Republic of the Philippines



Pulo, Dalahican, Cavite City

Tel. No. (046) 431-35-70; Telefax: (046) 431-35-80



Professor / Instructor : Mark B. Bilangel

E-mail Address :

Office Location : CvSU Cavite City – I.T. Department

Course Code : DCIT23

Course : Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Course Title : Discrete Structure

Course Description : This course introduces the foundations of discrete mathematics as

they apply to computer science. Topic includes functions, relations and sets,

basic logic, proof techniques, basics of counting and introduction to digital logic

and digital systems.

Credit Unit : 3

Credit Hours

Lecture : 2

Laboratory : 0

Prerequisite : ITEC21

Course Objectives :

At the end of the semester, 70% the student should be able to:

1. Explain the university vision, mission, goals and objectives of the university, college and department;

2. Describe arguments and propositions in the establishment of logic;

3. Perform operations associated with sets, functions and relations;

4. Demonstrate formal methods of symbolic prepositional and predicate logic;

5. Explain which kind of proof is best for a given problem;

6. Compute permutations and combinations of sets; and

7. Introduce the concept of Boolean algebra.

Core Values :

Students are expected to live by and stand for the following University tenets:

TRUTH is demonstrated by the student’s objectivity and honesty during examinations, class activities and in the development of projects.

EXCELLENCE is exhibited by the students’ self-confidence, punctuality, diligence and commitment in the assigned tasks, class performance and other course requirements.

SERVICE is manifested by the students’ respect, rapport, fairness and cooperation in dealing with their peers and members of the community.

In addition, they should exhibit love and respect for nature and support for the cause of humanity.

Course Content Course Calendar

A. Mission, Goals and Objectives
B. The importance of the subject, guidelines and policies
II. LOGIC / 6 hrs
A. Logical Arguments and Propositions
1. What is Logic?
2. Arguments
3. Statements
4. Truth-values
5. Propositions
6. Propositional variables
First Long Examination / 3 hrs
A. Logical Arguments and Propositions
B. Logical Connectives
1. Negation
2. Conjunction
3. Disjunction
4. Conditional
5. Biconditional
C. Compound Propositions
D. Tautologies and Contradictions
E. Logical Equivalences and their use
F. Logical Implications and Derivations
IV. SET THEORY / 6 hrs
A. Sets and Set operations
1. Sets and their members
2. Subsets
3. Intersections
4. Unions
5. Powersets
Midterm Examination / 3 hrs
V. COUNTING / 6 hrs
A. Basics of Counting
B. Permutations and Combinations
C. Discrete Probability
D. Probability Theory
VI. GRAPHS / 6 hrs
A. Introduction to Graphs
B. Graph Terminology
C. Representing Graphs and Isomorphism
Second Long Examination / 3 hrs
A. Boolean Fractions
B. Representing Boolean Fractions
C. Logic Gates
Final Examination / 3 hrs
TOTAL / 54 hrs

Teaching Methods / Learning Activities:

Group Work (Suggested for Chapters 5 and 6)

Brainstorming (Suggested for Chapters 3, 4 and 7)

Simulations (Suggested for Chapters 3 and 4)

Group dynamics (Suggested for Chapter 3, 4, 5 and 6)

Brainstorming (Suggested for all Chapters)

Interactive learning (Suggested for Chapters 2 and 3)

Peer teaching (Suggested for Chapters 5, 6 and 7)

Team teaching (Suggested for Chapters 6 and 7)

Problem-solving (Suggested for Chapters 3 and 5)

Tandem teaching (Suggested for Chapters 4 and 6)

Instructional Materials :

LCD projector, laptop/desktop computer, supplies, chalk/board


Grassmann, W., Tremblay, J. Logic. Discrete Mathematics

Hurley, P. A concise introduction to logic (2nd ed)

Copi, I. Symbolic logic (5th ed)

Hein, J. (2002). Discrete structures, logic and computability (2nd ed).

Evaluation of Student Performance / Grading System

1.  The lecture and laboratory are graded separately. The final grade is based on 60% lecture and 40% laboratory. To pass the course, a student must get a grade of 3.00 or better.

2. The grade in lecture is based on examinations, quizzes, attendance and assignments. The laboratory grade is based on examinations, exercises, quizzes, attendance and special projects. The distribution is as follows:

Midterm Exam 25%

Finals Exam 25%

Quizzes 15%

Long Exam 20%

Attendance 10%

Project 5%

TOTAL 100%

2.  The grading scale is as follows:

96.64 – 100.00 1.00

93.31 – 96.63 1.25

89.98 – 93.30 1.50

86.65 – 89.97 1.75

83.32 – 86.64 2.00

79.99 – 83.31 2.25

76.66 – 79.98 2.50

73.33 – 76.65 2.75

70.00 – 73.32 3.00 Passing Grade

66.67 – 69.99 4.00 Conditional

Below – 66.66 5.00 Failed

Course Policies

A.  Attendance

Students are not allowed to have 20% or more absences of the total class hours, otherwise, they will be graded as follows:

Dropped (if majority of the excessive absences are excused)

Failed (if majority of the excessive absences are unexcused)

B.  Classroom decorum

Students are required to:

1.  wear their identification cards and observe proper dress code at all times;

2.  turn off or put in silent mode their cellular phones during class hours;

3.  maintain cleanliness and orderliness of the room at all times; and

4.  come to class on time.

C.  Examination/ Evaluation

1.  Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.

2.  Long examinations are always announced.

3.  Cheating is strictly prohibited. A student who is caught cheating will be given a score of ”0” for the first offense. For the second offense, he/she will automatically fail the subject.

4.  Examination permits are required during midterm and final examinations.

5.  Students who missed exams, laboratory exercises, or quizzes may only be excused for any of the following reasons:

a.  participation in a University/College-approved field trip or activity (must be cleared one week in advance);

b.  personal illness (must present medical certificate); and

c. death or serious illness in the immediate family (must present death or medical certificate).

Prepared by: Recommended by: Approved by:

Mark B. Bilangel Engr. Joel R. Austria Cristeta M. Montano, Ph.D.

Professor/Instructor Department Chair Dean