The 18th at Walden Council of Co-Owners Meeting July 7, 2018
TheBoard of Directors Meeting for the 18th at Walden Council of Owners Association was held Saturday,July 7, 2018 at 12900 Walden Road Montgomery, TX 77356 in the Association Clubhouse.
The meeting was called to order at 10:00AM by Patti Grill. Directors in attendance were Patti Grill, Bekki Andrews, Christine VonSehrwald and Eric Bartee.Malcolm Young was not present. Directors in attendance established the required quorumto conduct Association business. Courtney Duncan, Account Manager with IMC Property Management.
Guest in attendance: Pam Louis Unit 203, Lynda Pierce Unit 111, Cherie Badeen Unit 413, Marie Jacquot Unit 514 and Virginia McAnulty Unit 217.
The draft meeting minutes from theJune 2nd, 2018Board of Directors Meeting minutes were presented for review.
Upon a motion duly made by Bekki Andrews and seconded by Eric Bartee, the draft minutes were approved and will be retained as Association record.
The Board of Directors was presented with the closedMay 2018 financial reports for review.
Upon a motion duly made byEric Bartee, and seconded by Bekki Andrews, the financials were approved and will be retained as Association record.
Lonnie from Mel’s Sprinkler service spoke to the board and members in attendance of the ongoing sprinkler issues and repairs needed throughout the property.
Upon a motion duly made by Bekki Andrews, and seconded by Eric Bartee, the board approved Mel’s Sprinkler to install 4 Toro Sensors on the property, motion passed unopposed.
Talmadge Fletcher with Britlite Electric spoke to the board regarding the electrical repairs he has been working on throughout the property.
Courtney Duncan is to have Thomas clean stairwells and pressure wash patios.
The board raised a question to the audience concerning transparency from the association. All in attendance agreed they receive information and eblasts and are kept up to date with things on the property.
Upon a motion duly made by Eric Bartee, and seconded by Bekki Andrews, the board decided to cancel the contract with Protex Landscaping and move forward with Alamo Lawn and Sprinkler Company.
The open session of the Board meeting was adjourned to open the executive session.
During the executive session the Board reviewed the collection reports discussed appropriate action on delinquent accounts.
Deed Violations reports were reviewed. Several report options were presented to the Board for their review.
The Open Session of the meeting was reconvened, and an oral summary was provided as to the general discussion.
With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 12:53pm.
The next Board of Directors meeting will be held Saturday August 4th, 2018
Respectively submitted by Courtney DuncanAccount Manager
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