National Molecular Microbiology Diagnostics Users Group (NMG)

11THAnnual Fall Meeting

November 6-7, 2017

Peter Gilgan Research and Learning Centre,

The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON

Guidance for Industry Sponsored Activities

The National Molecular Microbiology Diagnostics Users Group (NMG) is a national association of laboratorians using molecular methods for clinical microbiology diagnostics. Members are from hospital, private and public health laboratories from across Canada.

Eleventh Annual Fall Meeting, November 6-7, 2017at SickKids Hospital in Toronto, ON

The tenthannual Fall Meeting is planned to discuss proficiency activities from throughout the year, trouble-shooting, current molecular testing issues, and to obtain updates on new technologies, assays, and instrumentations through industry-sponsored workshops.

Opportunities for Industry Supported Participation and Sponsorship:

  • Industry – Sponsored Workshops at the Annual Fall Meeting
  • Sponsorship of Social Events including meals and coffee breaks for the Annual Fall Meeting
  • Exhibit table at Annual Fall Meeting

1. Industry – Sponsored Workshops (MondayNovember 6, 2017, 9:00-4:30 pm)

  • On the first day of the Annual Fall Meeting companies will have the opportunity to present to attendees on their chosen topics (subject to approval by the NMG Executive Committee) including new assays, technology, instrumentation; updates on existing assays, technology and instrumentation, etc.
  • Sponsors will provide objectives and tentative agenda for approval by NMG Executive Committee.
  • The cost of $3,500 per60 mins. or $2,500 for 30 mins., includes the facility, AV, an exhibitor table (if desired) and the attendance of 2 representatives plus the speaker.
  • Companies will be responsible for the arrangements and the costs associated with speakers, shipping costs for specific equipment, etc.
  • Companies have the option to have an exhibit table at no extra cost with a sponsored workshop.
  • Please note that workshop availability is limited to a total of 5 hours on MondayNovember 28, 2016 and will be determined on a first come – first serve basis. Please register early.

2. Sponsorship of Special Events for the Annual Fall Meeting

  • Acknowledged with Signage and in the Program. Sponsors of events/meals will also have the option to have an exhibit table at no extra costs.
  • Specifically:
  • Breakfasts ($3,000 each)
  • Lunches ($4,500 each)
  • Coffee Breaks ($1,750 each)

3. Exhibit Tables at the Annual Fall Meeting(November 6-7, 2017)

  • Exhibit Tables will be available on Monday morning November 6, 2017on a first come first serve basis starting at 7:30 am. Price of $1,000 includes table, skirting and registration for 2 representatives. A maximum of 18 tables are available.
  1. Attendance to the Meeting as a Participant
  2. Registration to attend the talks and exhibits for industry participants is available at a cost of $750 per person and includes breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks.

Please fill in the attached Exhibitor Reply Form and/or contact the NMG Sponsorship Committee for more information:

Astrid Petrich


Tel: 416 813 6592

National Molecular Microbiology Diagnostics Users Group Meeting (NMG)

Annual Fall Meeting

Toronto, Ontario – November 6-7, 2017

Exhibitor/Industry Registration Form

Please email fax completed form to: or (416) 813 6257

Company Name:
Contact Name: / Title:
City: / Province:
Country: / Postal Code:
Phone: / Fax:
Authorized by (signature):
Industry Sponsored Workshop $3,500/hour
  • Preferred Time of Workshop (preference will be prioritized on a first come first serve basis)?
Morning ______Afternoon ______
Do you want an exhibit table (included in the price of the workshop)? Yes_____ No_____ / $______or $2,500 for 30 min.
Name of representative(s) attending the meeting (2 representatives plus the speaker allowed at no extra charge): ______
Sponsorship of Meals or Breaks* (circle):
  • Breakfast $3,000
  • Lunch $4,500
  • Morning Coffee Break $1,750
  • Afternoon Coffee Break $1,750
Do you want an exhibit table (included in the price of the meal/break sponsorship)? Yes____ No_____ / $______
Name of representative(s) attending the meeting (2 representatives allowed at no extra) charge:______
Exhibitor Table Only $1,000 per table / $______
Name of representative(s) attending the meeting (2 representatives allowed at no extra). charge:______
Registration for Additional Industry Representatives or Representatives Attending the Meeting Only
  • $750 per participant
/ $______
Name of representative(s):______

Payment by Cheque or Money Order

Please make cheque or money order payable to: National Molecular Microbiology Diagnostic Users Group (NMG)
c/o JessicaKafka, Public Health & Microbiology Lab
Dr. L.A. Miller Centre – Eastern Health, 100 Forest Road, Suite 1, St. John’s, NL, Canada A1A 3Z5
If you would like to pay by direct deposit, please contact Jessica Kafka to make arrangements.
Send your completed form by email to or by fax to 416-813-6257, however, your participation will not be confirmed until payment is received.