The following have been voted upon and approved as the standing bylaws of the Interfraternity Council (IFC) of the University of Redlands (U of R).


Section A: Name – The name of this organization shall be the University of Redlands Interfraternity Council hereafter referred to as IFC.


Section A: The purpose of Interfraternity Council shall be:

  1. To promote the best interest of the University,
  2. To assist and strengthen fraternities individually and collectively as a community in the achievement of their worthy purposes,
  3. To provide a medium for exercising of self-government and regulation of fraternity affairs,
  4. To offer opportunities for further development and expansion of fraternity life on campus,
  5. To act as the liaison between fraternities and the University Administration,
  6. To foster fellowship and goodwill among the fraternities and student body as a whole.


The Interfraternity Council’s scope of authority will include both administrative and legislative policies. The scope will also include the course of action taken by the Interfraternity Council Judicial Board. By virtue of authority vested in it by the constitution, the Council will have the authority to decide policy that is deemed necessary pertaining to the chapters represented by the Council. The Council has the authority to administer these policies and adjudicate these policies, except those that are of institutional policy. They may do this by means determined by the Council and administer the appropriate action of these policies. Authority for the Interfraternity Council is derived through recognition by the Associated Student of the University of Redlands.


Section A: All fraternity members as individuals shall be considered members of the Interfraternity Council.

Section B: Each social fraternity chapter or colony officially recognized by the University shall be members of IFC and each shall be represented by their president and one (1) delegate. Meetings are open to all fraternity members.

Section C: Restrictions –Membership will not be restricted because of age, race, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, national origin, ancestry, marital status, arrest record, or conviction record

Section D: The regular membership of the IFC shall consist of fraternity chapters and colonies that are in good standing at the time these Constitution and Bylaws are adopted and approved.

Section E: Membership in the IFC is at all times a privilege, which may be withdrawn for good cause by the IFC in accordance with these Constitution and Bylaws.

Section F: Membership in the IFC is open to all affiliates of an organization so long as they are enrolled at the U of R.

Section G: Scholarship Requirements –

  1. Each semester a grade point average shall be calculated for each member fraternity. The Chapter G.P.A. shall be the mean G.P.A. of its members, including both actives and new members as indicated on the chapter’s official roster as of the third week prior to the last day of classes. If a fraternity believes the reported composite G.P.A. is inaccurate it may submit a written appeal within two weeks after the distribution of the semester scholarship report. Appropriate documentation must be submitted for any individual grade changes.
  2. Further scholarship requirements are outlined in the attached addendum entitled “Greek Academic Policy.”

Section H: Probation and Suspension

1.  Probation: A fraternity on probation loses their right to vote, but not their right to voice. A fraternity on probation must continue to fulfill the obligations and membership, including paying dues, submitting rosters, attending meetings, and complying with all IFC and University policies.

2.  Suspension: A suspended fraternity loses all privileges of membership including, but not limited to, the right to voice and vote and any other stipulations outlined in their sanction.

Section I: Disaffiliation – Any fraternity member wishing to disaffiliate from their organization must meet with the IFC Advisor and sign a Disaffiliation Form.


Section A: All member fraternity chapters and colonies in existence at the beginning of the semester are subject to semester dues in the amount of $50.00 per chapter.

Section B: These dues shall be paid at a date determined by the council to the IFC Secretary.

Section C: All member fraternities failing to comply will be fined $10.00 per week and after three (3) weeks be put on probation. If after five (5) weeks the dues and fines aren’t paid in full, said fraternity will be placed on suspension.

Section D: Any member fraternity under suspension or probation for financial reasons shall, upon full payment of dues and fines, be restored in full standing.

Section E: Any member fraternity whose delegation (president and/or delegate) misses two (2) consecutive meetings will be placed on probation and fined $25. If said fraternity delegation misses three (3) consecutive meetings, said fraternity will be suspended.

Section F: The Council has the authority by two-thirds vote to levy assessments and fines for special purpose.

Section G: The council has the right to set particular events as mandatory events for the entire Greek membership. If the individual fraternity fails to have its entire membership (or specified percentage of its entire membership) at the event, a fine will be assessed. Two (2) weeks notice is required to be given if an event is to be mandatory, otherwise the fine cannot be assessed.

Section H: Any member fraternity who fails to return their event book within 72 hours of the given time will be fined $20. If the member fraternity fails to pay the fine then they will be unable to participate in any registered social functions until the fine is paid.


Section A: Delegates – Each member fraternity and recognized colony shall name one active member along with their president, and one alternate, as delegates to the council by the first meeting of each semester. Each delegate shall have the privilege of one vote.

Section B: Executive Board – The elected officers of the Council Executive Board shall be President, Vice President, and Secretary.

Section C: The remaining elected officers of the Council shall be Recruitment Chair, Community Service Chair, Academic Chair, Alumni Relations Chair, Public Relations Chair and Gamma chair.

Section D: Executive Officers and Chairs may not serve as delegates for their chapter.

Section E: All Executive Officers, Chairs, and Delegates must be in good standing with their fraternity and with the University (i.e. not on probation).

Section F: IFC Advisor – The IFC Advisor shall be selected by Student Leadership and Involvement (SLIC). The Advisor shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Council, the Executive Board, and other IFC Committees. The Advisor will assist in the development of the Council.

Section G: Each fraternity must have a faculty, staff member, or administrator to act as an advisor to the organization. Each fraternity must have at least one (1) patron (one of the organizations alumni that assist in advising the fraternity). Each fraternity must adhere to the following guidelines in involving advisors and patrons:

1.  Each fraternity must provide its advisors and patrons with a complete schedule of all meetings, local addresses, and telephone numbers of all the organization’s officers, members and all of its new members;

2.  No organization may schedule a meeting with the deliberate intent of excluding advisors and patrons from participation;

3.  The executive leadership of each fraternity must meet with their advisors and patrons on a regular basis;

4.  All advisors and patrons must be guaranteed total, unfettered access to their respective fraternity houses and to the grounds and outer buildings associated with those houses.


Section A: Officers – The Elected Officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Recruitment Chair, Community Service Chair, Academic Chair, Alumni Relations Chair, Public Relations Chair and Gamma chair.

Section B: Eligibility – Any IFC representative who has attended at least one (1) prior IFC meeting, is a full-time UofR student, and is in good academic standing shall be eligible to run for and hold an office. The President must have one (1) semester experience served on IFC and must be a full-time UofR student and in good academic standing.

Section C: Election – The Elected Officers shall be elected by ballot at the second to last meeting of the Fall and Spring semester. May Term will be utilized for transition.

Section D: Term –The term of office for the President shall be one (1) semester, beginning in the final meeting of the preceding semester. The term of office for all other Elected Officers shall also be one (1) semester.

Section E: Vacancy – If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice President shall assume the responsibilities until a special election can be held. In the event of an officer vacancy, nominations will take place at the next meeting.

Section F: Any officer holding an elected position having two (2) unexcused absences shall be removed from their position. The vacated position shall be refilled as applicable. An unexcused absence is defined as a failure to contact an Executive officer (President, Vice President or Secretary) prior to the start of any scheduled meeting concerning the nature of that individual’s absence.


Section A: President – The President shall:

  1. Preside at all IFC meetings.
  2. Preside at and oversee (in conjunction with the Panhellenic President) at all Greek Council meetings.
  3. Promote, improve, and pursue the goals and objectives of IFC and its member fraternities.
  4. Represent and be spokesman for IFC, including but not limited to A-Team and Alumni for Greeks (AFG).
  5. Issue notices and agendas of meetings.
  6. Maintain bylaws and submit appropriate paperwork to SLIC.
  7. Oversee the activities of the IFC Judicial Board

Section B: Vice President – The Vice President shall:

  1. Perform the duties of the President if the President is absent or unable to perform his duties.
  2. Be responsible for all committees and duties delegated him by the President.
  3. Oversee the activities of the IFC Judicial Board.

Section C: Secretary – The Secretary shall:

  1. Keep all impartial record of all proceedings of the IFC meetings.
  2. Take roll and distribute minutes.
  3. Determine quorums at the direction of the President.
  4. Determine absences and carry on all correspondence for the IFC.
  5. Gather updated information for accurate fraternity rosters at the beginning and end of each semester.
  6. Submit all dues, fines, other financial transactions to the IFC Advisor for deposit in the IFC account.
  7. Collect, take charge of, and disperse when authorized, any funds or moneys acquired by the Council, and be responsible for said moneys and funds.

Section D: Recruitment Chair – The Recruitment Chair shall:

  1. Work toward increasing recruitment opportunities for all fraternity chapters on campus.
  2. Plan and ensure attendance at recruitment events for the benefit of all fraternity chapters.
  3. Actively participate in the organization of IFC participation in university sponsored involvement events (i.e. the Involvement Fair).
  4. Work with the Panhellenic Recruitment Chair to better achieve the above duties and goals they represent for the entire Greek Community.
  5. Collaborate with the IFC President, Vice President and Public Relations (PR) Chair to plan and implement Fraternity Rush.
  6. Work with the Greek Intern and PR Chair to create and distribute the Fraternity Rush packet.
  7. Work with chapters, Greek Intern, and PR Chair to collect and submit recruitment events in the Fraternity Rush packet and advertise to greater campus community

Section E: Community Service Chair – The Community Service Chair shall:

  1. Work towards increasing community service opportunities for all fraternity chapters on campus, utilizing the Community Service Learning Center.
  2. Plan and ensure attendance at community service events for the benefit of all fraternity chapters.
  3. Plan and implement at least one (1) IFC community service event per semester.
  4. Work with the Panhellenic Community Service Chair to plan and implement at least one (1) All-Greek community service event per semester.
  5. Work with the PR Chair to promote all community service events.
  6. Follow up with organizations that don’t complete required community service hours.

Section F: Academic Chair – The Academic Chair shall:

  1. Collect and distribute information of campus academic services (i.e., tutors, learning assistance, career counseling, career workshops, library resources, etc.).
  2. Coordinate scholarship activities with the Panhellenic Academic Chair, including but not limited to progress reports, study hours, and Greek Academic Week.
  3. Inform chapters of important academic dates and deadlines.
  4. Work individually with scholarship chairs of chapters below all men’s average.
  5. Enforce the Greek Academic Policy (see attached addendum).

Section G: Alumni Relations Chair – The Alumni Relations Chair shall:

  1. Be a liaison between the chapters and representatives to further alumni relations in both the Greek community and individual chapters.
  2. Represent IFC at all AFG meetings and committees.
  3. Work with all chapter alumni representatives to increase alumni involvement.
  4. Collaborate with the PR Chair to increase communication with the alumni, including but not limited to alumni newsletters and the website. Greek Sheet

Section H: Public Relations – The PR Chair shall:

  1. Assist in all marketing and promotion of any and all (events associating to U of R Greek life.) Interfraternity Council event.
  2. Collaborate with the Panhellenic PR Chair to promote Greek Life events, including but not limited to Greek Week, Greek Academic Week, Homecoming, and Collect-a-Million.
  3. Contribute articles to UofR student newspaper on a regular basis regarding the happenings of the Interfraternity Council’s and individual Fraternity chapter’s accomplishments.
  4. Contribute fraternity information to the Greek Sheet and work closely with the Panhellenic Council Public Relations Chair to publish a Greek Sheet.
  5. Work closely with Panhellenic Public Relations Chair to positively publicize and promote Greek Life.
  6. Be responsible for UofR Greek Life website and Facebook group.
  7. Collaborate with the IFC President, Vice President, Recruitment Chair and Greek Intern to (promote rush events for all organizations in a non bias manner) plan and implement Fraternity Rush.
  8. Work with the Greek Intern and Recruitment Chair to create and distribute the Fraternity Rush packet.
  9. Work with the Community Service Chair to promote all community service events.
  10. Collaborate with the Alumni Relations Chair to increase communication with the alumni, including but not limited to alumni newsletters and the website.

Section I: Gamma rep – The Gamma Chair Shall: