Thank you for your interest in becoming a Global Footprint Network Partner.

Before filling out this application, please visit our Become a Partner page on our Web site -www.footprintnetwork.org, and read through the information on that page, as well as the PDF “Partnership Details” – available in the Related Links box of that site, and the partnership agreement. Once you have read through the benefits and responsibilities of partnership, please fill out the application below (electronic only, please) and email it to , along with a signed copy of the partnership agreement document.

We review applications monthly and typical turnaround time is 2 -3 weeks. If for some reason you do not hear from us after three weeks, you can inquire as to the status of your application at .

Organization Contact Details
Name of Org/Company
Mailing Address:
Web site URL
General Phone #:
General Fax #:
Primary Partnership Contact
Name and Title:
Mailing Address:
(if different from above)
Email Address:
Personal Phone #:
Other Relevant Contacts
(anyone entered here will also be given access to Footprint Forum.
You can always email us later to add members as well)
Name and Title: / Email address: / How would they be involved in this partnership?
About your organization
Name of Org/Company
Category (highlight one): / Academic institution; NGO; local/regional government; national government; Ecological Footprint consultancy; other consultancy; corporation; other: ______
Please describe what your organization does in 2-3 sentences.
What is your mission/purpose?
What are your core competencies?
Who is your primary audience?
What is your annual turnover? (in € Euros)
Number of employees, globally (if more than one office, please specify main locations)
Please enter 2-3 sentences about your organization for our website if different from the bold section above.
Please enter 2-4 paragraphs of information about your organization for your partner page on our website if you wish to use this page. You can also send us this information at a later date.
Your interest in the Ecological Footprint
Has your organization used the Ecological Footprint in its work? / ___ YES, for (highlight one):
0-2 years; 3-5 years; 5+ years / ____ NO
If YES: Please describe the main focus of your use/application of the Ecological Footprint
If NO: Do you have plans for using the Ecological Footprint more in the future? If yes, please describe how and why.
(e.g.; technical tool, applications, communications tool, advocacy tool, personal behavior change, etc.)
Staff Profile
Please describe the technical background of your staff – engineering, ecology, CS skills, etc. -- if any.
Does your current staff have Ecological Footprint accounting experience?
If yes, please specify the number of staff with Ecological Footprint experience and the period of time each staff has been engaged in Ecological Footprint accounting work..
If yes above:
Briefly describe the technical specialties/focus of staff with Ecological Footprint experience.
Has any of your staff attended a formal, Ecological Footprint technical training?
If yes above:
Briefly list the dates and locations of the training(s), and the provider of the training.
If your organization :
·  Is a consultancy with experience in Ecological Footprint Accounting, or
·  Wishes to develop the technical capacity to do Ecological Footprint Accounting and Consulting,
Please fill in the following section.
If not, please skip to “on Becoming a Partner”
(for consultancies):
This information will allow us to better serve our partners who are experienced in, or desire to develop technical Ecological Footprint accounting competency.
Technical work with the Ecological Footprint
Has your organization completed paid Ecological Footprint applications work for external clients? / ___ YES, for (highlight one):
0-2 years; 3-5 years; 5+ years / ____ NO
If yes:
Please provide 3 examples of your consultancy’s Ecological Footprint applications work.
(e.g.; city or regional Ecological Footprint assessments, Ecological Footprints for corporations (operations/buildings/products), Ecological Footprint assessments for governmental organizations; Ecological Footprint software/calculator tools)
If no:
Please indicate which areas of technical Ecological Footprint expertise your consultancy would like to develop.
For consultancies with experience in Ecological Footprint accounting:
Are there further technical aspects of the Ecological Footprint that you would like to build expertise in?
If yes, please describe.
Ecological Footprint Tools and Trainings
If your consultancy has developed specialized Ecological Footprint accounting tools, please describe them briefly.
If no, are you hoping to develop tools in the future? Please describe.
If your consultancy has developed specialized Ecological Footprint trainings, please describe them briefly.
On Becoming a Partner (for all applicants)
How did you hear about us?
Why does your organization wish to become a Global Footprint Network Partner?
What are the three main benefits you hope to achieve/derive from joining?
What skills, knowledge, and commitment can your staff bring to the Partner Network community?
Partnership Commitments
Partnership Agreement
2. Please initial the box to the right to confirm that you have read and signed the Partnership Agreement document. / Initial here:
Footprint Forum
3. We strive to make Footprint Forum (www.footprintforum.org), our online partner community, an active, collaborative and dynamic resource for all our partners. This requires input and participation from all members of the Partner Network. We encourage partners to engage in and start discussions with other partners and use the community as a resource for posting and finding Footprint reports, announcements, news releases, and other links and resources related to your work with the Footprint/addressing ecological Overshoot.
We specifically ask that partners create (and update) profiles for themselves, invite others in their organization to join the community, and post at least one report a year (if relevant reports are produced), as well as and write blog entries, forum posts or emails to the community a few times a year on the work that is being done by each partner. This ensures useful and up-to-date content that benefits all partners and highlights the important work and progress we are making as a community.
Please initial the box on the right if someone from your organization is willing to contribute to Footprint Forum at least a few times a year. / Initial here:
4. Your partnership distinguishes you as a leader in advancing the science of sustainability through the Ecological Footprint. To that end, we would like to display your logo on the partners section of our Web site and to refer to your organization as a partner of the Global Footprint Network. Please forward your logo to us as a JPEG or GIF file with high-resolution, 100px by 100px maximum dimensions, and a white or transparent background along with instructions, if any, about how it should be displayed. In addition, please provide a maximum 35-word description of your organization.
Additional Comments or Questions
Your Application Is Now Complete.
Please save it as “Your Organization Name Partner Application” (e.g.: “WWF Partner Application.doc”) and email to
with a signed copy of our partnership agreement to be considered for Global Footprint Network partnership. You should hear back from us within 3 weeks.