The Association of Nene River Clubs


Meeting on Friday 14th May at Titchmarsh starting 8pm

Members Attending

John Brown – J.B. - (A.N.R.C. Captain),

Jenny Sullivan – J.S. - (A.N.R.C Vice Captain),

Ron Smith – R.S. - (A.N.R.C. Secretary),

John Crisp – P.Y.C. (A.N.R.C. Treasurer),

Karen Scrivener – K.S. – (A.N.R.C. Minutes Secretary),

Ralph Sullivan – R.A.S. - (O.C.C. Rep),

Phil Green – P.G. – (M.N.C.C. Acting A.N.R.C. Rep),

Dave Cussell – D.C. – (P.Y.C. Rep),

Jeff Walters – J.W. - (M.L.W.C. Rep),

Dan Jones– D.J. – (B.B.C. Rep),

Carol McIntyre – C.M. – (B.C.C. Rep),

Phil Donnor – P.D.- (P.C.C. Rep),

Teresa Donnor – T.D. – (P.C.C. Rep),

Brian Phillips – B.P. – (

Apologies for Absence

Alison Loasby – A.L. – (M.N.C.C. Rep),

Dave Shipton – D.S. – (P.Y.C. Rep),

Charlie Carlton – C.C. – (P.C.C. Rep)

Minutes of Last Meeting (Friday 12th March 2010)

J.B. asked the meeting if everyone had received and read the minutes from the previous meeting, which took place on Friday 12th March 2010. J.B. acknowledged that P.G. had not received M.N.C.C. copy, but was given a printed copy to view. J.B. mentioned that there was an error on page 5, under the heading of A.N.R.C. Rally 2011, where C.C. was asked if she would be attending the Rally. It was noted that according to the minutes C.C. said that she would not be attending, this is incorrect and should read that she will be attending. A few very small errors have occurred in the minutes and all have now been corrected. All in the meeting were in agreement to the changes.

Proposer: J.B.Seconded: R.A.S.

Matters Arising

No Matters arising

Captain’s Report

J.B. began by stating that there had been no meetings for him to attend, that he could report on. The St. Johns Narrow-boat trip, organised as a joint venture between the A.W.C.C. and the A.N.R.C. was mentioned, that it had been a very good day for all, and was going to be left for J.S. to mention in her report. G.S.B. has resigned (stepped down) as M.N.C.C. Rep due to health problems and that P.G. has now taken over the position as rep. Other than that there was nothing to report.

Vice Captain’s Report

J.S. began her report with the social day trip on the St. Johns Narrow-boat, involving the A.W.C.C and the A.N.R.C., it was a good social day, with excellent weather and everyone agreed that it had been a good day. J.S. had received a letter from Dan Reed, thanking the A.N.R.C. for their donation, with the amount passed on being £180.00. This letter of thanks was read out in the meeting, this letter ended that the St. Johns feel proud to be associated with the A.N.R.C. and the A.W.C.C.

J.S. was in touch with Sue Cant at the Thrapston Town Meeting, to bring up the problem regarding the headroom of Islip Footbridge. J.S. was advised that the E.A. is in consultation with ENDC to solve this problem, by raising/replacing the footbridge, but although they have been in agreement about funding, objections have been put forward by the landowner. So this matter is still unresolved at present.

There is still no progress regarding bankside moorings. Kinewell Lake Trust has raised an objection that boaters could disturb the wildlife in the vicinity.

J.S. then mentioned that the I.W.A. had received the Waterways Magazine, and in it there was an article by Sue Cant regarding the E.A. putting in new moorings and were appealing for suggestions of where these moorings can be put.

The Oundle Marina and Fairline site is now up for sale, with the long term future for Oundle Cruising Club now a concern.

Secretary’s Report

R.S. attended the last R.N.G. meeting on Wednesday 5th May 2010, the recent joining of Barnwell Boat Club into the A.N.R.C. was mentioned, which pleased the meeting.

There is now 8 seasonal inspectors, 3 for the Nene, 3 for the Ouse, and 2 for Black Sluice Lock.

The Transport and Works Act has now been renamed, and although the Act allows for a rolling year registration, the E.A. are not looking at pursuing this route as of yet.

Currently Natural England had a lot to say and are trying to dictate, but have no intention of donating any funds. Currently, the Anglian Region is donating ½ million pounds.

Some of the new boats are not compliant with BSS, and as they are new boats are not required to be for the first 4 years, but they do require a certificate of conformity. Once boats are 4 years old, this issue cannot be raised with the manufacturer as the boat would be deemed out of warranty. When R.S. was asked which manufacturers they were, R.S. replied that their names were withheld.

The proposed harmonisation program of licensing between Medway, Anglian, and Thames regions, is well under way. There will be some winners and some losers, as some will be paying considerably more. E.g. a 27ft Seamaster could be paying up to 30% more in licensing, a provisional paper was available at the meeting, and they had been asked to reconsider the proposals due to the unfairness of these large increases. J.B. asked what the percentage of increases were, to which R.S. replied that he did not know, and that he had enquired but was still waiting for a response.

Mullicourt Aquaduct is being refurbished, but the cost of the works so far is more than had been expected, from £80,000 to £250,000. The water levels have been reduced to protect the work force.

The Cam Conservators and the E.A. are currently looking at amending the navigation fee split. They are considering a toll up the Cam, starting Battisham Lock to Jesus Lock.

J.B. then apologised to P.D. and T.D. for not introducing them to the meeting, as the new reps from P.C.C.

R.S. mentioned that a few copies of the 2010-2011 Capital Works Plan was available.

Also Anglian Afloat, who have their own website, had sent a few copies of their magazine in an attempt to promote subscriptions, these magazines were available for the meeting to browse through.

In regards to the number of boats registered, within the Anglian Region there has been 5,874 registrations, with an income of £1.65 million. There has been an increase of 113 more craft, which has an income of £150,000, dated to the end of April. J.C. asked how many boats have not yet registered? R.S. replied that there has been 8 successful prosecutions, and 48 warnings under section 21. The figures are available in the GOBA Magazine.

Treasurer’s Report

J.C. stated that all the Club Subscriptions were now in, but with Individual Members Subscriptions still creeping in. P.G. and J.B. advised that they both had a few individual members’ subscriptions, to update the subscription list.

New pennants have been ordered, which are slightly smaller with a toggle and line.

A.N.R.C. Rally

J.W. was asked by J.B. how the Rally plans were coming along, to which J.W. replied that the programmes had been sorted, and had brought 1 to the meeting for everyone to look at. Everything is going to plan, with most Narrow-boats moored at the Town Quay, and most Cruisers on the Bank (as in past years). On the land designated for Caravans, tents and Motor Homes, some power would be provided. J.S. asked J.W., as they had never been to M.L.W.C., if it was far from the Town Centre to the Quay? J.W. replied that no, it is only a 5 minute walk away.

P.G. then asked J.B., with regards to the Illuminated Boat and Decorated Boat, M.N.C.C. would not be bringing a boat, could boat be borrowed, or use a makeshift boat? J.B. replied that it would not be problem, as M.N.C.C. could borrow his boat.

J.B. then asked J.W. if M.L.W.C. had heard from the E.A. about a donation for the Rally? J.W. replied that they had not. J.B. then mentioned that he had been in touch with Sue Cant, who sends her apologies as she is unable to attend the Rally. In regards to the donation, it could be possibility that M.L.W.C. is not covered by the E.A., and that the normal £300.00 donation from the E.A. will not happen. After some haggling, J.B. had managed to secure a £250.00 donation for the Rally.

J.W. mentioned that there would be a 24ft by 12ft stage, and the Marquee is 17ft by 30ft/40ft. On the programmes, the opening times for the bar are for the Marquee bar, run by the Royal British Legion, with all bar profits going to the Royal British Legion. M.L.W.C. would be making profit from all the food that is sold.

A.N.R.C. Rally 2011

J.B. began by mentioning that with the A.N.R.C. Rally N.B.C. would not be able to cope, owing to their annual commitments for their Centenary Year 2011, and that the A.N.R.C. should now be looking to secure another venue. The A.N.R.C. is now looking to push forward, and to ask M.N.C.C. if the Rally could be held on their premises. P.G. advised that at the last M.N.C.C. Committee Meeting he had spoke in J.B.’s absence in regards to the Rally 2011. There had been a few concerns such as where is the equipment coming from? Will there be manpower? The M.N.C.C. AGM took place on Sunday 9th May 2010, and spoke about the issue of M.N.C.C. possibly purchasing a Marquee, to which the M.N.C.C. AGM agreed, 80 to 30, to purchase a Marquee, the size of the Marquee would be 120ft by 40ft. If M.N.C.C. was to provide everything, it would be on the proviso that M.N.C.C. would run the bar and take some of the profits, as M.N.C.C. did not make any profit on the 2008 Rally, they had only just broke even. If M.N.C.C. were to supply and construct the Marquee, the bar, the dance floor, carpet etc., M.N.C.C. would look at taking at least 50% of the profits from the bar. J.C. asked if toilets would be the only item for the A.N.R.C. to provide, to which P.G. replied that portaloos would be good enough. In the 2008 Rally, the toilets provided were proved to be very expensive, it cost £100.00 a time to have the toilets emptied, over 3 days. J.B. agreed to propose the M.N.C.C. receive 50% of the profits from the bar.

Proposed: J.B.Seconded: J.S.

P.D. asked what the other 50% of the profits would be for, to which J.B. replied that this would be the A.N.R.C. profit. The A.N.R.C. have helped the clubs over the years to help raise funds. J.B. is to attend M.N.C.C.’s Committee meeting on Friday 2nd June 2010.

Navigation Updates

J.B. advised that the silting up between Alwalton and Water Newton has now gone.

AGM 2010

J.B. mentioned that the meeting went very smoothly.

Dinner and Dance 2010

It was suggested that the price of the tickets would be kept at last year’s price of £25.00, and the venue has been booked, currently based on a minimum of 75 people. This will mean a deposit of £862.50, which is 50% of the overall cost. P.G asked when the tickets would be available. J.B. replied that when the price of the tickets has been agreed, the tickets would be available at the Rally, the list would be redone, and the menu sent by email.

R.A.S. asked when the event date is, to which J.B. replied that the date set is Saturday 25th September 2010.


R.S. spoke to mention that in the Harmonisation Paperwork, the actual prices to be paid could be worse off by anything between £12.00 and £400.00, the biggest increase will be capped, making the regime worse off by £52.00 in licence fees.

P.D. mentioned P.C.C. Fun Weekend date of Friday 12th June 2010, with entertainment on the Saturday night, food, and games. Leaflets will be posted out to all the other clubs.

P.G. mentioned that M.N.C.C. are holding their Fun Weekend on Friday 10th July 2010, putting on a ‘Party in the Park’ with Proms, with Real Ale available all weekend.

J.W. mentioned that the Monday after the Rally, there will be a Fashion Show in the Marquee, which M.L.W.C. would be receiving 50% of the profits.

J.S. announced that there are no more mooring above Cogenhoe, due to the farmer withdrawing his permission.

R.A.S. asked if Earls Barton had been electricfied, which was answered as no not yet.

Next meeting will be Friday 9th July 2010

Meeting concluded 9.30pm

Captain Vice CaptainTreasurerSecretary

Mr John BrownMrs Jenny SullivanMr John CrispMr Ron Smith

22 Marlow Rd17 Clover Drive90 Eye Road18 Kings Road

