
Animal structure, Chemical signals, Nervous system, Senses.


Chapter 40

New terms:


Basement membranefibersTendonLigamentsmesentaries

Haversion systemTissuesInterstitial fluidhomeostasiscollagen


  • What are the levels of structural organization from subatomic particle to biosphere including definition and examples?
  • PPT on my website about tissues
  • What are the four types of animal tissues, functions of each, subcategories of each, and examples of each.
  • Identify the different tissues from a picture of them.
  • Why is the surface area to volume ratio important?
  • What are positive and negative feedback and examples of each?

Chapter 45

Key terms:

HormonesPheromoneshormone receptorssecond messengerendocrine

Exocrine glandsteroidhormonejuvenile hormonecAMPpituitary

HypothalamusProstaglandinspeptide hormone

  • What is the mechanism that steroid hormones use to maintain homeostasis in the body?
  • What is the mechanism that peptide hormones use to trigger responses in the cell?
  • Explain the relationship between the hypothalamus, pituitary, and other glands in the body.
  • Location of glands (page 898)
  • Handout on hormones:
  • Important topics above chart and questions on the back of the handout
  • Memorize the chart on page 899 including gland, hormone, chemical structure, and functions.
  • Explain the long term and short term responses to adrenal gland hormones.
  • Explain the process of maintaining calcium homeostasis and glucose homeostasis as indicated in diagrams on pages 905 and 906.

Chapter 48

Key terms:

Central NSPeripheral NSSomatic NSParasympatheticNSSympathetic NS

Synapseneurotransmittersneuronmyelin sheathschwann cells

Interneuronsensory neuronmotor neuronNa/K pumpthreshold

Action potentialafferent neuronefferent neuronautonomic NScholinesterase

Corpus callosum limbic systemganglionglial cellsrefractory period

  • Typed page of notes on nervous system
  • What are the different ways to divide the nervous system into functioning units? (page 978)
  • Explain how a neuron conduct an impulse down its membrane including the four stages and what is happening during each?
  • How does a message get passed from one cell to another cell?
  • What are the key structures that make up a neuron including supporting cells? (962)
  • What are the key parts of the vertebrate brain and the function of each? (Diagram page 980)
  • What are the four lobes of the brain and what is the primary function of each?
  • Explain how each of the following is done and what the test is used for: CT scan, PET scan, EEG, MRI

Chapter 49

Key terms:

Sensory receptorConesrodscochlearetina

semicircular canalsmyofibrilsThick filamentsthin filamentsmyosin


tetanusintercalated discsjointmuscle fiber

  • What are the five types of receptors and the types of stimulus that they sense?
  • Describe the structure and function of the human eye and its parts.
  • Describe the structure and function of the human ear and its part.
  • Describe the structure of a skeletal muscle down to the cellular level.
  • Describe the mechanism that muscles contract (sliding filament theory)
  • What are the three types of muscles, where they are found, involuntary or voluntary, and their functions
  • Muscle powerpoint on the website