Raisin in the Sun

Act I, Scene i, Friday Morning

Pages 23 – 31

Getting It Straight

The scene opens in the ______’s ______room.

______has won in this room.

All the natural light comes through one little ______.

Time: ______

Place: ______

First Ruth wakes up her son, ______, and then calls to her husband, ______.

Ruth says the check will be coming ______.

Travis also asks abut the ______coming tomorrow.

Travis says he has to bring ______to school, but Ruth won’t let him have it. Walter ______him the money.

Delving In

Discuss the following questions with your partner. Answer them on the lines below remembering that responses must have at least 2 SENTENCES.

  1. Give two details from the scene that tell us the Younger’s are poor?


  1. Why do you think Walter gives his son the money even after Ruth says no?


  1. Predict what you think the check is for? Why is everyone worried about it?


Analyzing Quotes

Identify the speaker of the following quote and the page number where you found it. In one sentence, describe its meaning or significance in the story.

“I wouldn’t kiss that woman good-bye for nothing in this world.”

Speaker ______

Page ______

Meaning: ______



Use the set description on pages 23 and 24 to draw a floor plan for what you think the Younger’s apartment looks like. Label all of the rooms.

Raisin in the Sun

Act I, Scene i, Friday Morning

Pages 31 – 46

Getting It Straight

Ruth thinks Walter’s friend Willy Harris is ______.

Walter wants to buy a ______.

Beneatha is upset that the ______are using the ______.

She is going to school to become a ______.

Beneatha hopes when the check comes, Mama will help her pay for ______.

The check is ______money that belongs to ______.

Mama is noble like the women of the ______.

Ruth admits to Mama that ______and ______were fighting about that ______.

Mama doesn’t agree with Walter’s investing ideas because she doesn’t agree with selling ______.

Mama notices that Ruth looks ______.

The check coming is for $______.

Mama tells Ruth her plan for the money is to put some away for ______and buy a ______with a yard.

Mama remembers how hurt her husband was when she lost ______.

Mama says the problem with Mr. Younger was he ______dreams.

Delving In

Discuss the following questions with your partner. Answer them on the lines below remembering that responses must have at least 2 SENTENCES.

  1. Why does Walter get so frustrated talking to his wife?


  1. When the Younger’s first moved to the apartment, did they plan on staying there?


Analyzing Quotes

Identify the speaker of the following quote and the page number where you found it. In one sentence, describe its meaning or significance in the story.

“That is just what is wrong with the colored woman in this world…Don’t understand about building their men up and making ‘em feel like they somebody.”

Speaker ______

Page ______

Meaning: ______



Sketch the Younger’s family tree from Mama to Travis.

Raisin in the Sun

Act I, Scene i, Friday Morning

Pages 46 – 53

Getting It Straight

Mama doesn’t like it when Beneatha says ______.

Ruth doesn’t understand when Beneatha thinks George is ______because he’s ______.

Beneatha says she would not ______George and that his ______wouldn’t really like it.

To Beneatha, ______is just one idea she doesn’t ______.

After hearing this Mama ______Beneatha powerfully across the ______. Then she makes her say, “______.”

Mama compares her children to her ______that never had enough sunshine but grows anyway.

At the end of the scene, Ruth ______.

Delving In

Discuss the following questions with your partner. Answer them on the lines below remembering that responses must have at least 2 SENTENCES.

  1. What reasons does Beneatha give for not wanting to marry George Murchison?


  1. Why is Mama’s plant a good symbol for her children?


  1. Predict what you think is wrong with Ruth.


Analyzing Quotes

Identify the speaker of the following quote and the page number where you found it. In one sentence, describe its meaning or significance in the story.

“No – there’s something come down between me and them that don’t let us understand each other and I don’t know what it is.”

Speaker ______

Page ______

Meaning: ______



Who is a famous actress that you would cast as Beneatha? Why would you cast that person? Write at least 5 sentences.



Raisin in the Sun

Act I, Scene ii, Saturday Morning

Pages 54 – 66

Getting It Straight

Ruth is ______, but no one knows where except Mama.

______calls to talk to Walter about papers from a ______.

Beneatha’s friend ______is going to come over. He’s from ______.

When Ruth comes home, we find out she’s ______.

Beneatha sees Travis is on the street ______a rat.

Asagai calls Beneatha “______”. He gives her a package containing some ______and the colorful ______.

Asagai thinks Beneatha is too ______about things.

He teasers that she is an ______because it is so popular.

“Alaiyo” means ______.

Delving In

Discuss the following questions with your partner. Answer them on the lines below remembering that responses must have at least 2 SENTENCES.

  1. Why do you think Ruth doesn’t tell anyone about going to the doctor?


  1. Why does everyone get so upset about Travis chasing the rat? What does it symbolize?


  1. How do you think Asagai feels about Beneatha?


Analyzing Quotes

Identify the speaker of the following quote and the page number where you found it. In one sentence, describe its meaning or significance in the story.

“It is my business – where is he going to live, on the roof?”

Speaker ______

Page ______

Meaning: ______



Find the following vocabulary words in today’s reading.

List what page number you found them on and copy the sentence from the play.


Page ______




Page ______



Raisin in the Sun

Act I, Scene ii, Saturday Morning

Pages 66 – 75

Getting It Straight

The ______finally arrives.

Mama asks Travis if it has the right number of ______.

Walter tries to get Mama to look at the paper about ______in the liquor store, but she won’t.

Mama warns ______not to drive his wife away.

Its ______when a man goes outside his home to look for ______.

Walter thinks ______is life.

In Mama’s time, they were worried about not ______and getting to the ______.

Mama tells Walther that Ruth ______.

Mama wants to hear what Walter will say, but he just ______.

Delving In

Discuss the following questions with your partner. Answer them on the lines below remembering that responses must have at least 2 SENTENCES.

  1. Why does the check make Mama a little sad?


  1. What does Walter want to show Mama?


  1. Make a prediction about what you think will happen in the next scene.


Analyzing Quotes

Identify the speaker of the following quote and the page number where you found it. In one sentence, describe its meaning or significance in the story.

“Your ain’t satisfied or proud of nothing we done.”

Speaker ______

Page ______

Meaning: ______



In the space below, draw a character from the play. Include your favorite line that they have said.