Cover Sheet

Council of Writing Program Administrators

Award for Graduate Writing in WPA Studies

Please complete this cover sheet and submit it along with the paper or project to be considered. The name of the author, program, or course instructor must not appear on the paper or project.

Graduate Student(s)’ Name(s):

Graduate Student(s)’ Email Address(es):

Title of Submission:

Course for which the project was completed:

Term in which the project was completed:


Institutional Address:

Nominator: or same as above

Nominator’s Email Address: or same as above

To submit a complete Nomination Packet, fill out the following and include with a copy of the nominated paper or project:

ü  This Cover Sheet

ü  Nomination Form

ü  Affidavit of Eligibility

ü  Abstract of Nominated Paper or Project

Submit Nomination Packet to

Melissa Ianetta

Chair, CWPA Graduate Student Award Committee

Email (preferred):

Postal address: English Department, Memorial Hall, University of Delaware, Newark DE 19716

Nominations are due May 31, or the last day for reporting grades for spring term at the student(s)’ school.

Nomination Form

Award for Graduate Writing in WPA Studies

Council of Writing Program Administrators

Purpose and Criteria for Selection: This award recognizes outstanding writing achievements by students of writing program administration and is intended to encourage graduate scholarship in WPA studies. Entries will be judged on innovation, scholarship, relevance, and clarity of writing. Projects examining major trends and issues in writing program administration will be preferred.

Eligibility: Eligible entries must be written by students enrolled in coursework at either the master’s or doctoral level. Entries/nominations for the award must be accompanied by an affidavit signed by a faculty member or instructor at the student(s)’ institution verifying that the student project was completed for graduate credit.

Entries should be unpublished manuscripts of 5,000–8,000 words or an equivalent multi-media and/or web-based project. The submission must include a 100-word abstract or other brief description; manuscript submissions should conform to the editorial and stylistic guidelines of the journal WPA: Writing Program Administration; other kinds of projects should be publication-ready as appropriate. Use the Cover Sheet provided.

Nominations: Any WPA member in good standing can nominate a paper or project for the award. Please use this form for the nomination.

Nomination Deadline and Timeline: Nominations are due by May 31 (or the last day for reporting grades for spring term at the student’s school). Entries will be reviewed and a winner selected by September 1 of the same year. The author(s) of the winning entry will be notified as soon as possible thereafter. Subsequently, but no later than March of the following year, the winner of the award will be publicly announced and will be recognized at the annual WPA Breakfast at CCCC.

Nominating WPA member ______

Email address and Phone ______

Author(s) of nominated paper or project______

Email address(es) and Phone ______

*Instructor of the course in which the project was completed for graduate course credit ______

Email address and Phone ______

*Please complete the Affidavit verifying that the project was completed for graduate credit.

Include this nomination form with the submission packet.

Affidavit of Eligibility

Award for Graduate Writing in WPA Studies

Council of Writing Program Administrators

Instructions: Please complete the following form, which must accompany the entry/nomination for the Award for Graduate Writing in WPA Studies.

Eligibility: Eligible entries must be written by students enrolled in coursework at either the master’s or doctoral level. Entries/nominations for the award must be accompanied by this affidavit signed by a faculty member or instructor at the student(s)’ institution verifying that the student project was completed for graduate credit.

Graduate Student(s) Name(s):

Graduate Program/Department:

Graduate course in which the project was completed:


I certify that the person(s) named above was enrolled as a master’s or doctoral student(s) at the time that the entry was written. I further certify that the student project was completed for graduate credit.

Signature ______Date ______




Mailing Address:


Email Address:

Include with submission packet.

Abstract of Nominated Paper or Project

Council of Writing Program Administrators

Award for Graduate Writing in WPA Studies

(100 words)

Include with Nomination Packet