = Automatic adjusting. This mode saves power of the ventilator, levelling it without steps, at the corresponding emission of heat of the heating. The maximum power can be limited by turning the control.