Hilliard Bradley Athletic Boosters
February 13, 2017 – 7:00 PM - Hilliard Bradley High School
In Attendance: Dwayne Woodruff (President) Carol Artis (Vice President), Donna Waggener (Secretary) , Matt Slyh (Treasurer), Jerry Trivette, Vickie Trivette, David Shook, Mary Lorenz, Doreen Hribar, John Krochmal, Marcus Graber, Amy Grainger, Kris White, Shelli Miller, Denise Thurston, Donna Long, Terry Waggener, Vicky Lemmermen, Jon Mooney, Amy Johnson, Allison Hutton, Jeff Hutton, Barb Miles, Kelly Trapani, Tammy Rondy, Michelle Followell, Heather Norris, Shawn Parsell, Karen Brown, Jim Banaag, Melissa Dixon, Eric Ryan, Maria Satre, Hank Lewandowski, Brian Rawlins
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm
Coaches: Donna Long, Tennis; Shawn Parsell, Girls Volleyball; Hank Lewandowski, Boys Lacrosse
Guests/New Members: Fred Hoop
Athletic Director: Eric Ryan; Brian Rawlins, Assistant AD
Old Business
· Minutes presented to Trustees for review. Motion to approve 1st Jon Mooney, 2nd Marcus Graber. Approved.
· Finance Report
o Financial report was presented for review, no changes. The unknown check from Kroger is for Boys Lacrosse. The Beerfest check arrived but is not in the report yet. Motion to approve 1st Terry Waggener 2nd Marcus Graber. Approved.
· Athletic Director
o Winter sports team are all finishing strong with many titles. The District is working to find new sources of revenue to fund improvements to grounds and equipment, and is considering a beverage partnership with Coke or Pepsi. Proposals are being evaluated and we are invited to review the information and provide feedback. Mr. Ryan announced he will be stepping down as Athletic Director and returning to coaching and the classroom next school year. The position has been posted. Mr. Rawlins reported that work is underway to determine what will be needed for the new middle school and what items will be kept.
Committee Reports
· Committees met during this meeting.
o Improvement and Maintenance – There is a request for new helmets for Boys Lacrosse. Coach Lewandowski explained the request, planning to replace some helmets this year and some next year. The helmets have newer technology and would be more protective, containing an inner bladder similar to what football helmets have. The lifespan of the new helmet is expected to be between 4-8 years, with reconditioning at the 4-year mark. Motion to bring the request to the Steering Committee by Jon Mooney, 2nd John Krochmal. This request will be considered at the February 27 Steering Committee Meeting,
o Publicity and Sports – No report.
o Scholarship – The scholarship application packet is available from the Guidance Office and is due back on March 15. Jim will put the information on social media.
o Finance – No report
o Spirit Wear – No report
o Website – Mulch sale information will be added to coincide with the March 11-12 canvass. Anytime Banner information will also be added.
o Historian - There were about 20 people who came for the Hall of Fame reception on December but did not find where it was.
o Membership – There are a few new memberships. Officer election for next year is approaching, open positions are President, Vice President and Concessions Treasurer and candidates are needed.
o Fundraising –The mulch sale canvass is March 11-12, sale end date of April 5 and delivery on April 22-23. Canvass packets for coaches will be available for pickup from the Athletic Office by March 10.
o Concessions –An email was sent to Booster members explaining the need and asking for help. There are a few playoff games left for winter. The signup process will be changing for next year, the most significant being that shifts will be available first come – first served and not split 50/50 between music and athletics. People will sign up individually rather than Trustees taking whole shifts, if there are any other ideas please contact Fred Hoop. Two people will be leading for Spring season, and as always help is needed for all events. Spring events are on the website now.
New Business
· None
Steering Committee will meet on February 27 at 7pm at Lucky’s.
Motion to adjourn 1st Mary Lorenz 2nd Jon Mooney . Meeting adjourned at 7.55 pm.
HBAB General Session Page 3