To: Faculty Eligible for Sabbatic Leave in the 2017-2018 Academic Year

From: Sabbatic Leave Committee

Date: August 25, 2016

Re: Applications for Sabbatic Leave

The Sabbatic Leave Committee has set a deadline of Thursday, October 6, 2016 at 4:00 PM for the submission (receipt) of applications for Sabbatic Leave. Please submit nine (9) copies of the enclosed application form, your proposal (limited to 8 pages), curriculum vitae (limited to 2 pages), and any supporting materials (limited to 5 pages) to the office of Academic Affairs, Gelsi-Young Hall, Room 229. Applications submitted after that time will not be considered. Members applying for sabbatic leave must notify their Department Chairs of the application, and must follow the application guidelines.

The Committee will make its decisions based solely on the written material submitted by each applicant. Applications must be submitted on or before 4:00 pm on October 6 in order to be considered. The Committee will forward a rank-ordered list of recommended candidates to the University President by November 1, who makes final determinations on granting Sabbatic leaves.

Please refer to Article 13.7 of the current CSU-AAUP/CSU-BOT Collective Bargaining Agreement for complete contractual information, as well as the University Senate Bill (SB 08/09-6). To be eligible for sabbatic leave in the 2017-2018 academic year, faculty who have had a previous sabbatic leave must have had that leave during or before the 2010-2011 academic year. Faculty members who have not had a sabbatic leave must have been employed as full-time faculty since at least the 2011-2012 academic year. Please note in Article 13.7 of the CSU-AAUP/CSU-BOT Collective Bargaining Agreement that each recipient of a sabbatic leave must submit a written report to the Provost and the Sabbatic Leave Committee within a semester of their return. Past recipients must include a brief description of their accomplishments resulting from their most recent leave in their current application (SB: 08/09-6).

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Amy Groth, Biology Department, Chair of the Sabbatic Leave Committee ().


Amy Groth

Chair, Sabbatic Leave Committee

Drew Hyatt

Assistant Chair, Sabbatic Leave Committee


AAUP Faculty

Eastern Connecticut State University



Leave Requested For Fall


Academic Year

Date Hired Date Tenured

Date of Last Sabbatic Leave Fall Spring Full Year

Academic Year

Applicant Signature Date

The applicant’s department chairperson must sign acknowledging that he/she has seen the application.

Dept. Chair Signature Date



Please type your abstract of between sixty (60) to one hundred (100) words, into the box above: concisely state what you propose to do, how you propose to do it, and how it will benefit the Connecticut State University.

Please submit nine (9) copies of this application form, your proposal, and your curriculum vitae on or before October 6, 2016, at 4:00 PM, to the office of Academic Affairs, Gelsi-Young Hall, Room 229.

I. Application Procedure

A. As specified in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA Article 13.7 Paragraph 2), only full time members of the University who have received tenure are eligible for a sabbatic leave. After a sabbatic leave, members must complete an additional six-years before they are eligible to receive another sabbatic leave.

B. The Sabbatic Leave Committee will put out a call for applications to be turned in no earlier than September 15 and not later than October 15. Applicants must use the attached form and supply all requested information.

C. The applicant will inform his/her Department Chairperson of the application. The individual’s Department Chairperson must sign the form, acknowledging that he/she has seen the application.

D. The Sabbatic Leave Committee shall submit, in rank order, its recommendations to the President of the University by November 1. In the case of two proposals of equal merit, preference shall be given to the individual with the longest service since his/her last sabbatical, as specified in the CBA Article 13.7 Paragraph 4. The University President shall announce his/her recommendations no later than December 15.

E. As specified in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA Article 13.7 Paragraph 5), each sabbatic leave recipient shall submit a written report that explains the experiences and accomplishments that were attained in pursuit of the objectives established in his/her original proposal to the Provost and the Chair of the Sabbatic Leave Committee within one semester of their return. A copy of the written report will be forwarded by the Provost to the University Archives for permanent storage, and these reports will be available to the public.

F. Beginning with sabbatic leave recipients in Fall 2009, these reports will be made available to the Sabbatic Leave Committee when the recipient applies for another sabbatic leave. Failure to complete a report may adversely affect a candidate’s application for a future sabbatical.

G. As specified in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA Article 13.7 Paragraph 7), candidates must return for at least one year following a sabbatic leave.

II. Criteria Used by the Sabbatic Leave Committee in Evaluating Applications

A. Contribution to the professional growth of the individual.

B. Benefits to the Connecticut State University System.

C. Strengthening of the professional competence or enrichment of teaching through such endeavors as increasing the depth of knowledge in a given area and contributing to the profession and/or discipline.

D. If applicable, previous sabbatic leave experience(s) as documented by the applicant, in his/her previous sabbatic leave reports and/or current application.

E. Completeness of the application.

III. Application Guidelines

A. The proposal must use a 12 point font, double-spacing, and one inch margins.

B. A 60-100 word abstract must be included on the application form (cover sheet).

C. A current curriculum vitae, limited to two pages, must be attached.

D. The proposal should be written clearly and be addressed to an audience of non-specialists.

E. The length of the proposal is limited to eight pages.

F. Attachments, such as a bibliography, proof of grants, invitations, contracts, illustrations, etc., are limited to five pages.

G. The project description should include the following, where applicable: a clear goal of the project; a statement of the project’s significance and impact; the project’s history and preliminary research; a description of sources and methods; a work plan and timeline; and the planned professional outcome(s) of the project.

H. If you have had a previous sabbatic leave, include a brief description of the accomplishments resulting from the most recent leave.