South Central Coast Regional Consortium (SCCRC)Zoom Meeting


August 25, 2017


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll):+14086380968,256161943# or +16468769923,256161943#
Or Telephone: Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 256 161 943

Welcome and Introductions

Approval of July 21 SCCRC Zoom Meeting Minutes and August 7 Joint Meeting:

SCCRC Meeting Minutes


  • DSNs/TAPs
  • Chancellor’s Office
  • CCCAOE Board Report
  • Special Populations
  • CTE Faculty Training
  • CTE Liaisons: Verity names and contact information
  • Regional Program Recommendation Process

SWP Updates

  • SWP Rubric Evaluation Team
  • Review of SCCRC SWP Governance Structure
  • NOVA Regional and Local Online Template
  • CTE Rebranding and Marketing Update
  • Career Education Rebranding Updates (Internal)
  • Career Education Microsite (External – user)
  • Career Education Regional Fact Sheet
  • College CTE POCs: Need one point of contact at each college
  • 16-17 Project Updates
  • SWP Planning and Decision-Making Timeline

2017-18 and 2018-19 Planning and Decision-Making Timeline

  • JUL 201783% of 17-18 Allocations
  • AUG-SEPProject Proposal Development
  • AUG 7 Decide Funding Buckets (SCCRC
  • AUG 11SCCRC SWP Steering Committee Zoom Meeting
  • AUG 15Launch of Local and Regional Online System (NOVA)
  • AUG 25Regular SCCRC meeting/SWP Planning (Pierpont Inn, Ventura)
  • SEP 22SCCRCMtg/SWP Planning -Steering Committee Meeting - Rubric Evaluation Tool Presentation (Pierpont Inn, Ventura)
  • OCT 1All MIS data must be in system for 17% incentive fund allocation determination from Launchboard
  • OCT 20Project Showcase (SCCRC and Steering Committee) (Pierpont Inn, Ventura)
  • NOV 2 SCCRC meeting at CCCAOE Fall Conference Rancho Mirage
  • DEC 1Progress Reports on 16-17 regional projects and plans due to Chancellor's Office
  • DEC 8SCCRCMtg/Steering CommitteeMtg (All 17-18 and 18-19 Funding Decisions made) (Location TBD)
  • DEC/JAN17% of 17-18 Allocations published
  • JAN 26-27 SCCRC Retreat and Steering Committee (Pierpont Inn, Ventura) LOOKING TO CHANGE TO JAN 5-6
  • JAN 3117-18 and 18-19 Certified regional projects and plans due to Chancellor’s Office.
  • JAN-MAR 31 Regional certified projects modification window

SCCRC Meetings Dates for 2017/2018

Fri, July 21, SCCRC, Pierpont

Fri, Aug 25, SCCRC, Pierpont (Pavillion)

Fri, Sept 22, SCCRC and Steering Committee, Pierpont

Fri, Oct 20, SCCRC and Steering Committee, Pierpont

November 2 zg1-3 at CCCAOE Conference in Palm Springs

Fri, Dec 8 SCCRC and Steering Committee, (Not at Pierpont, TBD)

Fri/Sat, Jan 26-27 (SCCRC/Steering Committee Retreat, Pierpont)

Feb 23, SCCRC, Pierpont (Start w/ lunch at 11:30, afternoon meeting)

March 7-9 CCCAOE in Sacramento

Apr 20, SCCRC, Pierpont

May 4, SCCRC, Pierpont

June 10-12, SCCRC Planning Retreat, Cambria (Sun SCCRC, Monday Steering committee in AM/SCCRC PM, Tue SCCRC Business Meeting)

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