The Crucible – Act I Vocabulary 1-42

1.  abominations (noun) loathsome acts; hated deeds or thoughts

God hates abominations in the forest.

i.  abominate – (verb) to hate or find loathsome

2.  afflicted (adjective) inflicted with grievous physical or mental suffering

3.  ascertain (verb) To discover with certainty, as through examination or experimentation; to gain knowledge of

4.  augur-(verb)-to predict

5.  begrudge (verb) to give with reluctance often because of envy

to envy or resent the pleasure or good fortune of someone

i.  begrudgingly (adverb)

6.  bemused-(adj) confused

7.  calumny-(noun) a false and malicious statement designed to injure the reputation of someone or something;

slander; defamation; libel

8.  clamor- (noun) A loud outcry; a protest; an uproar

9.  conjure (verb) to summon (a spirit by sorcery using magic);

i.  conjurer – (noun) one who summons spirits or witches

10.  contention (noun) An assertion put forward in argument

11.  corroborate (verb) supporting with other evidence; making more certain confirming with proof

12.  covenant (noun) bound to a promise or agreement

13.  defamation (noun) false or unjustified injury of the good reputation of another, as by slander or libel; calumny; a lie about someone that can ruin their reputation

Example: Kobe Bryant accused of rape.

14.  deference (noun) polite, respect; compliance with respect to another person’s wishes;

i.  to defer (verb);

ii. deferential (adjective);

iii.  deferentially (adverb)

15.  demonic (adj) inspired as if by a demon

16.  dissemble (verb) to pretend, to disguise, conceal or hide one's real nature, motives, or feelings behind a false appearance--- TO LIE

i.  dissembler (noun) – a person who dissembles

Abigail dissembles about what really happened in the forest that night.

17.  enthralled (adj) held spellbound; captivated

18.  faction (n) a small, organized, dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics

19.  gibberish (noun) babble; unintelligible or nonsensical talk or writing

20.  inculcation (noun) the act of impressing (something) upon the mind of another by frequent instruction or repetition; instill: inculcating sound principles.

21.  iniquity (noun) evil; wickedness; sin

22.  juncture (noun) A place where two things are joined

23.  ken (noun) knowledge

24.  lascivious (adj) lustful; lecherous

25.  motif (noun) A recurrent thematic element in an artistic or literary work

26.  parochial (adj) narrow in terms of scope or outlook

27.  partisan (noun) a person who shows emotional allegiance

28.  perjury (noun) false testimony under oath

example: Barry Bonds committed perjury because he lied about using steroids.

29.  potent (adj) powerful, mighty, strong

30.  predilection (noun) an innate personal preference for something in particular

31.  pretense (n) a false appearance or action intended to deceive

32.  propriety (noun) conformity to pre-existing customs or standards; appropriateness

33.  providence (n) foresight

34.  remiss (adj) exhibiting carelessness; negligent

She was remiss in her duties as a teacher when she failed to give back any assignments all year.

35.  resurgence (n) renewal; revival, restoration

36.  scoff-To mock at or treat with derision.

37.  scourge (n) A source of widespread dreadful affliction and devastation such as that caused by pestilence or war. ; A means of inflicting severe suffering, vengeance, or punishment

38.  smirched (adjective) soiled or stained

i.  smirch /besmirch (verb)

39.  sniveling (adjective) whining & complaining;

i.  snivel (verb) to whine

ii. sniveler (noun) – one who whines

40.  subservient (adj) subordinate/lesser in capacity or function

41.  trepidation (n) a state of alarm or dread; apprehension; fear

42vindictive (adjective) revengeful; spiteful; seeking vengeance (vengeful)