Annual General Meeting


1st September 2014 – 8PM – East Barnet Royal British Legion

Opening remarks by Chairman – Les Berry

  • Apologies for absence – Brian Leighton – The Plough.
  • Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting held on 2nd September 2013 had been circulated.

Taken as read – proposed by Jon Drews and seconded by Linda Bailey – Agreed.

Chairman’s Report – Les Berry

The Chairman read his report:-

The 2013/4 Season was the Crib Leagues 30th. It’s remarkable to think that this should have been going for so long, and seemingly is in such good health.

Good news for the start of the year was the introduction of a new team to bring us back to the ideal 16 teams. The Woodhouse joined our happy band and seemed to quickly get into their stride, albeit with a couple of wobbles, including going to the wrong Black Horse! We’ve all wished we’d done that on occasions!

From what I hear they had an enjoyable season in division two and will look forward to their second season.

In division one, the Players once again triumphed in yet another closely fought season. With 10 wins out of 14 and a 9 point advantage over second place Southgate Compton they were worthy winners. After SCCC we saw a very competitive middle of the table with only 7 points between 3rd and 7th. The biggest shock was the double demise of last years’ winners and runners up, the Black Horse and Railway Bell, who were both relegated. How the mighty are fallen!

The second division was another close affair. The chequers, like their division one counterparts, won 10 out of 14 and were worthy winners. 2nd place was finally decided as BSCA pipped Kitcheners and EBRBL by just 5 points.

The Shields were won by the Black Horse, giving them some compensation for their relegation disappointment. They played their neighbours, the Players in the final.

The Mike Russle cup was won by Southgate Compton, who rounded off a good season at the expense of the Green Monks. In the Elleston trophy, East Barnet RBL beat BSCA to continue their successes of recent years.

In the singles, Alan Seager of the Railway Bell was victorious over yet another EBRBL player – Ken Allen and he takes home the Mike Pratt Cup. Pairs were won by Peter Morrison and Marion Pearce of BCC who beat John Clarke & Lez Steed of the Jokers who get to keep the Jim Grocott cup for the next year.

As is usual I would like to thank the committee, of Roger Morgan, Justin Edwards, Peter Morrison and Pete Creed for all their hard work during the year. Justin stepped smoothly into the secretary role last year and has become a steadfast deputy. Thanks for all your efforts.

During the latter part of the season, we undertook a survey, using a web survey service and it was gratifying that vast majority of you think the crib league is well run, the structure is reasonable, and not much needs changing. There was, however, some very interesting and useful feedback which we as a committee have considered – more of that later! I bet you can’t wait!

It did become necessary to remind a few teams of the rules and it would, I think, be sensible if captains ensured that they, at least, were aware of the rules. A further reminder was issued about the need for fairness of play – I hope that message has got home – I think it has.

Finally, the league starts in a few weeks. It only remains for me to offer you good luck in all your endeavours. Remember – how boring Monday nights would be without a game of crib, a chat with old friends and a pint of beer!

Thank you for your attention.

Les Berry

Treasurers Report – Roger Morgan

  • Copies of the accounts had been previously circulated.
  • The Treasurer reported an ‘end of season’ carry over in the region of £476.00
  • Adoption of accounts as presented – Proposed by Roger Morgan and seconded by Neil Appleyard – Agreed.

2013-2014 accounts detailed below:-

League Year / 2013-14 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
Forecast / Actual YTD / Forecast
B/F from previous year / £320.52 / £385.52 / £476.02
Alexander (Railway Bell) / £45.00 / £45.00 / £45.00
Barnet Con Club / £45.00 / £45.00 / £45.00
Black Horse / £45.00 / £45.00 / £45.00
BSCA / £45.00 / £45.00 / £45.00
Builders / £45.00 / £45.00 / £45.00
Chequers / £45.00 / £45.00 / £45.00
East Barnet RBL / £45.00 / £45.00 / £45.00
Green Monks / £45.00 / £45.00 / £45.00
Jokers / £45.00 / £45.00 / £45.00
Kitchener / £45.00 / £45.00 / £45.00
Mitre / £45.00 / £45.00 / £45.00
Players / £45.00 / £45.00 / £45.00
Plough / £45.00 / £45.00 / £45.00
Potters Bar Cricket Club / £45.00 / £45.00 / £45.00
Southgate Compton Cricket Club / £45.00 / £45.00 / £45.00
Woodhouse / £45.00 / £45.00 / £45.00
Total Annual Subscriptions / £720.00 / £720.00 / £720.00
Other (Incl. Web Advert Income) / -
Sub Total / £720.00 / £720.00 / £720.00
Total Income / £1040.52 / £1105.52 / £1196.02
Annual Trophies / £576.44 / £552.00 / £575.00
Engraving-Update Old Trophies / £53.56 / £52.50 / £55.00
AGM Food
Web Site Service Provider Charge / £25.00 / £25.00 / £25.00
Other (Post & General Admin.) / - / -
Total Expenditure / £900.72 / £812.00 / £585.00
Balance of Income over
Expenditure C/F to next year / £385.52 / £476.02 / £541.02

Appointment of Committee for season 2014-2015

The Chairman advised that all the current officers and committee members had expressed their intention to continue for the season 2014-2015.

Survey Results

The Chairman gave a report into the Online survey conducted over the past season.

Main Issues Raised in Survey

1  Earlier start (12/8 against) – ensure teams start at 8.30pm, ensure captains not delaying games.

2  Not allowing same Pair to play twice. Not allowing 3 pairs per person

3  The cut

4  Postponed games – time limit. Max number. All played before end of regular league season

5  Singles/Pairs draw

6  AGM – mic needed. Play game of crib on night. Bar not to shut at 10

7  Social function – Maybe/Yes 12 – No 7

8  1st round singles/pairs – within each team. 16 players at finals (maybe Presidents Cup instead)

9  Revamp Shield competition

10  Finals Venues

No Comments were made

League Subscriptions 2014-2015

The Treasurer advised that subscriptions will be unchanged

  • £45 per team if paid before the end of November 2014
  • £55 per team if paid after the end of November 2014
  • Proposed by Roger Morgan and seconded by Jon Drews

Mike Russle Cup

The draw was made for the first round to be played on 14th November, 2014

The matches were drawn as follows:-

  • The Jokers vs The Chequers
  • East Barnet Royal British Legion v The Woodhouse
  • The Plough v The Mitre
  • Potters Bar Cricket Club v The Players
  • Southgate Compton Cricket Club v The Railway Bell
  • The Black Horse v The Kitcheners
  • Green Monks v The Builders
  • Barnet Conservative Club v BSCA

Rule Changes

The Chairman advised that the league committee had reviewed the league rules and made the recommendations as listed in the notice for the 2014 AGM as circulated.

Changes to the rules 12.2, 12.5, 12.6, 12.19 13.4 and 14.2 - agreed.

Further Notes

At the conclusion of the AGM, the presentations of the trophies for the season 2013-2014 were made.

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