Scientific and Professional Liaison Council Conference Call
Date:Monday, October 28, 2013
Time:3 pm ET, 2 pm CT, 1 pm MT and 12 pm PT
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Scientific and Professional Liaison Council Conference Call
In Attendance
Sherri Sheinfeld Gorin, PhD, (Chair)
Jennifer K. Carroll, MD, MPH
Martin Cheatle, PhD
David Goodrich, EdD
Sara Knight, PhD
Suzanne O’Neill, PhD
Julie A. Wright, PhD
Holland LaFave
Unable to Attend:
Mary Driscoll
Paul B. Jacobsen, PhD
Erika A. Waters, PhD, MPH
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Scientific and Professional Liaison Council Conference Call
1. 09.23.13 Minutes Approval
After hearing no council member objections, minutes were approved by Dr. Sheinfeld Gorin.
2. Leadership Summit for Annual Meeting and Letter of Support
Dr. Sheinfeld Gorin let the Council members know about the SBM President Dr. Dawn Wilson’s initiative to host a Leadership Summit at the 2014 Annual Meeting. Leaders from various like-minded organizations will be invited, by Dr. Wilson, to discuss the future of behavioral and social science research. Dr. Sheinfeld Gorin will be discussing this issue more with Dr. Wilson at the in-person Board Meeting in November, but wanted to bring it the Council’s attention beforehand.
So far potential groups include but are not limited to, the American Public Health Association, American Psychological Association, American Institute of Cancer Research, YMCA, and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Dr. Sheinfeld Gorin asked for the Council’s feedback, and Council Members liked the idea. Dr. Carroll noted that the sooner the invites went out the better, as organizational leaders’ schedules get busy.
3. Update on Current Liaison Activities
a. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG)/Primary Care
Dr. Carroll asked for materials to bring with her to the NAPCRG meeting that she could share with NAPCRG members and leaders. Possible materials that would be useful include issues of Transitional Behavioral Medicine, SBM policy briefs, and materials brought on the Board Capitol Hill visits. Staff will follow-up with her following the call.
b. Physical Activity and VA
Dr. Lynette Craft of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and SBM, is working on getting approval for an SBM-planned preconference session at the next ACSM meeting. The possible workshop presenters, and SBM members, include Drs. Michael Goldstein and Caroline Richardson.
c. Decision Making
Dr. Robert Hamm, who is the Chair of the behavioral interest group at the Society of Medical Decision Making, and the program Chairs for the next SMDM meeting have met with Drs. O’Neill and Waters. There are some SBM-influenced session ideas tentatively planned and there will be more information at a later date as the ideas are discussed further.
d. Communication and Pain
Dr. Cheatle has been in contact with Dr. Michael Hecht regarding a potential communication liaison relationship with SBM. Dr. Hecht was in a communication symposia with Dr. Cheatle at a prior SBM meeting. Dr. Cheatle is hoping Dr. Hecht can help identify a communications liaison representative.
Dr. Cheatle was initially working with past American Pain Society (APS) President, Dr. Seddon Savage, however due to her busy schedule, Dr. Cheatle will be working with current APS president, Dr. Roger Fillingim to reinvigorate the liaison conversation between APS and SBM.
e. Informatics
No new updates.
f. Evidence Based Behavioral Medicine (EBBM)
No new updates, but she will update the Council on next month’s call after Dr. Sheinfeld Gorin has her conference call with the Cochrane Collaboration, US representative.
g. VA and Public Health Law Research (PHLR)
Dr. Knight reported that PHLR, who exhibited at the 2013 Annual Meeting, wanted to do something more hands-on at the 2014 Annual Meeting and therefore submitted a symposium for the meeting, with Dr. Tracy Orleans acting as potential chair. Drs. Scott Burris and Jenn Ibrahim will be the PHLR speakers.
Dr. Knight also reported that a Panel Discussion on Behavioral Medicine Careers in the VA Health Care System was submitted by Karen Oliver in collaboration with SPLC and the Education, Training, and Career Development Council.
Dr. Knight noted that she is working within the VHA Office of Research and Development and Health Services Research and Development Service to develop a scientific peer review panel for the review of research applications that aim to examine the organization, financing, and delivery of health services that include behavior change interventions, including studies of health promotion and disease prevention, self-management of chronic conditions, and health decision making.
h. Other
Dr. Cheatle mentioned the growing research in addiction, and asked the Council about their thoughts on a possible liaison centered on that topic area. The Council members showed interest, so Dr. Cheatle will investigate further for a possible organization and representative.
4. SBM Members’ Other Affiliations for Future Liaison Activities
Holland shared the list of organizations in which current SBM members also claim to have an affiliation. Dr. Sheinfeld Gorin asked the Council to keep the information in mind for the future.
5. SBM Board Report
Dr. Sheinfeld Gorin shared the Council report that she forwarded to the Board of Directors. If the Council Members had any additional comments to send to the Board, they were encouraged to send them to Dr. Sheinfeld Gorin who would share the comments with the Board of Directors at the in-person meeting in November.
6. Other Business
No additional business.
Next meeting:
Monday, November 25 2013
Time: 3 pm ET, 2 pm CT, 1 pm MT and 12 pm PT
Please RSVP
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