WTSDC Paper No 38/2006 (2.5.2006)

The Healthy City in Wong Tai Sin


This paper aims at seeking Members’ support and endorsement of the organization of the HealthyCity in Wong Tai Sin in 2006/2007.


2. Wong Tai Sin District Council (WTSDC) endorsed the establishment of the first term of the “Organising Committee of the HealthyCity in Wong Tai Sin” (hereinafter called the Organising Committee) in April 2002 and the second term of the Organising Committee in April 2004. The Organising Committee organized all kinds of activities relating to the healthy living of people, enhanced public’s concern of personal health and hygienic living environment so as to achieve better personal health as well as social cohesion and harmony. On the other hand, quality living conditions were provided through the consistent protection and improvement of the natural and social environment and the exploration of social resources. A positive living attitude was fostered for people so that they could give full play to the personal and community potentialities and be self-resilient.

The Healthy City in Wong Tai Sin

3.All the activities were implemented successfully with the support of the local personalities. Based on the past experience, the HealthyCity in Wong Tai Sin will be held again this year to further enhance the concern and understanding of the public towards personal health, environmental hygiene and protection. It is suggested that the theme, programmes and other related matters are arranged as follows:

(A) Theme and Focus

4.It is suggested that the HealthyCity in Wong Tai Sin achieves the following three purposes:

Providing a healthy and hygienic living environment for the public in the community and encouraging them to participate in recreational and sports activities for personal health.

Beautifying streets and public spaces in the community.

Turning Wong Tai Sin into a clean, hygienic, healthy and environmental-friendly quality living environment through education and promotion on the basis of community participation.

5.The proposed activities of the HealthyCity in Wong Tai Sin can integrate all the projects or programmes adopting the related themes. As regards the proposed HealthyCity in Wong Tai Sin, its contents cover thefollowing five main focuses:

Promoting healthy life—Holding a variety of recreational and sports programmes to encourage public’s participation in activities for personal health so as to foster their awareness in living healthy lives;

Green environment—Encouraging the public to protect the environment and arousing their interest in planting so as to enhance tree planting in the district and beautify the environment;

Holding educational talks on health promotion and carrying out body check, especially the popular body check for the elderly in the district; on the other hand, encouraging the interested community organizations to carry out volunteer training and hold courses on personal health for local residents;

Minimising waste and encouraging recycling—Implementing waste recycling scheme;

Street Management and Footbridge Beautification—Holding large-scale and long-term street management campaign, conducting alley improvement works and beautifying urban facilities in the district.

(B)Implementation Organisation

(i)Organisers and Co-organisers

  1. As in the past, an independent organizing committee will be set up under Wong Tai Sin District Council (WTSDC) to organize the activity. To achieve the said objectives, various Government departments and community organizations will join hands in organizing and co-organising the activities. They will include:

(1) Wong Tai Sin District Council

(2) The District Clean Hong Kong Committee

(3)Wong Tai Sin District Fight Crime Committee

(4)Four Area Committees in Wong Tai Sin

(5) WongTaiSinDistrictSchool Liaison Committee

(6) Hospitals in the District (Our Lady of MaryknollHospital, WongTaiSinHospital and Hong KongBuddhistHospital)

(7) Sik Sik Yuen

(8) Chi Lin Nunnery

(9) Wong Tai Sin District Recreation and Sports Council

(10) Wong Tai Sin Arts Council

(11) Wong Tai Sin Community Health Promotion Association

(12) Wong Tai Sin Industry and Commerce Association

(13) The Hospital Authority

(14) District Association of the Scout Association

(15) China Light Power (CLP) Hong Kong Limited

(16) Occupational Safety and Health Council

(17) Other Government departments:

(a) Leisure and Cultural Services Department

(b) Department of Health

(c) Environmental Protection Department

(d) Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

(e) Education and Manpower Bureau

(f) Housing Department

(g) Social Welfare Department

(h) Independent Commission Against Corruption

(i) Hong Kong Police Force

(ii)Working Group

7.Based on the experience of the organizing committee of the last term, three working groups will be set up under the organizing committee, they are:

(1)Working Group on Publicity Promotion and Recreational Activities

(2)Working Group on Health and Hygiene

(3)Working Group on Environmental Protection and Improvement

8.Based on the experience of the organizing committee of the last term, the job duties of the working groups are as follows:

(1) / Working Group on Publicity Promotion and Recreational Activities / (a) / The publicity and promotion of activities of HealthyCity in Wong Tai Sin, including holding large-scale promotional activities.
(2) / Working Group on Health and Hygiene / (a) / Promoting healthy lives and encouraging public’s participation in all kinds of recreational and sports activities for personal health to foster the awareness in healthy living.
(b) / Organising educational talks on health promotion and carrying out body check (such as the popular body check for the elderly); and
(c) / Encouraging the interested community organizations in implementing volunteer training and holding courses for personal health for local residents.
(3) / Working Group on Environmental Protection and Improvement / (a) / Encouraging the public to protect environment and enhancing their interest in planting, increasing district plantation to greenify the environment;
(b) / Interfacing the additional sitting-out areas and rain shelters in the district for healthy living with the existing minor works projects, so as to maximize the resources to achieve a more harmonious design.
(c) / Implementing recycling scheme to minimize waste and promoting recycling.
(d) / Implementing street management and footbridge beautification, and beautifying urban facilities in the district through large-scale and long-tern street management campaign and alley improvement works.

(C) Subsidy of DC

9.The Finance, General and Economic Affairs Committee (FG&EAC) of DC has earmarked $450,000 in the financial year 2006/2007 for this programme. It is suggested that the resources arrangement will be made by the Organising Committee of the HealthyCity. On the other hand, local organizations (including area committees) will also be encouraged by the organizing committee to apply for the funding subsidy to hold activities that echo the festival.

(D) Time Frame

10.It is suggested that activities of the HealthyCity in Wong Tai Sin be held after the first meeting has been held till September 2007.

(E) Organising Committee

11.It is suggested that the organizing committee will be responsible for planning, implementing and organizing the activity. As HealthyCity in Wong Tai Sin aims at integrating all programmes originally adopting the theme of healthy city, it is thus suggested that the organizing committee will be mainly responsible for devising, steering and implementing all programmes so as to review their progress and effectiveness and steer their direction and focus.

(F) Members of the Organising Committee

12.It is suggested that DC Members form the organizing committee. Members are invited to fill in the attached reply slip if they wish to join the committee and return it to WTSDO before May 12. The Chairman of the organizing committee will be elected among DC members. Once the Chairman has been elected, the organizing committee can nominate other suitable candidates to act as the members of the organizing committee.

13.Apart from the executive members, the organizing committee can consider if honorary members or sponsors (like honorary sponsor, honorary consultant, honorary president, honorary vice president, consultant, president and vice president) will be invited to join the committee. As regards the number and composition, the organizing committee will make the decision.

(G) Term of Office

14.It is suggested that the term of office of the organizing committee will begin from the 1st meeting to the completion date of all follow up work of the committee.

(H) Election of the Chairman of the Organising Committee

15. If Members endorse the organization of HealthyCity in Wong Tai Sin, they can elect the Chairman of the organizing committee impromptu, which facilitates the speedy commencement of the work of the organizing committee. It is suggested that the nomination must be seconded by another Member and personally agreed by the nominee.

16. If only one nomination is received, the nominee will become the Chairman of the organizing committee automatically. If more than one nomination is received, voting will be made by a show of hands. Ballot will be cast and resolution will be made by simple majority vote.

(I)Election of the Vice-chairman of the Organising Committee

17.It is suggested that thee Vice-chairmen be elected to lead (i) Working Group on Publicity Promotion and Recreational Activities; (ii) Working Group on Health and Hygiene; (iii) Working Group on Environmental Protection and Improvement and implement the work plans according to the directions of the committee. Working groups will work independently and are required to report the progress and effectiveness in the meeting of the organizing committee. It is suggested that the Vice-chairmen of the organizing committee be elected by ballot and decided by simple majority vote in the first meeting.

Views Sought

  1. Members are invited to give comments relating to the suggestion and as to whether suggestions stated in paragraphs 3 to 4 should be endorsed.

Submission of Paper

19. This paper will be presented to the 16th WTSDC meeting held on 2.5.2006 for discussion.

Wong Tai Sin District Office Ref: WTSDC13/5/5/53

April, 2006

Reply Slip

File Reference: WTSDO 11-10/5/7

Fax No: 2320 2944

(Please return it to Ms. Zoe WONG, WTSDO

before 12.5.2006)


Organising Committee of Healthy City in Wong Tai Sin

I wish to join the Organising Committee of Healthy City in Wong Tai Sin.





OLO/DC paper_2.5.2006