January 2017 Mega Challenge January 8-14

Week 2 January 8th - 14th

The activities can be tackled in any sequence of your choosing during the 7 days, including more than one a day.

This allows you to schedule these challenges in with your other commitments and training pattern of this week.

You will need a kettle bell, access to a chair e.g. for dips, and maybe a mat.

You will need to record your activity log and return it to Gary at by the end of Monday January 16th. All activity records will be loaded on the HIIT and RUN website for motivational purposes, for yourself and others taking part.

BRONZE standard At least 5 of the activities to be completed.

SILVER standard At least 6 of the activities to be completed.

GOLD standard All 7 of the activities to be completed.

Please warm up before each activity, and stretch afterwards!


Included in Caroline's running group Thursday 12th

1.  3+ mile run or walk, to include 4 out-and-back efforts

30 sec out, up to 30 sec back – then 30 sec rest

60 sec out, up to 60 sec back – then 60 sec rest

90 sec out, up to 90 sec back – then 90 sec rest

120 sec out, up to 120 sec back

Remember, that the aim with an out and back, is to put in a strong level of effort into the ‘out’ but to return even quicker.

This is to be achieved in one uninterrupted session.

Activity 2 LONGER RUN

1.  Either of these ….

Run more than 6 miles, Cycle more than 18 miles, Swim at least 1 mile, Walk more than 1h30m.

This is to be achieved in one uninterrupted session.

Activity 3 PLANK

1.  Just a standard plank .... 2 minutes

…. straight into 40 plank knees to elbows (20 each side)

This is to be achieved in one uninterrupted session.

If you have to break during the plank, only one 10 second break allowed, during which time the 'plank' clock stops.

Activity 4 SHOULDERS

1.  5 (FIVE) rounds of the following ….

5 press ups

5 single arm shoulder presses (left)

5 single arm shoulder presses (right)

10 double arm shoulder press

10 dive bombers

This is to be achieved in one uninterrupted session.


Included in circuit training class Monday 9th

1.  10 (TEN) rounds of the following ….

5 overhead kettle swings

5 basketballs

5 thrusters

This is to be achieved in one uninterrupted session.


1.  20 minutes continuous.

10 basketballs

10 squat jumps

10 broad jumps

But start with 3 chest-to-floor burpees.

Then Interrupt the sequence every minute with 3 more burpees.

And finish with 3 more burpees.

This is to be achieved in one uninterrupted session.

Activity 7 ABS

1.  20 minute limit.

How many reverse crunches can you do in the time, after completing ….

3 rounds of the following ….

15 jack knives

15 oblique jack knives (left)

15 oblique jack knives (right)

50 cycle crunches

2.  3 rounds of the following core balance medley ....

10 sec core balance

10 sec jack knives

10 sec scissors

10 sec kicks

10 sec tucks

10 sec rest

This is to be achieved in one uninterrupted session.