No. / Country / Name and Designation1. 1 / Afghanistan / Mr. Eng. MOHD SEDIQHASSANI
Policy and Coordination
Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority
Tel: +93-799-459-913
2. / Afghanistan / Mr. Mohammad AjmalKarimi
Deputy Head
Foreign Relation Department
Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority
MRRD Bldg., 2nd floor
Shah Mahmood Ghazi Watt
Kabul Afghanistan
3. 2 / Bangladesh / Mr. MesbahulAlam
Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief
Bangladesh Secretariat
4. 4 / Bhutan / Mr. DashoTsheringDorji
Home Secretary
Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs
Tashichhodzong, Thimpu
Tel: +9752-322-502
5. / Cambodia / Mr. SopheapPhay
Representative of the Senior Minister in Charge of First Vice President
National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM)
New Building, St. 516 ToulSangke
RusseyKeo, Phnom Penh
6. / China / Mr. Zhang Xiaoning
Deputy Director-General
National Disaster Reduction Center of China
Ministry of Civil Affairs
No. 6 Guangbei East Road, Chaoyang District
Bejing, People’s Republic of China
Tel: +8610-052811003
Fax: +8610-052811100
Mobile: +86-13910-218133
7. / India / Shri Ashok Kumar Mangotra
Secretary (Border Management)
Ministry of Home Affairs
Government of India
North Block, New Delhi 110001
8. / Indonesia
9. / Jordan / Mr. JehadSalehMadadha
Assistant for Human Resources
General Manager Office
Jordan Civil Defense
Ministry of Interior
Queen Noor Street
P.O. Box 1050
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Amman, Jordan
10. / Lao PDR / Mr. KhamphaoHompangna
Deputy Director General
Social Welfare Department
Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare
Pangkham Road,
P.O. Box 347
Vientiane, Lao PDR
11. 18 / Malaysia / Datuk Mohammad Thajudeen Abdul Wahab
Under Secretary
National Security Council
Prime Minister’s Department
The Government of Malaysia
G Level, West Wing
Perdana Putra Building
Federal Government Administrative Centre
62502 Putrajaya, Malaysia
12. / Malaysia / Ms. MunirahZulkaple
Principal Assistant Secretary
Disaster Management Division
National Security Council
Prime Minister’s Department
The Government of Malaysia
G Level, West Wing
Perdana Putra Building
Federal Government Administrative Centre
62502 Putrajaya, Malaysia
Tel: +603-8063 5907
Fax:+603-8063 5236
13. 19 / Maldives / Ms. FathimathThasneem
Deputy Minister
National Disaster Management Centre
Tel: +960 3303918
Mobile: +960 7781126
Fax: +960 3333443
14. 21 / Myanmar / Mr. Ye Min Thant
Deputy Director
Relief and Resettlement Department
Magwe Region Office
Building No 23, Special Development Zone
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
15. / Nepal / Mr. Pradip Kumar Koirala
Under Secretary
Disaster Management Section
Ministry of Home Affairs
Government of Nepal
Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977-14211219
Mobile: +977-9841377224
Fax: +977-14211281
16. 23 / Pakistan / Ms. Anjum Assad Amin
Member (S & S)
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)
Room # 314-A
Prime Minister’s Secretariat Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: +92-51-920-9338
17. / Philippines / Mr. Eduardo Del Rosario
Under Secretary
Administrator, Office of the Civil Defense
Executive Officer
National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
Department of National Defense
Government of the Republic of the Philippines
Tel: +63-2-912-6675
Fax: +63-2-912-2424
18. / Philippines / Major Reynaldo Balido Jr.
Operations Division
Office of the Civil Defense
National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
Department of National Defense
Government of the Republic of the Philippines
19. / Sri Lanka / Major General GaminiHettiarachchi
Director General
Disaster Management Centre
Ministry of Disaster Management
Government of Sri Lanka
Room No. 2-201, Bandaranaike Memorial International
Conference Hall (BMICH), BaudhalokaMawatha
Colombo 07, Sri Lanka
Tel: +94-11-2670079
Fax: +94-11-2670025
Mobile: +94-77-395-7896
Email: , ,
20. / Thailand / Mr. ChainarongVasanasomsithi
Director of Research and International Cooperation
Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
Ministry of Interior
3/12 U-Thong Nok Road
Bangkok 10300
Tel: +66-2-637-3110
Fax: +66-2-637-3311
21. / Thailand / Ms. LuckanaManimmanakorn
Deputy Director
Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Academy
Ministry of Interior
3/12 U-Thong Nok Road
Bangkok 10300
Tel: +66-2-637-3110
Fa: +66-2-637-3311
22. / Timor Leste / Mr. Lino de Araujo
Head of Department for Administration and Finance
National Disaster Management Directorate (NDMD)
Ministry of Social Solidarity
Rua De Caicoli
Dili, Timor Leste
Tel: +670-3322597
Mobile: +670-7724-9205
23. / Vietnam / Dr. Nguyen HuuPhuc
Disaster Management Center
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
#407, A9 Building, 02 Ngoc Ha
Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: +844-3733-5686
Fax: +844-3733-5701
# / Organization / Name of Representative24. / ADRC / Mr. Kiyoshi Natori
Executive Director
Asian Disaster Reduction Centre
1-5-2 F Wakihamakaigan-dori
Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan
Tel: +81-78-262-5540
Fax: +81-78-262-5546
25. / AusAID / Ms. Felicity Lee
Policy and Program Manager
DisasterPrevention and RiskReduction
HumanitarianPreparedness and ResponseBranch
P.O. Box 887, Canberra ACT 2601
Tel: +612-6178-4487
Mobile: +61-424-808-890
26. 28 / FAO / Mr. YujiNiino
Land Management Officer
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Maliwan Mansion
39 PhraAtit Road
Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Tel: +662-697-4213
Fax: +662-697-4445
Mobile: +668-1869-1925
27. / GIZ / Mr. Nicolas Lamade
Fach-und Methodenmanager
Sicherheit, Wiederaufbau und Frieden
Senior Manager
Security, Reconstruction and Peace
Deutsche Gesellschaftfür
InternationaleZusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Tel: +49-6196-79-1940
28. / GIZ / Mr. Stephan Huppertz
Disaster Risk Management and Recovery
Deutsche Gesellschaftfür
InternationaleZusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
PotsdamerPlatz 10
10785 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49-30-408190-210
Mobile: +49-171-338-42-68
Fax: +49-30-40819022-210
29. / IFRC / Mr. SusilPerera
Disaster Management Delegate
International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
IFRC Asia Pacific Zone
The Ampwalk, Suite 10.02 (North Block)
218 JalanAmpang 50450
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +603-9207-5700
Direct: +603-9207-5724
Mobile: +60-12-207-6534
30. / IFRC / Mr. Thor Danielsson
Head of Delegation
International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies – Mongolia
Suite 306 MongolianRed Cross Society Building
Karl Marx Avenue
Sukhbaatar District
1st Khoroo
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Tel: +976-11-312-720
Fax: +976-11-321-684
Mobile: +976-9987-7395
31. / IFRC / Ms. Indira Kulenovic
Community Safety and Resilience Unit
International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Society (IFRC)
Ocean Tower 1, 5th Floor,
170/11-12 Sukhumvit Road Soi 16,
KlongToey, Bangkok 10110 Thailand
Tel: +66-2-661-8201
Mobile: +6681-846-7927
Fax: +66-2-661-9322
32. / TRCS / Dr. AmnatBarlee
Director, Relief and Community Health Bureau
Thai Red Cross Society
1871 Terdprakiat Building, Henry Dunant Road
Patumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand
33. / UNESCAP / Mr. Sanjay Srivastava
Regional Advisor on Disaster Risk Reduction
Information and Communications Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division (IDD)
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
United Nations Building
RajdamnernNok Avenue
Bangkok 10200 Thailand
Tel: +66-2-288-2633
Fax: +66-2-288-3012
34. / UNESCAP / Ms. Yejin Ha
Economic Affairs Officer
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Subregional Office East and North-East Asia
17th Floor, Meet-you-all Tower
Techno Park, 7-50 Songdo-dong
Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-32-458-6621
Fax: +82-32-458-6699
Mobile: +82-10-2925-8172
35. / UNISDR / tbc
Mr. Jerry Velasquez
Senior Regional Coordinator
UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction for Asia and the Pacific (UNISDR-AP)
UNESCAP Building, 8th Floor, Section A
RajdamnernNok Avenue, 10200
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66-2-288-2750
Mobile: +66-818-606-285
Fax: +66-2-288-1050
36. / UNOCHA / Mr. Andrew Pendleton
Humanitarian Affairs Officer
UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Regional Office Asia and Pacific
Executive Suite, 2nd Floor, UNCC
RajdamnernNok Avenue
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +662-288-2468
Mobile: +668-1844-9865
37. / UNOCHA / Ms. Kristen Knutson
Head, Regional Partnerships Unit
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP)
Executive Suite, 2nd Floor, UNCC
RajdamnernNok Avenue
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66-2-288-2572
Fax: +66-2-288-1043
Mobile: +6681-984-6896
38. / USAID / Ms. Erin Magee
Program Officer
East Asia and the Pacific
USAID Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA)
Regional Development for Asia
9th Floor, Witthayu Tower A
93/1 Wireless Road
Bangkok 10330 Thailand
Mobile: +66-81-819-7580
Email: ;
39. / USAID / Mr. Richard Chen
General Development Officer
U.S Agency for International Development Office
USAID Mongolia
U.S. Embassy, Big Ring Road, 11thMicrodistrict
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Tel: +976-7007-6040
Fax: +976-7007-6254
Mobile: +976-99112602
40. / USAID / Ms. HasbaatarMendsaihan
Project Management Specialist
U.S Agency for International Development Office
USAID Mongolia
U.S. Embassy, Big Ring Road, 11thMicrodistrict
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Tel: +976-7007-6087
Fax: +976-7007-6254
Mobile: +976-9911-9246
List of RCC Member Countries and RCC International Observers for RCC-10