My Biggest Problem in University

  1. Studies is the most biggest problem in my college life.
  2. I love join every groups because they have a lot of activities.
  3. I want have a girl friend.
  4. I nee buy a computer.
  5. I have lot of questions.
  6. many book
  7. I am a shy people.
  8. Some of course become rather difficult to learn.
  9. get high point
  10. effivently
  11. I should thanks this situation.
  12. Since I was a child, my parents always told me that must be study hard, but I’m not smart people, therefore study have confused me all the time.
  13. I don’t know what to do when I graduated from college.
  14. The older man ever saying that “that is a will, that is a way.”
  15. Every week must does many homework so that I have no time studying.
  16. I have some best friend. and we usually do something together, example for studying, playing sports, dancing or talking about anything.
  17. My biggest problems are also the same.
  18. I spend many time on my study.
  19. My friend they are friendly.
  20. To enter university has many different problems need us to overcome and adapt it.
  21. Nowaday I am very like English.
  22. And the other hand, I scare my future.
  23. To sum,
  24. They are very happy teach me.
  25. Because everybody come from everywhere,
  26. I study English hardly.
  27. I am a people who take a bright view all the time.
  28. But easy said than down.
  1. I always confuse often.
  2. recently years
  3. University students will face the problem when they are leave the school.
  4. Because the lesson is more hard than before, and all of the book are writing in English, the teacher teach by English, too.
  5. When I was a high school problem I am afraid of English.
  6. In my university life have two biggest problem.
  7. My English is not very well.
  8. Only work hard we may success.
  9. In university has all kinds of people.
  10. I tried to change my personality until now.
  11. I think that I biggest problem is making friend.
  12. I am afraid of other people don’t like me.
  13. I fell that I have a great of pressure.
  14. Many weeks later, the problems is become bigger.
  15. In ISU I have a lot of very heart friends.
  16. I very worry about my study in university.
  17. All the textbooks are writing English in words.
  18. It is a everybody knows language.
  19. Thanks teachers give me the chance.
  20. Thanks the ISU university give me a good surroundings.
  21. You maybe not know.
  22. I can see them every days and every weeks.
  23. I believe if you try you will success.
  24. When I was high school student,
  25. They talks together, play together, be late together.
  26. School just like a small social.
  27. I practice every hardly. But my English still not become better.
  28. Going to university was my new life begin.
  29. My parents worried me.
  30. Different to high school, there use the books with English.
  31. Surprisely, the most fast way is singing English song.
  32. I study hardly.
  33. though through Even though
  34. Daniel: my writing teacher
  35. I try speak English.
  36. There have a lot of activities.
  37. We can go to anywhere we want. We can do anything we want.
  38. I just worry my future.
  39. When I get news which I am a university fresh man, I was so happy.
  40. In my class, boys is more than girls. I often try to talk with they.
  41. It is so poor, doesn’t it?
  42. I opened my computer and surfed the Internet.
  43. My biggest problem is late to sleep.
  44. In university, late to sleep is a habit for college students.
  45. I can see many students take a note.
  46. In the new year, I make a wish to myself, that is going to bed early.
  47. Everyone have a dream in childhood, and my dream that is to find a job can afford my everything.
  48. it is too much things have to learn.
  49. My English is poor I can’t know people say what when they are telling .
  50. Someday I can talk everything with Americans.
  51. I feel money isn’t enough to spend.
  52. I wish everything are better than better.
  53. In fact, it is doesn’t enough.
  54. I get poor points all of English tests in senior high school.
  55. We have argust everytime.
  56. Making more nice friends is my mind.
  57. Now, I was studying nursing, but I even can’t sure is this I want.
  58. My biggest problem are studying reporting the power point in the front of everybody in class.
  59. sometime sometimes everytime
  60. However, the fact is not imagined like me.
  61. But the book is wrote by English.
  62. I will study hard more.
  1. Sum up, those problems is my biggest problems in university.
  2. If I faced problems, I will follow this ways to solve it.
  3. Sometimes, there are many things waiting me to do.
  4. I know it is not easy find a balance between family and studying.
  5. I’m major in Japanese now.
  6. Beside, Besides,
  7. I can learning more faster and more interesting.
  8. I really hope the teachers can try this ways in sometimes.
  9. Then, I believe that I will have a fun, interesting and full college lifes.
  10. I don’t understand you, and you not realize me.
  11. In university I would be more freedom than before.
  12. Though I have many friends, but I can’t found out one of friend use the true heart to me. It let me feel so down.
  13. Many people says that studying in university is easy, but I don’t think so.
  14. And just a few days age, my grandfather get sick harding.
  15. I can’t control my money well, so sometime I’ll spend too much.
  16. If we have unhappy things, it always makes me sad and have no heart to learning.
  17. From born to now,
  18. I have much problems.
  19. If I could not solve this problem, I will not success at all. So I persuade myself don’t think too much.
  20. Even I study English for many years, I can’t using English conversation well.
  21. English plays and important role in society even the globe. We can’t disappear its exist.
  22. I have a lot of friends but they don’t realize me.
  23. Those is my problems.
  24. Because this ground,
  25. So afterward, I choice two ways to solve this problem.
  26. I tell them I want to study, please them to turn down the tune or whisper in the room.
  27. I also thank my roommates.
  28. Time of sleep not enough is my biggest problem.
  29. There have some things that we should take care.
  30. In my person views that how to easy to get a good job in the future is my biggest problem in university.
  31. I am afraid of my future that couldn’t find my way.
  32. I have ever thinking a lot of what can I do and what can’t I to do.
  33. how can I choiced.
  34. Althought,
  35. I still believed that the chances always saved to prepared person.
  36. I am not funy.
  37. I won’t share my ideal. I won’t told friends anything about me.
  38. I don’t what what can I doing.
  39. I don’t know how to using time.
  40. I have many problem in university.
  41. I want to try any new things.
  42. I really very tired, but I feel that I am a life!
  43. My biggest problem in university is making friends. I was so shy to talk with anyone.
  44. I feel that there is nobody really understands me.
  45. If there is a report have to hand in next week on time and no exception, I must try my hard to finish it beforehand.
  46. University like a small society.
  47. Some people might just because you can do something for them, then they close you. Of course those people not all.
  48. The teacher alway concerned everything about you.
  49. In university, the condition is totally change.
  50. For me, university life is a good opportunity to learn everything.
  51. And most important of all, you learn how to independent, you can take care yourself, and you know how to manage your life.
  52. I have my teachers and friends help me.
  53. I hope that my health can feel better quickly. Because the disease make me don’t sleep good.
  54. At the beginning of being a fresh man I was very scared about everything.
  55. I always worry about my school work. Because nursing technique should practice much times.
  56. I should improve my life habit.
  57. If I can do it, those problems can solve.
  58. Before she had a boyfriend, we were so closest that like as sisters.
  59. After few days, we didn’t say a word to each other and we even didn’t say hello when we met. Those situations let me feel the world just like lace of the sunlight.
  60. I know that if I find methods (to study) I will can learn many different things.
  61. Some people has many problem in their college life, but most people has two common problems are their grade and how to making friends or girl friend.
  62. Get high grade is more easier than making friends or girl friend…… do I.
  63. When I saw a girl who is pretty and charming, and I will very nervous that I can’t said any words to say something to her, so I asked all of my friends who has a girl friend or boy friend for some suggest.
  64. I do not want to being a shy boy.
  65. I have a dream that become a businessman.
  66. I must learn a lot of thing in college.