Section 2.3 – Macromolecules


1. Name the 4 main classes of macromolecules (organic molecules) & tell what 3 elements all of these contain.

2. In what ratio are hydrogen & oxygen atoms in carbohydrates?

3. In what 3 forms do carbohydrates exist?

4. What are the monomers of carbohydrates called? What is their common name? Give the ratio of

carbon, hydrogens, & oxygens.

5. Name the 3 MOST common monosaccharides.

6. Sketch & label a molecule of each of these monosaccharides. How do they compare? Write the

chemical formula for all three.

7. Because all 3 simple sugars have the same chemical, but different structural formulas, they are

called ______.

8. What are double sugars called? Name & describe the process that forms them.

9. Name a disaccharide.

10. What forms a polysaccharide? Name a polysaccharide found in animals. Name 2 found in plants?

11. What chemical reaction formed these large molecule? What reaction would be needed to break

these molecules?


12. Are lipids polar or nonpolar? What happens to lipids when they are placed in water?

13. Compared to carbohydrates, what is true about the ratio of carbon & hydrogen atoms to oxygen


14. Most lipids are made of ______acids. Describe their shape. What functional group is

found on the head end of the molecule?

15. Are both ends of a fatty acid polar? Explain.

16. Hydophilic means water ______. Which end of a fatty acid is hydrophilic. The nonpolar end

of the fatty acid is said to be ______or "water fearing".

17. Which end of a fatty acid chain WOULD dissolve in water? Which WOULDN'T?

18. In what type of fatty acid are there only single bonds in the carbon chain? Name one such fatty


19. What type of bond appears in an unsaturated fatty acid?

20. Name the 3 groups of complex lipids.

21. What makes up a triglyceride?

22. What type of triglycerides tend to be solids at room temperature? Which are liquids?

23. What type of triglyceride would each of these substances be --- vegetable oil? butter?


24. What makes up a phospholipid? How are they different from triglycerides? What main part of a

cell is made of phospholipids?