MU Chancellor’s Committee for Persons with Disabilities (CCPD)
Minutes for November 1, 2012
Attendees: Cheryl Shigaki, chair, Sean Joy, Fred Murdock,Carol Howald, Lee Henson, Troy Balthazor, Andy Knoop, Heidi Shearer, AbbieO’Sullivan, Barb Hammer, Carol Twenter, Giuli Krug,LixingReneker, Bonnie Gregg
October 2012 Minutes: Motion was made and seconded to accept the October 2012 minutes. Minutes were accepted.
Announcements and Departmental Briefs:
- Appointment to talk to Cerner has been cancelled again, so delayed until next month.
- Celebrate Ability Week went well. The attendance to different sessions seems indicate the type of events to emphasize. Very well received speaker. The committee is currently evaluating feedback. Branding events that occur over the semester may be helpful in spreading the planning and commitment.
- Disability Services has now set up a video-phone to replace TTY service. This allows students to sign with the interpreter. Deaf consumers are provided with similar phones for free so the technology is widely available in the broader community.
- Diversity Summit included some new types of presentations such as voice and dance. Universal Design session received good feedback. Lee said the Chancellor’s Diversity Initiative is considering Universal Design for Diversity or something quite similar as a theme for its activities after the civility theme runs its course. He said that there needs to be a good business case for doing this, so that things like funding potential, sustainability, etc., can be considered. He said the CDI hopes to wrap up an initial analysis by the end of the year, with advice from several members of the CCPD.
Discussion Items:
- Advocacy for induction looping (and other accessibility resources) in remodeled or new buildings. Abbie is currently on a campus committee discussing what the standards across campus should be insofar as classrooms etc. Consider contacting Heidi Davis to talk about getting these accessibility standards included in remodels of classrooms and conference rooms. As regular updating of rooms occur on campus it is important to include standards that address updating accessibility as a regular consideration. SHP is currently remodeling two floors. This might be a good opportunity to open this discussion.
- ACTION ITEM: Giuli will contact Kris Hagglund and try to arrange for a meeting with Giuli, Gui, Cheryl and Abbie.
- Consider issues associated with procurement policy with the passing of the Accessibility Policy. This could include a focus on specific items such as software or a more broad focus on purchasing. In general, there is a need to development guidelines to support the accessibility policy. Sharing other campus procurement policies may help provide a framework for the conversation with Steve Mack.
- ACTION ITEM: Abbie will contact Steve Mack to set a meeting with Abbie, Cheryl and Gui.
- The Committee will work to develop guidelines for implementing the disability policy. Abbie has identified several such guidelines for other universities that can be used as models.
- ACTION ITEM: Abbie (Subcommittee Chair), Giuli, Sean and Troy will review models and begin to draft guidelines to bring to the committee for further review/discussion.
- Survey Development. One thought is to spend this year noting and generating questions that could be best addressed by data-gathering. We could also develop smaller scale surveys…specific topics like hearing or self-assessment survey tool that departments could use.
- Moving the Accessibility Policy forward. Troy suggested department by department self-evaluations. Concern about backlash from being perceived as adversarial. Advertising the new policy would be one avenue to open that discussion with a variety of departments. As we educate people about the policy, we can supply them with supportive tools to take these objectives into their areas. Ask “Do you have the tools and understanding to implement this policy? What support do you need?” This could be the basis for a small survey as well. This would give an avenue for discussing the policy on a broad scale. With the low level of visibility currently it may be worth doing some announcements first. University Affairs may be able to help us craft a strategy for promoting the policy. Note: MUInfo announcements cost $50; Mass email costs $100; “Mizzou Weekly” story is free; and HSC “Insight” is free.
- ACTION ITEM: Barb Hammer will contact University Affairs and invite someone to attend our meeting in December. Goal is to discuss ways to get the word out about the policy. Note: Video by UW with clip of Chancellor Deaton will be unveiled next week.
- Add celebrate ability week discussion to the December agenda.
Next Meetings:
December 6th -Memorial Union N242
NOTE: January 3rd -Memorial Union S204-cancelled
February 7th -Memorial Union S204
March 7th -Memorial Union S204
April 4th – Memorial Union S204
May 2nd – Memorial Union N232