ECAC Meeting Minutes

January 2012

ECAC 2011 Officers

Laria Lovec, President208-631-2579

Kim Othiem, Vice President775-934-4142

Frank Henley, Treasurer775-777-9279

Patti Gray, Secretary775-388-2432

Genny Albitre, ArtGallery Director 775-777-3733

Present for the ECAC meeting,01-3-12:

Patti Gray, Sheila French, Joan Turner, Wendy Ehrmann, George Manilla, Lynn Kistler, Kristi Lyn Glass, Laria Lovec, Genny Albitre, Mary Ann Plavi, Frank Henley, Brandy Miller.

Laria called the meeting to order at 7:01. Minutes from the November had been sent out to the membership, Lynn moved to accept them, Wendy seconded, all approved.

Treasurers Report--Frank

December-Credits: $65.00

Debits: $1002.96

2011-Credits: $24956.91

Debits: $20584.96

Balance: $4371.95

Checking:$4500.00 approx.

Savings: $7453.12

CD: $10386.39

Scholarship money has been moved into the savings account so that it's covered. There is a 2 year limit for scholarship money to be claimed. There was a $1000 deposit at Blohms, which covered the last half month of gallery rent.

Laria motioned that the Treasurer's report be approved, Genny seconded, all approved.

Committee Reports

Annual Art Show - Lynn & Wendy E.

The 7th of February will probably be the date to bring in the artwork to the museum, from 9 am to 1 pm. Two judges have been selected. All artwork needs to be labeled correctly and ready to hang. Info is needed on the categories, number of pieces, whether it will be for sale or NFS, etc. Genny asked that the committee come up with a flyer/email regarding the rules of the show to send to all the members.

Reception date has not yet been set. Also, to enter the show, one needs to be a member of the museum.


There was also some brief discussion on the changing of the by-laws as how it applied to the annual show, but details were not available at the time of the meeting.

Publicity for the show is to be handled by the show committee as it had been decided in previous meetings that each committee should handle its own publicity. Genny said she would talk to channel 10 regarding the show.

Laria asked that the committee make up a statement attached to the application for the show that outlines the show rules which Wendy said they will do.

Art Gallery--Genny

Everyone with artwork in the old gallery needs to have it moved out by Jan. 11th. 9:30 Jan. 7th. Help is needed to clean up the old gallery and spackle walls.

Northern Nevada Media (NNM) is subletting to the gallery. They will be renting out one of the rooms, which will be sound proofed, for music lessons. The area up front is available for classes, but room is limited. The room up front (the common room) at the new gallery is available to all art club members to put in one piece. For some work, may want to consider framing because of possible exposure to sunlight, such as using UV glass etc. Because of expensive equipment that is in the common room, it won't be kept open, but the sitter can allow visitors to view the art under supervision, if requested.

NNM requested that there be a music theme in the common room up front. Laria suggested painting a musical staff, and that works be done with a musical theme that are the same size, frame etc, for a permanent collection. Kristi suggested using oval frames or canvas to portray musical notes. Genny suggested that a committee be formed for this endeavor. Mary motioned that Genny buy the oval canvases for artists to do their media on. Shelia seconded, all approved.

NNM will be featuring the gallery on its front page. Channel 10 did an interview of the last featured artist and will do the next one as well. Genny will look into a possible grand opening of the new gallery with the Chamber of Commerce, but not sure if they will do another opening a second time, despite the new location.

NNM expressed an interest to join the DBA, and if that was possible, the gallery would consider splitting the fees, however, from what other members have said, it is unlikely that DBA would want to include businesses that are not in the downtown area. If doing DBA is not possible, should consider other ways to compete such as offering classes.

Featured Artist for January is Victoria Jackson-Dick, reception is on Jan 7th, 4 pm to 6 pm. No featured artist for February because of the move and all the changes. March will be Laria, no one selected for April yet. Preferences for Featured Artist are for artists that are unique and not ones with wall space in the gallery. Featured Artist runs for 3 weeks.

Mary Ann suggested buying Christmas ornaments now, while they are cheap, for next year's Snowflake Festival. Techniques for decorating them were discussed and included a dipping technique as well as using glitter, etc. Genny motioned to approve funds of $100 or less for the purchase of glass ornaments, Joan seconded, all approved.


Genny will come up with a gallery newsletter with news and info. In the newsletter, Genny will pick one of the walls of each artist to feature and will email out on the 15th. Anyone having any suggestions regarding the newsletter should contact Genny.

Regarding keys at the new gallery, Genny and Laria will have a set. Another set will be placed in the shed at Genny's daughter for sitters. Genny will send out an email that will show a map and pictures as to where the key can be located. Each sitter is to pick up the key before coming to the gallery, and if necessary, unlock the door. Upon leaving the key is used to lock the door, if necessary, and returned to the shed at Genny's daughter's house.

Need to designate a place in the new gallery to place the bios of all the art club members.

Housekeeping topics at the gallery including contributing to the purchase of bathroom supplies, and also sitters should help keep the gallery tidy by cleaning as needed. Genny motioned to approve the purchasing of bathroom supplies, Sheila seconded, all approved.

Patti proposed having the option of working half days at the gallery, which would also work for Mary Ann while she's teaching. It was discussed that if anyone works a half day, they need to do it in multiples of 2 per month to make accounting easier for Genny. A person working a half day, must make sure the other half is covered. Mary motioned to approve, Frank seconded, all approved.

Genny found online, a place to order a 3 x 6 vinyl sign, with grommets, to hang outside, for $50. Wendy suggested getting a sample. It was decided that Genny would research it and make a decision to purchase a sign with a cap $125. Frank motioned to approve, Mary Ann seconded, all approved.

Art in the Park- Frank Henley
Frank rented the park, for July 13 (set-up) 14, and 15. The park charged for the set up day which it didn't do previously. Information was obtained from Super 8 to put into applications.

Sheila suggested that the raffle entries be put into the tax form packets so volunteers wouldn't have to run around and ask for donations, and to put on the application that by donating an item, vendors are eligible to enter a drawing for a free booth next year.

Laria mentioned there were left over items from the jar raffle. Genny suggested giving the items back to the artist and have a limit of one month for people who win items at the raffle to pick up them up.


Publicity is to be done by the committees for its given assignment. Genny will do gallery publicity.

Rotating Art--Genny
Genny has a new schedule which she handed out. There are new places to display such as Newmont, Muleys and the Sheriff dept. Anyone wishing to be in RA, should get in touch with Genny.

Scholarship -- Sheila

Sheila and Ralph Sacrison have been working on the scholarship. The entries will be the featured artist(s) for May.



No one was available to report.

New Business

Kristi mentioned that the changes in the by-laws were notdescribed in the meeting minutes last November and requested more details. Wendy said the changes had to do with the annual show. A copy of the changes wasn't available at the meeting so there was no further discussion.

Laria mentioned that by-laws needed to be edited and suggested a committee to look for items not covered, like points, and also the gallery should be included in the by-laws. Laria asked for volunteers. Patti agreed to help with the point system.

The cost of membership was brought up. There were some comments that it was too cheap, however from past experience when it was raised from $15 to $25, the club lost a considerable amount of members. Frank suggested putting it to a vote before the whole membership, but not to go into effect until next year.

Kristi extended an invitation for members to come to her studio to work on art along with other artists, on Tuesdays, from 1 pmto 4pm. She has space, equipment and supplies and a nice view of the Rubies should anyone like to do some plein air painting.

Old Business

There were no minutes taken during December. However, new officers were nominated and elected at the Christmas Party as follows:

President, Laria Lovec

Vice President, Kim Otheim

Treasurer, Frank Henley

Secretary, Patti Gray

Brown Bag

Lynn won a watercolor batik created by Wendy.

The meeting was adjourned by Laria at 8:30 pm.